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Richard Jedlička

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Everything posted by Richard Jedlička

  1. Hi, thanks for your report. Sorry, but I don't have enough time now to solve the issue. If you can wait until mid-August I will look at that and try to replace the scale function with the ProcessWire's one.
  2. I've updated the module. Added requirements check and ImageMagick settings.
  3. Fine, thanks. I'll update the module soon. Yes, I've found it and got a little inspiration. Originally I wanted to use it, but I don't like it requires exact, properly named fields to work. And conversion of the whole PDF isn't my need, just the first page thumbnail. But based on this a got an idea to add optional parameter to the thumbnail method specifing the page number to convert.
  4. Hi, thanks for the replies. Yes, that's right. When and how is the proper way to print this error? I haven't much experience with ImageMagick. I've just found somewhere the code snippet of "pdf to image" conversion and use it. What consequences will have these two options? The "delegate" thing - I think it's not related to the module itself. Hey, I didn't know that it's so simple . If it's better or not I don't know, maybe the class is more suitable for future module's extensions.
  5. PDF Fieldtype/Inputfield Module for ProcessWire allowing you to easily generate thumbnails of the PDF files embedded to the site. Current version: 1.1.2 (Changelog) Module page: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-pdf Github: https://github.com/uiii/ProcessWire-FieldtypePDF For detailed instructions see: https://github.com/uiii/ProcessWire-FieldtypePDF/blob/master/README.md
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