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Robin S

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Everything posted by Robin S

  1. Tracked the problem down to any field roles field having access restrictions for the role. It's possible to get the listers working again by checking the "Make field value accessible from API even if not viewable" option, but still seems like a bug to me so issue filed at GitHub. Edit: perhaps not a serious bug now I have discovered the issue only stems from access restriction on the roles field.
  2. When attempting to change the field dropdown on any lister (e.g. Users section, Find), users with a non-superuser role just get a spinner. Looking in the browser console I can see: .../access/users/?InputfieldSelector=opval&field=name&type=&name=filters 503 (Service Unavailable) The role has the page-lister permission. Superuser can use the listers normally. Any ideas what can cause this?
  3. v0.0.2 - follows better module naming conventions. https://github.com/Toutouwai/ProcessHotKeySearch/ I've become aware of an issue when using the hot keys in Page Edit where the page has unsaved changes. On hitting enter on a selected search result the unsaved changes popup is bypassed - not by the selected result URL but by the fallback behaviour of the search box itself, which navigates to "/page/search/?q=..." Am trying to find a solution to this. Any suggestions welcome. Fixed now in v0.0.3
  4. I made a little module to address this issue.
  5. My first module release. GitHub: https://github.com/Toutouwai/HotkeySearch ProcessWire module that adds configurable hot keys for easier use of the admin search via the keyboard. Uses Mousetrap for key bindings. Module provides two hot key bindings: Jump to and focus admin search input. Also handy for quickly getting to the admin menu tabs when they have scrolled outside the viewport. If you change your mind, tab out of the search input and press the hot key again and the viewport will jump back to your previous scroll position. Uses 's' key by default. Trigger link for focused search result. If you use the arrow keys to highlight a search result this hot key allows you to trigger the link from the keyboard. Uses 'enter' key by default. The hot keys are configurable in the module settings. Hot keys only fire when you are not inside an input, textarea or select. This module is only intended for use with the default admin theme. Admin Theme Reno already binds the up arrow key for closing the search input and doesn't show a visual highlight for search results focused via the keyboard so the module would be less useful there. Much credit goes to Soma's AdminHotKeys module. As an aside, I'm don't know if the admin search was meant to allow result links to be triggered with the enter key by default. I noticed a Javascript error when focusing search results but not sure if that's to blame.
  6. The admin search is great because I find it the fastest way to move around admin. But is it possible to select a result from the list via keyboard only? When results are showing I can move the highlight up and down with the arrow keys but Enter does not navigate to the selected item. Is there some other key that does this? I use the default admin theme and I'm a Windows + Firefox user if that matters. Edit: there is a Javascript error associated with the search module which may be the cause of the Enter key not working as expected.
  7. Thanks, all solved now as per the edit to my post. Just needed to uncheck "Enable Test Mode" in the module config.
  8. This is the first time I've used WireMail and WireMail Mailgun and I'm having a problem where mail is showing as delivered in the Mailgun logs but nothing appears in my inbox, or in spam folder. Solved: see edit below If someone can confirm I've followed the installation and setup correctly... 1. Open account at Mailgun, choosing domain mg.mydomain.com 2. Set up TXT, CNAME and MX records for mg.mydomain.com at domain registrar, according the values provided by Mailgun. Mailgun verifies these records are set correctly. 3. Installed WireMail Mailgun module 4. Configured WireMail Mailgun module, filling out all fields. Unchecked "Disable cURL SSL Check". Default Sender Email Address: no-reply@mg.mydomain.com (does this need to be an address where there is an actual mailbox to receive replies?) 5. Tried to send test message by putting the following in a template file and viewing from frontend: $mail = wireMail(); $mail->to('myaddress@gmail.com')->from('no-reply@mg.mydomain.com'); $mail->subject('Testing Mailgun'); $mail->body( 'Just testing.' ); $mail->send(); In the Mailgun dashboard I can see entries in the log for mg.mydomain.com like Test delivered: no-reply@mg.mydomain.com → myaddress@gmail.com 'Testing Mailgun' But no mail arrives to me. Mailgun does not show any bounces or errors. The label "Test delivered" makes me wonder - is Mailgun in some sort of test mode? I'm not using the sandbox feature. Looked for entries in /site/assets/logs/mailgun.txt but no such log exists. Is that normal? Any help much appreciated. Edit: I obviously should have looked more closely at the module config. Maybe this should be unchecked by default? Yeah, excuses, excuses...
  9. I have a date-only field configured as below and its unformatted value returns as a timestamp.
  10. @adrian, when used in a selector, doesn't a datetime field return the unformatted value, i.e. a timestamp? So it should be okay to compare it with a supplied timestamp. Also, as I've been learning recently, you can use relative time words directly in a $pages->find() selector (but not in PageArray filter selectors) $allNews = $page->children("template=news, date<=now"); // edit: this doesn't work Edit: ha, and now that I pay attention I see that of course that isn't a $pages->find() selector, so would need be written differently to have the minor convenience of using relative time in the selector : $allNews = $pages->find("parent=$page, template=news, date<=now");
  11. @Soma, What do you think about adding an option to prepend the Home page (just that single page) besides the "show_root" => true option? The problem I'm finding with show_root is that it cancels the usefulness of using a PageArray for the root page argument. Take this example: $nav = $modules->get("MarkupSimpleNavigation"); $main_sections = $pages->find("parent=1, template=foo"); $nav_options = array( "show_root" => true ); $menu = $nav->render($nav_options, null, $main_sections); Here I want to use a PageArray for my menu root items rather than craft a long selector to match those pages and all children of those pages. But I also want a link to the Home page in the menu. When I add "show_root" => true I also get every descendant of the Home page, which effectively cancels out my root pages selection.
