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Everything posted by Juergen

  1. Hello Can, I have tried to install your module in the latest PW version, but unfortunately I always see the code of the module in my backend. Maybe I have done something wrong: I have added the content of the ready.php file to my ready.php file. I have uploaded the Blogimage.module without the ready.php and the CSS file to the module directory. Have you tested it with the latest PW version. EDIT: OK I have found out that the opening php tag was missing.
  2. Yep you are right. I am running it in Strict mode.
  3. The error will only be displayed if I have activated TracyDebugger in the backend. If I disable it I am able to translate my files. Should I open an issue on Github?
  4. Hello @ all, today I have discovered a strange error message on my multilingual site: Does anyone know what this could be? It always happens if I try to open my English translations folder. Best regards
  5. Hello @tpr now I think it is the time to say thank you to you in the name of all "Admin on Steroids" users, because you make our life much easier. "Admin on Steroids" has grown incredible since the beginning. I was a little bit sceptic if I should use this module in the beginning, but now I am totally convinced. So thank you for your enthusiasm, your time and your patience with all our wishes! Best regards
  6. On frameworks you can load only what you want (CSS or JS). So you can use only the grid or you use other components too - depends on your choice. You dont need to include all features.
  7. Hello @bernhard of course: adding a submission class to the form itself will be the easier way instead of adding it to every field . Maybe to less coffee this morning. Beside this topic: Thanks for pointing me to UIKit (you have mentioned in one of your emails that you use this framework). I have tested it and I find it much better than Bootstrap. Its also better to integrate with the form API of PW.
  8. Thanks for the hint. I didnt know that there are CSS properties for valid and invalid. Anyway! I have solved it by adding a class after submission with this piece of code: foreach ($form as $field){ $field->attr('class' , $field->attr('class') . ' submitted'); //add class submitted after form submission } So every field will get the additional class "submitted". The code must be placed after $input->post->submit. Now I can style the inputs depending on their state. Thanks
  9. Above post is not a big problem, because I can make in invisible via CSS. Another question: Is it possible to add a fe "isvalid" class after form submission to valid fields, so I can style them with CSS (fe a green border around the input field).
  10. Unfortunately the collapsing tag appears after validation. So every field which has an error shows the collapse tag again.
  11. Great! Works as expected!! Thanks
  12. Hello @ all, til now I have written the codes for my forms manually, but now I will use the API-method from PW. On my inputfields I always have the following code for collapsing inside my labels: <i title="Toggle open/close" class="toggle-icon fa fa-fw fa-angle-down" data-to="fa-angle-down fa-angle-right" aria-hidden="true"></i> Is there a way to get rid of this part via the API like this: $field->collapsed(....); Best regards
  13. Hello adrian, does this module check for the browser language? I always get the German text. I have changed my browser settings to English and German but no changes on the frontend. English and German are the installed languages in my PW. Best regards
  14. Wow ! Thanks adrian. Exactly what I mean. I will try it and if there are problems I will post it here.
  15. I use this syntax in another json array for events which I have copied from another entry and in this case it works. I get all my events in json. I have tried json_encode($searchresult_array); too but it doesnt work in this case. Maybe the json array will be created but UIKit doesnt fetch it. I have to figure out if the syntax of the json array is not in the right syntax for UIKit in this case.
