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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. Excellent new features for FormBuilder, Ryan!! Great work! Keep doing videos, they are very informative! Thanks!
  2. True, but a favicon is an external asset in the markup and PW does not know anything about it :) And the theme has a documentation.
  3. Hi Varun. Welcome to the forums! This is not the right place for asking support for that theme, but here's what I found in its FAQ (http://seavuel.com/#faq):
  4. Yes! And there's this Tailwind CSS IntelliSense VS Code extension that's excellent: https://github.com/bradlc/vscode-tailwindcss
  5. I couldn't say it better than @LostKobrakai did. Thank you! I can only suggest that anyone interested should try Tailwind on a small project to see how it's for real, it's difficult to see its benefits without trying. After you memorize the classes your speed creating layouts will increase a lot.
  6. To complement what @teppo said, here's a post by Adam Wathan, one of the creators of Tailwind CSS, that made me want to test the framework. I was skeptical at first but after I built my first project using it, I was hooked. https://adamwathan.me/css-utility-classes-and-separation-of-concerns/
  7. I prefer to change the pagination style on _init.php, or _func.php, for instance, to use Tailwind classes, using Ryan's modified example:
  8. Sure thing, @kongondo! Let's move it to its own topic, please.
  9. I once spent 2 days trying to configure my modem and my Sound Blaster drivers on Slackware. What a pain :). Nowadays is much easier indeed, but not perfect. I can't work on Linux full time because I need to use Adobe products almost everyday and unfortunately the there's no better workflow than running them on Windows or MacOS.
  10. No problem! When I have some time here I'm planning to build a site profile using Tailwind CSS so more people can see how it can be integrated with PW. Using both the CDN version, which gzipped is around 60kb and using brotli compression goes down to less than 20kb and the webpack installation I mentioned. :)
  11. That's a good question, I still need to figure out all the details. PurgeCSS lets you whitelist patterns, not just classes, so I usually use js- on my classes that will be handled only by javascript. Also, you can extract from .js files as well, or any other extension if you create your own extractor, and also set `/* purgecss ignore */` on a css file to ignore all classes bellow it.
  12. The easiest way I've found is to use Laravel Mix with two plugins, Laravel Mix Tailwind and Laravel Mix PurgeCSS to reduce file size by going through all php templates. But note, the website is not running the purged version yet, as I'm working on some configs on javascript generated classes and classes set by the user via admin (using RepeaterMatrix). But I also reduced manually Tailwinds output by using just a few colors and removing other pieces. Take a look on my webpack.mix.js file: And here goes Tailwind Config file. Note: I'm using Tailwind earlier version (prior to 1.0). Will upgrade it when possible, but it works just fine.
  13. Thank you! The module is this one by @David Karich https://modules.processwire.com/modules/page-hit-counter/
  14. It was like that on the previous version and I didn't implemented it yet on the new. Some small details like that I'm still working on. For instance, just upload a change do add PMI's logo at the top nav (the CEO requested it).
  15. Tailwind CSS Framework, a utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs This thread is a place for ProcessWire developers who use (or would like to use) Tailwind CSS to share their experience, tips, frustrations , solutions, code snippets and generally discuss all things tailwind. From the creators of Tailwind CSS Moderator note: the first few posts in this topic were split from this thread. ########################## Thanks, @apeisa! Yes, Tailwind is awesome! Responsive classes are a clever idea indeed, much easier to work with. The authors did an excellent job and keep improving it. Some people may feel a little sceptical, but I fell in love with it the moment I built my first project. Although nowadays I work alone, I believe that Tailwind makes work between a frontend and backend developers much easier because it makes the HTML more declarative and you can grasp what the classes mean in a glimpse.
  16. Forgot to mention that as I had little time to create this new version, I built the front-end using UIKit to harness its Javascript power but the main design is made using Tailwind CSS as I can build an interface much quicker using it. I became a huge fan of it. Still need to do some code cleanup, replacing uikit's classes on some elements, but had to ship it this way.
  17. Hello folks! Recently we published a new website for Brightline, a Project Management Institute (PMI) initiative together with leading global organizations dedicated to helping executives bridge the expensive and unproductive gap between strategy design and delivery. The previous website was made in Hugo as in the beginning it was a very simple website, but as the business needs changed, I decided to build this version in ProcessWire. Nothing fancy occurs behind the curtains, the need was more on getting some data in a way that makes it easier to create reports and to give access to PW's great admin to another team member. For the other website, that you can see here, I didn't implement a CMS on top of Hugo because for me it was quicker to edit the files and push to the repository. Some content is still being copied but 98% is done. A quick list of modules used: - ProCache, FormBuilder, ProFields, SeoMaestro, PageHits, TracyDebugger, MenuBuilder, AutoSmush, and other custom ones. I'm biased, but there a lot of good and useful content created by us and also by partners and all is free to download. :)
  18. This is so good! I need to study hooks more deeply. :)
  19. I had one of my sites affected and Cloudflare implemented a fix after this 30 min that fixed it. But there were remaining things to fix after that. The site is hosted in the US and accessed it in Portugal. Not sure then why ProcessWire.com was affected.
  20. This was a Cloudflare problem worldwide that last half an hour.
  21. Confession bear meme on tests: I'm a virgin. Never implemented any of them, mostly because I work alone for many years now. But found this cool project today, called Cypress. This is the easiest way to test a website or app I've found. Check their intro video out: https://docs.cypress.io/guides/getting-started/writing-your-first-test.html Note: I recommend this Chrome extension to speed up videos: https://github.com/igrigorik/videospeed as the narration of this video is kinda slow. ?
  22. Hi @David Karich! Many thanks! I'll update, test and let you now ASAP.
  23. public function ready() { $this->pages->addHookAfter('added', function ($event) { $p = $event->arguments[0]; if ($p->template->name === "order") { // accessing page reference fields here doesn't work } }); } You forgot to check for the template name.
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