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Everything posted by psy

  1. Thanks for the tips netcarver. Will compare the headers 🙂 I had "Content-Type" then looked into WireHTTP.php where it's listed everywhere in lowercase, eg: <?php public function post($url, $data = array(), array $options = array()) { if(!isset($this->headers['content-type'])) $this->setHeader('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8'); return $this->send($url, $data, 'POST', $options); }
  2. I'm trying to post json data to an endpoint with: <?php $http = new WireHttp(); $http->setHeaders([ 'X-Auth-Token' => 'XXXXXX', 'Accept'=> 'application/json', 'content-type' => 'application/json' ]); $myEndPoint = "https://myendpoint.com/api"; $params = [ 'parent_id' => 0, 'name' => "My Name", 'is_visible' => false ]; $paramsJSON = json_encode($params); $http->setData($paramsJSON); $response = $http->post($myEndPoint); if($http->getError()) { echo "HTTP request failed: " . $http->getError(); $this->die; } //..... } It fails every time no matter how I present the $params with: HTTP request failed: 400 Bad Request:. It works successfully when I post through Postman app. The endpoint & headers are correct and used successfully elsewhere with $http->get Help to fix much appreciated.
  3. Have you set up your local URL's on the Home page 'Settings' tab, url fields ? It's usual to use the ISO Language (not Country) codes, eg 'de' for 'German'.
  4. An alternative approach using native PW is to make your titles the shorter version and use a field, eg 'headline' for the lengthy version. In your templates use: <h1><?=$page->get('headline|title')?></h1> This will output the headline if it's available and if not, the title. You can then also use the shorter version in front end menus, etc. In the admin page list, it will default to the shorter 'title' field. If you need the front end page URL to be the longer version for SEO, you could add a hook in templates/ready.php, eg (untested): <?php $wire->addHookBefore('Pages::saved', function(HookEvent $event) { $page = $event->arguments(0); // ensure it meets the requirements if (empty($page->headline) || $page->template !== 'your-template-name') return; // regenerate the page url from the headline field $page->url = wire('sanitizer')->pageName('headline'); // Populate back arguments $event->arguments(0, $page); }); And another way.... In your template, Advanced tab, under "List of fields to display in the Admin Page List", simply enter {name-of-your-shorter-field}
  5. Bump My site has 17 languages and I'm getting this error too when adding a new language
  6. Hi @Sebi Would you please give some actual code examples? I've tried all sorts of variations and if I manage to get a response, it's always in the default lang (English), eg: Thanks for all the work you've done with AppApi and the add-on modules. Hope you can help. Cheers psy SOLVED (almost!) In _init.php: In my page template javascript: In my AppApi custom class to make it multi-language: Everything seems to work fine EXCEPT when using AppApiPage on the home page. The response is still always in the default language.
  7. Tip for the unwary... My admin site's default lang is 'en' - just happens as per install. Was surprised to see that the new TinyMCE inputfield menus etc defaulted to Russian 🤔. Solution: When configuring Modules -> InputfieldTinyMCE, ensure your 'default' lang is set to the correct lang code, eg "en-US"
  8. @DV-JF it was running 3.0.200 and I upgraded to the latest dev 3.0.207 I also changed line 845 in PagesLoader.php to confirm if $options is an array: $options = is_array($options) && count($options) ? array_merge($defaults, $options) : $defaults; Switched the site back to PHP8 and it's working again. @ryan fyi
  9. It worked before and now not 🤔 The web server was recently upgraded to PHP8 and I know PHP8 is much stricter on argument typing than previous PHP versions, and this blip resulted in a Server 500 error: 2022-11-16 14:56:21 guest https://xxxxxxx.com/api/ Fatal Error: Uncaught TypeError: count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, string given in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/wire/core/PagesLoader.php:845 The code was a 'page get' selector request in an ajax call. It all worked before the PHP update and I'm sure there are others using $pages->get() without issues on PHP8. $pages->get("id=". $sanitizer->int($data->pid)) I also tried it without the "id=". I think the problem is more that $options is a string in the line in the PagesLoader.php: <?php $options = count($options) ? array_merge($defaults, $options) : $defaults; Any ideas on how to fix? Thanks, psy Solution Changed line 845 in PagesLoader.php to confirm $options is an array and the site worked again. $options = is_array($options) && count($options) ? array_merge($defaults, $options) : $defaults;
  10. On many of my sites I have a page for business information which includes: toggle for site down for maintenance or live combo field for business name, address, phone, email, contact name, etc functional field for common phrases The combo field is great in this scenario. The data is fairly static and I only need to add the one combo field for a bunch of 'sub' information, bits of which may be used throughout the site. The alternative is to create a fieldset with individual fields, all of which would only be used in a single template and have one entry per field.
