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Everything posted by alan

  1. Hey, diogo, you only had a typo, I missed ST2 and Modules Manager; I'm the bad guy here Besides I regard it as a significant compliment to be mixed up with Adam
  2. diogo did you mean "Alan"? If so then yes, I fully accept that status has been sub-rock
  3. No dis' to niutech. On the matter of commercial components Ryan raises; for me, coming from a CMS platform which was excellent in many ways but that had too little focus on the business of sustainability for the project, I welcome what Ryan et al do to develop commercial grade plugins. What they do for the sustainability and health of the PW project is as important to me as the quality of PW. And not unimportantly, from my albeit limited experience, the cost/benefit and quality of Ryan et al's commercial output has been exemplary and puts many commercial-only products I have used to shame.
  4. adamkiss I just installed Soma's Modules Manger and I see a couple of adamkiss Modules listed but not the Flourish Module. Is it me or is it not listed yet? DOH! "This module is currently pending approval and will appear in the directory soon." It's approved!
  5. I must have been living under a rock, I'd totally missed Soma's Modules Manager. Thanks Soma and thanks adamkiss for using it and linking to it.
  6. If adding is something trivial for a future release of ProCache, then this seems like a useful win.
  7. And presumably curl --data "procache=force-save" http://domain.com/path/to/page/ > /dev/null could, for a limited (sane) set of pages be put in a cron on the webserver? DOH! That's what you said. Thanks Ryan!
  8. Thanks Ryan for the explanation and that you'll look at this (although as I suspected and as you note, this is perhaps an edge-case/not an important matter). I wonder if perhaps the solution is not to attempt to have logic do this and/or mess with the clean processes tackled by the Module but instead to use a third-party service (this assumes there is something that needs to be done which as I noted I am not sure there is as the default operation is likely perfect in the real world). But for the sake of argument if I was fixated on ensuring pages were in the cache perhaps the use of a service that could ping pages a service like deadmanssnitch.com would be a better solution. For example having it hourly hit the key pages of a site such as home, contact, faq. I've not used that service and it might be wholly inappropriate for this purpose, but it just came to mind as one possible option. Edit: I think I was mistaken using the link above there, different sort of service I think.
  9. Very impressed. Although PW has never felt slow or close to it this Module makes pages noticeably 'pop', even on a local test env'. A great strategy also for the robust commercial support of ProcessWire; the forms Module is excellent (bought) but of course not all sites need forms; but almost any serious site would consider this Module—Developer licence bought! One question Ryan/clever peeps, does the cron task noted in ProCache Maintenance not only clear out stale pages but also crawl the site so each page is cached ensuring the first page impression of any page by a visitor will be from cache, rather than the second and all subsequent visits? If not, could this safely be added as part of the cron?
  10. Great addition to the already mighty PW offering, congratulations and thanks Ryan!
  11. Tks Soma. I am *sure* I tried ST2 a long time ago and simply didn't try to see how it worked (it didn't impress me with the prettiness of Coda). But this time I watched the video that's liked to and finally 'got it'. It's unbeatable and I've not even used it in a proper project yet.
  12. ST2 has slain me. I wasted my money (sorry Panic) on Coda 2.
  13. Yes diogo, thanks, I certainly implied that which I hadn't meant to, thanks for clarifying that
  14. Related (by who makes Flourish; Will Bond), I am in the process of being smitten by a new (to me) code editor, Sublime Text 2. Although people's needs and tastes vary I thought I would note this down in case anyone else finds it handy (I should likely be posting this somewhere else, sorry). In short: ST2 is so much more than I had at first thought and addresses the real pain when trying to get Coda 2, for example, to do a little more, like Zen Coding/Emmet—yes it can be coerced to do that but it feels bleeding edge, not normal. Expanding and customizing ST2 on the other hand feels natural. In danger of writing a whole video's worth of copy I'll stop and just note two links: I got intrigued about ST2 here the eloquent Jeffrey Way totally convinced me here (this is a free, full video course) Mood: excited; PW, ST2 and just-subscribed tutsplus.com training. PS: Had more info on SFTP from the clever Mr Bond but that'll have to wait for a blogpost. Better make one (in PW!)
  15. @thatigibbyguy I clearly remember being like you (no PHP) and I am still quite a PHP lite-weight. Luckily by the time I came to PW I had some PHP behind me because it meant I mostly had to only focus on PW. But all I can say is that I am SO glad I spent some time getting the basics of PHP because it's allowed me to use PW which I've found to be the best CMS I've ever used, no contest. And using it has lead to learn more PHP due to the excellent and helpful examples in this forum. In case it helps, these two are resources that you'll either already know of or if not may be good places to get more PHP mojo: http://phpmaster.com/ and of course http://php.net/. Good luck!
  16. Not tried it yet, but this may be of interest http://adaptive-images.com/ as it is to do with images in responsive design even though it is not strictly to do with responsive images.
  17. @Joss I like the idea of playing golf to cure the cache thing But actually that stackexchange solution looks like it would neatly solve this problem. @soma do you mean this module? http://modules.processwire.com/modules/textformatter-image-tags/ If so then that looks interesting but can it be used to allow alignment and size changes in the same easy/visual way as if I insert an image in-line? I hear what you are saying about clients making pages look bad though. I suppose a lot comes down to who edits the content.But ruling out adding images in a textarea feels to me a little like too draconian a solution. For me coming from a CMS where there was NO visual representation of how copy looked until it was saved and viewed on the front end I find my ability to see copy roughly as it will be when rendered very helpful indeed. Perhaps if an field image could have designer-controlled limits as to the width it would allow images to be rendered and maybe defaulted to align_right(?) etc then that could help non-technical copy editors avoid a majority of simple design-hurting mistakes while not loosing the real benefits already noted?
  18. I like that idea. My inspiration was an aspect of Textpattern where images may be centrally stored and then referenced by an ID when used. That allowed the actual image to be replaced without updating the ID and so allowed for easy image replacement. I think your idea sounds ideal. Re: the cache issue, perhaps the solution could be that use of this setting for an image field would henceforth cause the value returned as the src URL for the field to be the URL but with a query string appended. There is some debate over there as to the string to append; it seems to me to make sense that something like a unix timestamp for when the field's content was changed would be ideal, then it would (I think) force most browsers to re-get the image only when it's actually changed.
  19. I have an image field with setting 'Maximum files allowed' set to 1 (in case that's relevant). I drop an image in it and save and then use that image in a textarea field when editing copy (with TinyMCE if relevant). But is there a neat way to replace such an image for a new version? Right now I am dropping in a new image and saving except then the textarea shows a placeholder space not the image which makes sense as the original is gone but if I select the placeholder and click the image icon in the TinyMCE toolbar then I get an error (saying the image is gone) rather than an opportunity to choose the new version. I know I can delete the image placeholder in the copy and add the new one but then I loose stuff like any alignment or size settings. Anyone know if there is a neater way to perform the replacement of images?
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