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Everything posted by bernhard

  1. thank you lostkobrakai, didn't know that possibility
  2. sometimes i wished the descriptions support html for linking to something. if it supported html+php we could combine both: eg ...based on the content of <a href="<?php echo $page->parent->url; ?>"><?php echo $page->parent->title; ?></a>'s summary field... but i have absolutely no idea how much effort/overhead that would be
  3. so what's wrong with changing $config->httpHosts = array('domain1.com', 'domain1.com'); to something like that $config->httpHosts = explode(PHP_EOL, __multisite_domains_textarea_content__); in config.php?
  4. sorry for my wrong suggestion - was on mobile yesterday and had no time for research
  5. please share your solution and experience with us when you are done
  6. i think you could make your config file get the content of the multisite hosts field
  7. hi mr-fan, i'm sorry i think i don't fully get your problem... but 2 little things: Kategorie bitte ohne h if you are using the new dev you could save some lines of code https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-2.6.9-core-updates-and-new-procache-version/#new-page-gt-setandsave-method (don't know if quiet saving is also possible?) i don't understand your problem with outputting the pagetable items?! //render pagetable pt_inhalt if(count($page->pt_inhalt)>0){ foreach($page->pt_inhalt as $l){ $content .= $l->render(); } } what is pt_inhalt? what sould be the result of this? a list of all available downloads? why do you render each item? why not just echo the parts you want to be displayed? foreach($pagetableitems as $item) { $content .= $item->title . " - " . $item->whatsoever . "<br>"; } echo $content;
  8. may i ask for a screencast or at least screenshots? i think it's the best way to show what a module does http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/ is free for up to 15min videos and you do not even have to install anything
  9. the only one that also works on historical data and my recommendation: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/9739-google-analytics-referral-spam/?p=94480
  10. me too glad it helped!
  11. hi hansv, welcome to processwire visit your site unter /admin/page go to setup > templates click on filters > show system templates > yes go to family > allowed templates for parents > unselect "admin" now you can select template "admin" for the page /admin then go to /admin > edit process: ProcessHome and then set family for admin template back to "admin" that you can't select it again hope that helps
  12. hi lokendra, sorry that we misunderstood you. to your questions: 1) http://lmgtfy.com/?q=site%3Aprocesswire.com+login 3) http://lmgtfy.com/?q=site%3Aprocesswire.com+excel+import+export 4) maybe ask directly in the corresponding thread? https://processwire.com/talk/topic/4147-excel-like-crud-in-pw-using-handsontable/ listerpro would also be a possibility for editing things on the fly: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/inline-ajax-page-editing-comes-to-listerpro-processwire-2.6.6/ i'm sorry i have no better answeres for you. maybe others have - but your questions are a bit like "hey, how can i build a car?" is it possible with processwire? YES but as i said... there will probably not be a click-click-and-ready solution
  13. hi lokendra, welcome to the forum! [offtopic] two totally free things: 1) coding your own solution 2) asking politely (maybe ? instead of !! ) [/offtopic] besides that: thanks for bringing my attention to handsontable https://processwire.com/talk/topic/4147-excel-like-crud-in-pw-using-handsontable/ regarding your other questions: it totally depends on your skills. PW is in general not the click-click-and-ready thing. login-systems have been discussed several times, please search the forum https://processwire.com/talk/topic/6196-easy-search-on-pw-forums-with-google/ and go more into detail with your questions - i'm sure there are lots of skilled people here that are willing to help you. and listerpro was definitely a good recommendation. it's 40$ and imho totally worth the price (there are also discussions about pricing of the pro modules) good luck with your project
  14. looks amazing! any news on this over a year later? listerpro now has axaj inline editing https://processwire.com/blog/posts/inline-ajax-page-editing-comes-to-listerpro-processwire-2.6.6/ so that's really cool but the excel-like UI could be really comfortable for clients as they are used to it. thanks for creating and sharing the video
  15. now what i found by coincidence makes sense, thank you https://processwire.com/talk/topic/10114-fieldgroups-inheriting-fields/
  16. for reference: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/10470-virtual-template/
  17. bernhard

    Forum Software

    hey joshuag, i would also be interested what kept you away from the new phpbb 3.1? I'm also looking for a forum software and i was not quite happy with my first tries with vanilla. i had a phpbb forum years ago and it still looks almost the same... that can be good (as it looks familiar), but can also be bad (is phpbb dead? google trend does not look nice... https://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=phpbb&cmpt=q&tz=Etc%2FGMT-2 ) would you mind sharing a link to your vanilla forum (maybe pn)? thank you
  18. no you could easily adjust the lightbox to reload the page on close. i didn't try to close it automatically if there are no errors - i'm not a js guru
  19. oh, i thought you know it because it was also a topic here: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/10006-maletschek-nautics-boat-center-at-neusiedlersee-in-austria/ just wanted to know the differences. thanks for sharing
  20. hi tpr, what's the difference to fredi? i know you know fredi and i'm sure there's a reason you did something on your own
  21. what is the advantage over using the built-in cache or procache?
  22. i meant processwire weekly news - there was a link to this topic great! thanks again for loader
  23. hi sergio, seems you read the blog thank you for your suggestions. had a look at blitz.io - looks nice but 30$/month is quite expensive. maybe i'll try the free plan when my site is online. thank you
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