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  1. Thanks for the suggestion - tried this, does not solve the issue. The homepage delivers the default language only; I have typically made a different page for the homepage in other languages (subpage with url /fi/ for example).
  2. I have built several multi-language websites with an empty"/" page name for some languages on the homepage. