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Posts posted by Rudy


    Thank you to everyone responded. I am closing this post since it's already been fulfilled.



    We are Adnet Inc., a full service web development/hosting/maintenance company from Vancouver, BC. We're looking for contract front-end developer(s) to implement PW sites.

    PM me to discuss. 

    Rudy Affandi


    • Like 6
  2. @LostKobrakai, when you have a chance, could you test this on your Valet/PW install. 

    do a 

    var_dump(parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH));

    and visit a page that has dash in the segment name.

    on my PW install:

    Original URL: http://my.dev/this-and-that/

    The var_dump output is "-that"

    I ran the same test on my MAMP Pro and Ubuntu server and both comes out as "this-and-that"

    Not sure if it's isolated to my Valet or not.



  3. 1 hour ago, kongondo said:

    Thanks for pinning this down Rudy.

    This function here listens for repeater's events and initialize jQuery Magnific inside a repeater. Tested on my site only though. EDIT: Also need to check if repeater is being used or not.

    // magnific
    	// If repeater field 
    	if ( $('.InputfieldRepeaterAddItem').length ) {
    		//console.log('Repeater is being used');
    		$(document).on('click opened openReady repeateradd', function(){
    	} else {
    		//console.log('Repeater is NOT being used');
    });//end jquery
    // Initialize Magnific
    function initMagnificPopup() {
    		callbacks: {
    			close: function() {
    			// will fire when popup is closed
    				window.location.reload(true);// force parent page refresh on modal close


    • Like 2
  4. The issue is with repeater's ajax dynamic loading. It works fine when ajax option is turned off. If you can find the hook that gets called after the add new repeater child is clicked, you can probably get it to initialize the magnific call after that click.

    I will leave it for now since there is a workaround. I know you've got many things on your checklist ;-)



    • Like 3
  5. Downgraded my site to 2.8.35 and still experienced the issue. A note, the MediaManager field is called inside a repeater, if that makes any different.

    Update: Tested MediaManager on its own (without repeater) and the modal window works fine.

  6. We also use Statamic CMS on some of our clients sites. Statamic uses Redactor 1 and 2. Statamic v2 initially used Redactor 2 as their WYSIWYG editor but reverted back to Redactor 10 (v1) because of various issues.

    Having used both CK Editor and Redactor, I would say it is not worth the time nor money/resources. Redactor is problematic, from both developers and end-users PoV

    • Like 1
  7. Hi all,

    I am currently building a custom membership functionality for a client. Here are the procedure:

    User fills in a membership registration form. Based on the form data, it is supposed to do the following

    • create user, add roles (guest, subscriber OR free-trial)
    • if free-trial, remove/disable user after X number of days
    • if free-trial, add user to mailchimp list in the free-trial segment
    • if subscriber, add user to mailchimp list in the subscriber segment
    • if subscriber, create a new invoice via Freshbooks API and get Freshbooks to charge to user's credit card via Stripe

    My questions:

    • What is the best approach on this? all in one module? or separate tasks into its own module?
    • Are there any existing module(s) that already do these things?



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