  16. No, but at the first trials it doesnt work, but it works too after all the changes.
  17. Ok I have figured it out - the code works but the Json Array made problems (json_encode doesnt work correctly in this case). So here is the complete code as inspiration for all who want to use UIKit Ajax search function in processwire. <?php if ($config->ajax) { require_once('inc/func.inc'); require_once('_strings.php'); include('paginator/Paginator.php'); include('paginator/PagesPaginator.php'); $numberofitems = 3;//How many items should be displayed $search_array = array(); $q = $sanitizer->text($_REQUEST['search']); // did $q have anything in it? if ($q) { $input->whitelist('q', $q); $q = $sanitizer->selectorValue($q); $templateselector = "template!='profile', template!='activation', template!='privacy-policy-item', template!='serviceitem', template!='single-event', template!=productpricelistitem', template!='partner'"; if ($user->isLoggedin()) $templateselector .= ", has_parent!=2"; $paginator = new PagesPaginator(); $searchresults = $paginator(array( "headline|title~=$q, $templateselector", "introtext~=$q, $templateselector", "body~=$q, $templateselector", "summary~=$q, $templateselector", "firmennameslogan|firmenwortlaut|street|postalcode|place|region|country|geschaeftsfuehrung|vertretung|registergericht|inhaltverantwortung|fachgruppe|subgroup|geldinstitut|ecgbehoerde~=$q, $templateselector", "position~=$q, $templateselector", "privacytable.title|privacytable.body~=$q, $templateselector", "partnertable.title~=$q, $templateselector", "downloadrepeater.downloadfiledesc|downloadrepeater.downloadfieldtitle~=$q, $templateselector" ), $input->pageNum, $numberofitems);//show only 3 items $resultjson = ""; foreach ($searchresults as $key => $result) { $title = $result->title; $summary = $result->summary; $link = $result->url; if($key == $numberofitems - 1){//last item $resultjson .= '{"title":"'.$title.'", "url":"'.$link.'", "text":"'.$summary.'"}'; } else { $resultjson .= '{"title":"'.$title.'", "url":"'.$link.'", "text":"'.$summary.'"},'; } } } header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo '{ "results": ['; echo $resultjson; echo ']}'; } else { //put here the standard search code for non Ajax }
  18. Hello @ all, I have tried to implement an Ajax search from UIKit into processwire, but I cannot get it to work. Has someone implemented it and can give me a hint. My problem is the target page (page for the search results) which should output the search results in a Json format. I know how to create the Json format with a foreach loop but I dont know how to find all matching pages. I am able to get the search term with this code snippet: $q = $sanitizer->text($_REQUEST['search']) After this I have added the code for the search page recommended by Ryan, but this wont work. Here is the complete code: <?php if ($config->ajax) { require_once('inc/func.inc'); require_once('_strings.php'); include('paginator/Paginator.php'); include('paginator/PagesPaginator.php'); $search_array = array(); //$q = $sanitizer->text($input->post->q); $q = $sanitizer->text($_REQUEST['search']); // did $q have anything in it? if ($q) { $input->whitelist('q', $q); $q = $sanitizer->selectorValue($q); $templateselector = "template!='profile', template!='activation', template!='privacy-policy-item', template!='serviceitem', template!='single-event', template!=productpricelistitem', template!='partner'"; if ($user->isLoggedin()) $templateselector .= ", has_parent!=2"; $paginator = new PagesPaginator(); $results = $paginator(array( "headline|title~=$q, $templateselector", "introtext~=$q, $templateselector", "body~=$q, $templateselector", "summary~=$q, $templateselector", "firmennameslogan|firmenwortlaut|street|postalcode|place|region|country|geschaeftsfuehrung|vertretung|registergericht|inhaltverantwortung|fachgruppe|subgroup|geldinstitut|ecgbehoerde~=$q, $templateselector", "position~=$q, $templateselector", "privacytable.title|privacytable.body~=$q, $templateselector", "partnertable.title~=$q, $templateselector", "downloadrepeater.downloadfiledesc|downloadrepeater.downloadfieldtitle~=$q, $templateselector" ), $input->pageNum, 25); foreach ($results as $result) { $title = $result->title; $summary = $result->summary; $link = $result->url; $search_array[] = array( 'title' => $title, 'summary' => $summary, 'url' => $link // ID is the url segment ); } } header('Content-Type: application/json'); $searchresults_json = json_encode($search_array, true); echo '{ "results": ['; echo $searchresults_json; echo ']}'; } Maybe the input variable ($input) doesnt work in this case. Best regards
  19. Thanks @adrian for this module. It would be great if it supports multilanguage depending on the browser language. F.e. if the browser fits one of the installed languages then show the message in this language, otherwise show the default language.
  20. Just to clearify: It only happens if I use $mail->bodyHTML If I use $mail->body everything is ok.
  21. @jmartsch yes I use the latest dev 3.0.36 where Ryan has included Bitpoets code changes.
  22. Strange! In my case it is the opposite: Subject is o.k. but body contains the letters numbers and equalsigns.
  23. What should be the output? Maybe like this: <dl> <dt>Begriff</dt> <dd> Stickwort 1<br /> Stichwort 2 </dd> </dl> or <dl> <dt>Begriff</dt> <dd> Stickwort 1 Stichwort 2 </dd> </dl> You can manipulate the output with a textformatter (hooking into the render function).
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