  12. Thanks, Github issue here: #1811
  13. @BitPoet, thanks, your module works well in PW 2.7.3 Feel like extending it with an unpublish button for published users? :grin:
  14. @adrian, in the thread you linked to you say Do you mean that this is actually the correct/desirable behaviour for an empty checkbox and therefore it is not a bug that checkbox!=1 does not match pages with empty checkboxes? Soma's Github issue is worded a bit differently so am thinking of opening a new issue, but just want to confirm that checkbox!=1 is expected to match an empty checkbox.
  15. I don't think this step is necessary. Checking the page source of the Edit Page screen to see the rendered CKEditor config is revealing. For your CKEditor field: Edit Field > Input > Plugins > Remove Plugins Delete 'magicline' if it is shown here.
  16. Hi Louis, This is a strange one. I did some testing (as opposed to just writing code in the browser like I did previously) and it seems the problematic part of the selector is: includeFooter!=1 I took this construction from a post here on the forum that suggests that this matches unchecked checkboxes but for some reason this doesn't seem to work. This works: includeFooter=0 and this: includeFooter='' But the weird thing is that neither 0 nor '' equals 1 so I don't understand why the !=1 construction doesn't work. Maybe someone can explain this.
  17. Thanks @mr-fan, I'm familiar with that thread and I am activating users via an email link. But in principle I think unpublished/published users is the ideal way to have users in an inactive/active state. That's what the published status of a page is for, so it shouldn't be necessary to add a new field for the same purpose. And it also has the benefit of preventing login and view access for unvalidated user accounts without the need for additional logic in login functions and page templates.
  18. Thanks for the module! Another approach to inherit the values of parent page fields: $foo = $page->foo ?: $page->closest("foo!=''")->foo; So if field "foo" is empty for the current page $foo gets the value of the closest parent in which field "foo" is not empty. Not to say this is as flexible as your module approach though.
  19. Solved now - $sanitizer->textarea works just fine with no options needed. I just couldn't see the line breaks because I put the plain text message in WireMail's bodyHTML.
  20. When using basic WireMail I'm looking for a way to convert the HTML message to a plain text version while keeping line breaks. For example, I want: <h1>She sells seashells</h1> <p>On the sea shore.</p> ...to become... She sells seashells On the sea shore. I thought one of the sanitizer methods might help out here and I've tried a few things with the "newlineReplacement" option for $sanitizer->textarea but no luck yet. Any suggestions?
  21. Users are pages, but in the Users section of the admin there isn't the same support for unpublished users as for unpublished pages. When users register on the frontend I set their status to unpublished until their email address is validated (thanks to a suggestion in the forums from Soma). But while users are unpublished it isn't possible to make edits to their profile via admin because there is no "Save and keep unpublished" button like there is for other pages. To save changes in admin the user must become published. Also, there is no ability to unpublish a user from admin. This would be a useful option if a user account needs to be suspended rather than deleted. Edit: another small thing that would be nice to have is for the user list to honour the useHoverActions config preference for PageList. I keep hovering on the user list and then I remember I have to click the name to get the flyout links.
  22. Just a heads-up that there appears to be a conflict between Batch Child Editor and Pierre-Luc's Password Reset module. ProcessWire: ProcessPageEdit: Unknown template #0 ...\site\modules\BatchChildEditor\BatchChildEditor.module(711): BatchChildEditor->isAllowedTemplateAdd(147, Object(Page)) #1 ...\site\modules\BatchChildEditor\BatchChildEditor.module(348): BatchChildEditor->createChildEditSet(Object(Page), Object(Page), Object(InputfieldWrapper)) #2 ...\wire\core\Wire.php(459): BatchChildEditor->addChildEditFieldset(Object(HookEvent)) #3 ...\wire\core\Wire.php(333): Wire->runHooks('buildFormChildr...', Array) #4 ...\wire\modules\Process\ProcessPageEdit\ProcessPageEdit.module(456): Wire->__call('buildFormChildr...', Array) #5 ...\wire\modules\Process\ProcessPageEdit\ProcessPageEdit.module(456): ProcessPageEdit->buildFormChildren()
  23. Thanks for this module, Pierre-Luc. I get a couple of errors when using it. When assigning the template "password-reset" to a page or attempting to edit a page with the template assigned I get: Edit: this error seems to be caused by a conflict between Password Reset and the Batch Child Editor module. After uninstalling Batch Child Editor the error message is not shown. And when viewing a page with this template assigned on the frontend I get: Looking at line 32 maybe this error is because my site is not multi-language?
  24. I forgot the quote marks for the find selector. Have updated my post.
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