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  1. Thank you so much for this. I lost 4 hours today battling with this problem setting sessions for an iframe on a different domain.
  2. Hey, did you ever find a solution to this? I'm suffering with the same issue and can't find any solution to resolving this across the forum. For context, both sites are using ProcessWire 3.0.229. When I connect to another site on 3.0.210 it works fine. EDIT: Sadly I had to give up on this because I simply could not find the root of the issue - I can connect to other sites without issue but not this particular one. In the end I used file_get_contents and RIPEMD160 to create a hash from the e-mail address used on both sites (plus a secret token). That is working well.
  3. Thanks, I had to check whether I'd ever tried this! Turned out I had, unfortunately it doesn't stop saves being made from the API or front-end, so I think I need to look towards hooks to disabling the key functions like adding, saving and trashing pages.
  4. Hey everyone, I'm looking for advice from anyone who might have built a demo site using ProcessWire with user login. I have a site that's accessible only via login, and I'd like to create a demo for them to browse around. Everything happens in the front-end, so users are already locked out of the admin panel. It uses the API for just about everything in terms of creating/updating/trashing pages. My idea is as follows: Use the users session info to create a user account and pre-fill login data. Let them log-in any browse around, but not make any new/save/trash page actions After 60 mins, run a lazy cron that will delete their temporary account I'm struggling on point #2 and whether there's hooks or similar I might use. Of course I don't want to show errors, so ideally I would define a pop-up via hook to say for example 'Saving is disabled for this demo'. I think I could manage that if I knew what I was targeting! Has anyone done similar? I know the Skyscrapers site disables saving for example. Thank you!
  5. Brilliant talk Bernhard - I picked it up through the PW Weekly over the weekend. You're a great spokesperson for PW on the whole and of course very talented - I use your modules like RockAwesome and RockMailLogger on just about every PW instance. Now I need to learn more about Latte!
  6. @ID Studio Web Agency The whole concept used across the site is beautifully executed. Kudos!
  7. Fantastic work Jonathan, you should be very proud of this project!
  8. I'm looking forward to using your module Bernhard. I have written an application in ProcessWire over the past year, and 3 months into development I started kicking myself for not starting from a multi-site perspective. Now with this I can see a solid workflow for migrations whilst benefiting from keeping users locked in their own instances. Having now read the docs I'm keen to try it out with a single new feature that will require several templates, fields and pages!
  9. I really like your implementation of ingredients as pages, as well as the structure of your recipe template - I've not yet brought RepeaterMatrix into my workflow but now feel I may have wasted a lot of time not doing so! You mentioned a little about SEO text and the first thing that struck me when browsing the recipes is that unlike most recipe blogs the ingredients and recipe is the priority. So many food blogs force you to scroll through walls of text to get to the recipe. I understand it's for SEO, reducing bounce rate and creative writing - but most don't even provide an anchor to the recipe! Great work and I imagine you had a lot of fun building it.
  10. Hello, I've been adapting Soma's great Page Edit Soft Lock module for a project that keeps trusted users editing in the front-end. This works great for the Dialogue editor as it hooks to 'ProcessPageEdit::execute', as in the example below: As well as the dialogue editor, I use inline editing for several CKEditor fields, e.g.: <div edit="events"> <!-- code to output events --> </div> Is there any way to hook into inline editing? Thanks!
  11. This module is 8 years old and it still works beautifully. Kudos Soma!
  12. Thanks for the module PWaddict, very useful for my current use case. I'm building a site with numerous roles, none of which have access to the admin panel as everything is done through the API and front-end editing. I had to enable view access for some templates, so the only 'look-in' to the top level page tree is through a trusted user adding a link in CKEditor fields. It's nice to have a module that focuses simply on the main page tree, so I can still define page reference fields for hidden templates where the role still has view access, and they display fine.
  13. If I'm reading this right, you can do this by creating a page reference and specifying "template=repeater_yourfield". You should be fine in terms of access, but you will want to test using their role if they aren't superusers. If the select box is blank for the user you can use a custom find for the page reference and add 'include=all' or check permissions.
  14. Hello all, I'm having an issue with allowing front-end edit of Users for a non-superuser role. It's an 'administrator' role with most permissions, however it's locked out of the administration panel (aside from through modals and ajax). I've created the appropriate permissions for the user to edit users (under specific roles). If I turn off the redirect out of the admin, the user can view and modify users, yet the edit modal does not open in the front-end. This isn't an issue for the Superuser, and the modal opens fine. Anyone had this issue? Thanks! Edit: On further inspection, I can even access the modal directly in the browser at a URL like the one below: /admin/access/users/edit/?id=1040&fields=display_name,email,user_inactive,photo,bio,location,user_phone&modal=1 It seems the front-end modal just will not trigger, can't see anything in the console either.
  15. This is a fun, simple project I built over the holidays and really goes back to what initially drew me to ProcessWire several years ago after being inspired by Ryan's Skyscrapers Demo. Backwards Compatible allows searching and browsing by various performance related tags and game pages display detailed data on each title. List of modules used: Import Pages by CSV - Essential for this kind of site, the vast majority of data was imported in one CSV upload Procache - Invaluable after an influx of 650k page views in 6 days(!) Form Builder - A simple implementation for monitored page updates and YT video submissions Soma's AjaxSearch Mike Rockett's Sitemap Additional styles/scripts: Bootstrap Grid only for CSS Fancybox.js Tippy.js Commento
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