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Everything posted by Biorn

  1. Nåå skal man lige prøve den nye version af MIUI på min Nexus..

  2. Sorry bout that.. Its not going to interact with other systems.. thanks good.. And every thing is going to be added from the backend, but some data should be dump in the front end. But Im not quite there yet... I have played around with the 'field template context' and its a lot of work.. and Im missing some kind of sub-categories.. The idear is that a 'certificat' have some of those pages, but not all. So I would like to make some kind of head data and then add the pages I need...
  3. Hi all.. Im trying to do a kind of "certificat" manager. Its a lot of input fields, and I need them inserted into a db, and be recalled again.. Looks something like this: http://h0m3.chrisb.dk/certs I really like to make this in processwire, because its the best CMS I have seen.. So, should I make a lot of templates? Or just a lot of fields? Or how should I get into this? Thanks.. // Bjørn
  4. Har forresten sendt min klage til #ErhvervsakademietLillebælt, så ser vi hvad de siger.. Finder mig ikke i den slags anklager!!

  5. Så er man igang med at skrive en klage til #ErhversakademietLillebælt

  6. Om 24 timer er jeg igang med at forsvare min rapport om motivation gennem ledelse. Syntes sgu ikke rigtigt det gider sidde fast det jeg terper. Men hvad faen, jeg skal jo bare snakke, og det kan jeg..

  7. Hi guys... It was some config error in my httpd.conf file.. Its doing some other stuff that I did not know, when you are running the Server extension.. Thanks for the fast reply's.
  8. Så har jeg konkluderet- at lyd og lysbranchen kan render mig resten af mdr.Nu skal der bare printes og indbindes..

  9. Så er man næsten igang igen. Tror vist jeg skal have en morfar efter jeg har leget med brandmanden.

  10. Hi.. Im trying to get ProcessWire up and running, but I keep running into a wall. I configured the Lion server so it handles .htaccess files, and checked if mod_rewrite is there. Im running the installing process og ProcessWire perfectly, but when It comes to the live site and admin part. I keep getting: 404 Not Found from the server.. I think its something with the url rewrite that goes wrong.. I would we happy if some one can point me to a solution, because I really like to try ProcessWire.. (Getting tired og WordPress and Joomla.) Thanks in advance.. Bjørn Christiansen aka ChrisB
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