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Everything posted by Andy

  1. DaCha is a water sports center in Egypt and a hotel. https://surfdacha.com/en/ Multi-language. The backend implements the management of customer reservations and bookings. Naturally, the website is made on ProcessWire. UiKit 3 layout Modules: LoginRegisterPro, Cookie Management Banner, Map Marker, FrontendForms, Markup Sitemap XML, Video embed for YouTube (and Vimeo), Tracy Debugger. The backend implements the management of customer reservations and bookings.
  2. Hi @ryan console log shows js?key=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:175 As of February 21st, 2024, google.maps.Marker is deprecated. Please use google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement instead. At this time, google.maps.Marker is not scheduled to be discontinued, but google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement is recommended over google.maps.Marker. While google.maps.Marker will continue to receive bug fixes for any major regressions, existing bugs in google.maps.Marker will not be addressed. At least 12 months notice will be given before support is discontinued. Please see https://developers.google.com/maps/deprecations for additional details and https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/advanced-markers/migration for the migration guide.
  3. [SOLVED] The source of the error has been found. There were two closing </body> tags in the HTML layout. This caused the JS script to be called twice.
  4. Thank You @Juergen I'm too inattentive. Was looking for the answer in the documentation and didn't look at the module settings. Thanks. Now I have another problem. After installing the new version of Frontendforms 2.1.77 a captcha error comes up when submitting a form. That's what happens after a call And I have captcha disabled. $form->disableCaptcha();
  5. Hello @Juergen I continue to explore your excellent module. And I have a few more questions. Here is the error from the console. In continuation to this, I would like to know how I can disable the addition of frontendforms.css and frontendforms.js on all pages of the site? I'm only willing to add these calls myself to the page where I have the form in use. I can see that you are working hard on this project. Thank you very much.
  6. Hello @Juergen Thank you for your quick and complete response. Regarding the captchaimage.php file. I think we should add a couple of lines about this in the Quick Start documentation section. "During installation, you will need to write the captchaimage.php file to the root folder. You can change permissions on this folder for the time of module installation. Or write the captchaimage.php file to the root folder and allow the system to update it." Another way is to change the functionality of the module installer. Check if it is possible to write captchaimage.php to the root folder. And if it is not possible, send a message to the user: "No access to root folder. Move the file /site/modules/FrontendForms/Formelements/Captcha/captchaimage.php to the root folder yourself." Yours Andy
  7. Hello @Juergen Thanks for the quick response. Yes, this feature now is working. But I immediately have a question - how to remove some IP from this list? I am testing your module now and see what a great job you have done. I will try to help you with debugging. Another problem occurred when updating your module. Warning: copy(/var/www/htdocs/minotaur/htdocs/captchaimage.php): Failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/htdocs/minotaur/htdocs/wire/core/WireFileTools.php on line 282 I have the root folder locked from writing. That's not safe. Are you sure that captchaimage.php should be in the root folder? Another small find. In example /site/modules/FrontendForms/Examples/contactform.php $accept = new \FrontendForms\InputCheckbox('accept'); $accept->setLabel('I accept the data privacy'); $accept->setRule('required')->setCustomMessage('You have to accept the data privacy'); $accept->setRule('accepted'); $form->add($accept); $accept->setRule('accepted'); Incorrect construction. You must use a different function for checked. $accept->setChecked(); Best regards. Yours Andy
  8. Hi @Juergen I try test your best module with PHP 8.3.18 And I found some mistake. It happened when I wanted to see the details of a blocked address. System env
  9. I see a very handy module. When I have a lot of different open projects, it can be hard to figure out what you have open at the moment. I wanted to do something like this myself. But my hands did not come to the matter. Thank you very much @BitPoet However, I would like to mention one more important parameter. I would like the tab icon to change its color as well. This will be visible by the color of the tab in the browser on which development is taking place. I also have different icons for frontend and backend. This is convenient for clients in a running project. Such a method can be easily implemented in ready.php $page->addHookAfter('render', function($event) { $template = $event->object->template; if ($template == 'admin') { $event->return = str_replace("<title>", "<link rel='icon' type='image/png' href='/img/backend_favicon.png'><title>", $event->return); } });
  10. @bernhard I think it's a great job. Thank you so much for showing how it works from the inside.
  11. Hi @Stefanowitsch You have done a great project. I too have found the modules from @bernhard to be very speedy. I am looking forward to your new projects.
  12. Hi @rst For some reason in PHP8+, the coordinate values default to the empty string. You can fix the module code and hard-code their values to float. Until @ryan fixes it. if( ((string) round($lat, $precision)) != ((string) round((float)$this->defaultLat, $precision)) || ((string) round($lng, $precision)) != ((string) round((float)$this->defaultLng, $precision))) { I've requested changes to the https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/FieldtypeMapMarker
  13. Oh, yes, it is. I'll have to be more careful. Thank you.
  14. Hi @bernhard I can't connect to the website. Blank page only.
  15. Hello @Juergen Thank You. I am amazed at the speed with which you implement what you have in mind.
  16. @Juergen I wish I had gotten to this part of the documentation. The examples always help me. Thanks. There are some good choices here. By the way, the documentation is very well written.
  17. Hi @Juergen Thanks for this module. I can see that a great and good job has been sold. The main problem why I still use custom forms is the date picker. The first problem is to set the range of acceptable times to specify. The second is to inform the user of a date error if the range is still not respected. You do realize that both POST and GET are not perfect. The other case is when the user needs to specify a range of a start date and an end date. There are more error options here. There is also a variant when dates are linked. For example, after specifying the first date, the second date can be as much as two weeks later. Usually such collisions are solved with jQuery. I looked at your module documentation and didn't see any examples with dates. Maybe you have a similar functionality, but I would like to see an example.
  18. @Joachim First, you should check the PHP configuration. To do this you have to run a command in the program code - phpinfo(); The PHP configuration page should have this block: The version numbers may vary. This picture is just an example. If not, ask your hosting provider to compile PHP with the ZIP library.
  19. @Juergen Thank you for your reply. How much you need to add avatar images to your profile depends on the format of your project. In my projects, this is a fairly common feature. I use LoginRegisterPro, which @ryan suggests. There, adding an image doesn't give you any image editing functionality. But you don't really need it either, as there are a lot of image editing programs on the fly right now.
  20. Hi @benbyf Perhaps you should check out this forum thread: Try it if you've already upgraded to PHP 8
  21. @LAPS I too use LPR to add pictures to user profile. Usually the user's image files are in the user's folder. As example: https://mysite.pw/site/assets/files/41/cot.jpg And such pictures are available to everyone, unless you specify otherwise. You can change this behavior in the user template by enabling access control.
  22. @LAPS Use the user page as a normal page. Any user fields can be shown if you have not set a ban in the template. <?php $usr = $users->get('id='.$user_id); if(empty($usr->photo)){ echo "Photo empty"; }else{ echo "<img src='",$usr->photo->httpUrl,"' />"; } ?>
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