  11. Hi @Jan Romero The PW docs refer to language codes. I didn't realise language codes and country codes were slightly different. Solution discovered by trial and error, and ironically, Google's Search help. Initially the warning only appeared when that lang page loaded, but once done so, the whole site had "Dangerous" in the browser address bar. Refreshing using the default lang cleared the message.
  12. This is my first multi-lang site and client, bless his cotton socks, has chosen to have the site in at least 10 languages. Have figured out many things but Chrome is not playing nice. The default lang is English UK (lang url code is 'default' or 'gb'). On some langs, esp English US (lang url code is 'en-us') and Japanese (lang url code 'jp'), it's flagging the pages as "dangerous - could be phishing". All works fine in Firefox. Questions: 1. How to stop Google flagging valid lang pages as dangerous? ANSWER: Use the language code NOT the country code in the URL, eg English US = en-us (not just 'us') and Japanese = ja (not 'jp'). 2. On langs that don't follow the 'English' convention of text LTR, how do I set alternatives in the HMTL? eg Japanese is 'top to bottom, right to left'. Have done what I can in the CSS using logical properties (eg margin-block-start, padding-inline-end, etc) ANSWER: Add the language name as a class in the body tag then set the writing mode in CSS, eg: /* japanese */ body.japanese { writing-mode: vertical-rl; min-height: auto; overflow-x: auto; } HTH psy
  13. Being able to download full-scale images, including SVG's, directly from an admin->page-edit->images field via a single click on an icon would be a great feature
  14. Not sure I fully understood thei issue but I'd use dev tools to identify the element rule, then add the download icon to :before or :after styling in your custom CSS after SCSS compilation
  15. So, after 5+ years of being a ProcessWire dev, I've bagged my first multi-lang project. Be prepared for questions 🤣
  16. @BrendonKoz Container queries have been on the CSS agenda for a long time. At present the @container rule has limited browser support but it's definitely on its way. See https://caniuse.com/?search=%40container
  17. @maddmac glad the module still works ? It doesn't do anything except create new pages as per the criteria set in the module config. The new pages are simply pages - you can then query whatever you wish as normal. The module only has one method which adds a Hook Event after a page is saved.
  18. Seems to be a problem with namespaces. Try adding namespace ProcessWire to the template: <?php namespace ProcessWire; include '<?php echo $config->urls->templates ?>stripe-php/init.php'; //require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Stripe\Stripe; Stripe\Stripe::setApiKey('xxxxxxxxx');
  19. Just a thought... maybe change it to findJoin and add the task.tast_status field to ensure it's included in the query? https://processwire.com/api/ref/pages/find-join/
  20. @millipedia So with you on that! Took time to actually learn CSS, and while it's constantly changing, decided to to lose the "Sara Lee" approach - layer upon layer upon layer. Spent far too much time overriding framework defaults instead of actually doing stuff. Now I use SCSS to combine global resets, default classes, colours etc then add small per template or component stylesheets. Same for any per template JS. In the supply-chain world this is referred to as "just in time" vs "just in case"
  21. ? @cb2004 Needed the exact same thing recently and read through the docs, trial & error and came up with the same solution. Should have known to search the forum
  22. Apologies if this has been answered before. Great module and too many questions/anwsers TLDR... While I love that 'levels' is available, it applies only to <li> elements. I've created a multi-level CSS Only menu that's responsive for both for 'touch' and 'hover' devices. The nightmare was CSS specificity. CSS doesn't cater for 'parent' - it's in the name! How can I add a 'level' class to <ul> elements in the options or via a hook?
  23. @opalepatrick not in my experience. One thing to check is to ensure you have the ampersand at the front of @file_get_contents to ensure it's by reference.
  24. @bernhard Normally I use MarkupSimpleNavigation and cache each 'page' menu with the appropriate 'active' class set. This menu is so small I decided only to cache the PageArray then output to the front end using a foreach loop and test to see if the page was 'active' and add the CSS class accordingly in the template. Wanted to bring it to attention in case it's a 'gotcha' for others working with custom page classes and cache. ?
  25. Loving the custom page classes but I ran into an issue. I wanted to cache the main navigation items to save DB calls. Set up is: site/classes/HomePage.php site/classes/BasicPagePage.php and templates: basic-page.php home.php In _init.php: <?php namespace ProcessWire; // Get the nav items and save them to a cache /* This crashes with Error message: User Error Exception: Can't cache multiple page types together: HomePage, BasicPagePage (in /home/xxxxx/xxxxxx/wire/core/WireCache.php line 954) */ $menuItems = $cache->get('menuItems', 3600, function() { $pp = wire('pages'); $items = $pp->find("id=1|1028|1031|1029"); // Home, Gallery, Testimonials, Contact return $items; }); bd($menuItems); // Without saving to cache works fine $items = $pages->find("id=1|1028|1031|1029"); // Home, Gallery, Testimonials, Contact bd($items);
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