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Everything posted by cpx3

  1. First, a million thanks. I tried it that way, too, but without success. GET, POST, everything. The only thing I mentioned is the fact, that when I use get the /?name=value part gets deleted. When I use a page outside Processwire, it works perfectly...
  2. it looks like print_r($_GET) and the result is an empty array. The problem occurs only if I use a Processwire page to handle the request.
  3. Hello everybody, I try to send data from a formbuilder form with ajax (to verify a mail address). Everything works fine, but as well $_POST as $_GET are always empty. Any idea what I am doing wrong? $("#Inputfield_email").on("blur", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); // Get the form data as an object var postdata = $("#Inputfield_email").val(); alert(postdata); //Works fine // Send an AJAX request to the server to retrieve the selected format $.ajax({ url: "/ajax/ajax-is-newsletter-subscriber/", type: "GET", data: {daten: postdata}, success: function (result) { // Works fine to, but result (print_r($_GET) is empty alert("OK" + result); } } }); }); EDIT: When I use my own php file which is outside Processwire, everything works fine. So the problem seems to be that the GET and POST data gets deleted on the way.
  4. I talk about the useless additional <p>content</p> wrap. ?
  5. No, it is always. Whenever I paste or write a text in TinyMCE, it adds <p> and </p>...
  6. For me it did not change anything. It starts and ends with a useless <p> that destroys the layout.
  7. I do not think that there is solution as TinyMCE writes that this is a feature and the editor would not work without this annoying behaviour... I wrote a function that deletes the first and the last <p>...
  8. Congrats to your daughter and thanks for letting us participate in that!
  9. @Richard Jedlička Hi Richard, first thanks for the wonderful module which I use on many sites. On one site I now have the problem, that when trying to edit a template I get the error message: No Template specified. Any idea what I am doing wrong?
  10. Hi all, since I updated to the laste dev version of PW I cannot save the "presentation / visibility" of any field on a per template basis. PW pretends to save the changes, but actually they don't get saved. The same the changes do not appear any more in the "Overrides" section. Any idea what I doing wrong? Thanks in advance, Bernhard
  11. Remains actually one more question: as at least me the documentation on that function is simply useless as I do not understand how to use it, could anyone else give me a working example, please?
  12. Hi to all once again with a very strange problem: I have an identical configuration on two live-servers (no localhost). On one of them (which I use for testing purposes) everything works fine. On the other one I get the error message: Exception: Method Pagefile::first does not exist or is not callable in this context (in /html/wire/core/Wire.php line 563), what is especially strange as the image field is set to be an array. Any idea what I am doing wrong? Found the mistake. For whatever reason the field on the production-server was set to single.
  13. @bernhard That looks perfect, thanks!
  14. Hi to all, I would need to create a pagelist with the children of one parent page, but exclude some of the children. I found ProcessPageList find but have no clue how it works (it either lists all the children of home or only shows the page itself). Could anyone help me with an example? Thanks in advance, Bernhard
  15. Thanks for the quick answer! Actually I want to display silbling pages but not all of them…
  16. First, thanks for the lovely module! Is there any possibility to select the pages for the PageList with a selector instead of their parent? I would need for example to show only newsletters that have not been sent now ("checkbox_sent=0").
  17. @Robin SThanks a lot, that was the solution! For whatever reason I had activated access control for that field...
  18. Hi to all, I have a very strange but annoying problem with a checkbox. It usually works fine, but on one page I get different results whether I call the page with Safari or with Google. That means that when the checkbox is checked Safari would return a value of "1" but Chrome would return a value of "0". In the screenshots below you see the value for a checked checkbox in both browsers. How ist this possible?
  19. Whatever I do, it does not work (it shows only the link). I have only this textformatter and the video is public: <p>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciyEItodGOw</p> I have no idea what else could be wrong…
  20. By the way, it looks as if the module would not even touch the source code. There is just the link, exactly like I put it. But I got an entry in the log file, which says: Retrieved embed for: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=… [page:241698, field:bodytext_ck] So the module seems to work (I replaced the v= with dots as otherwise the video appears here.) Any idea what might be going wrong?
  21. I uninstalled an reinstalled everything, but the problem remains. I only see the link, even if I configure the module to hide it…
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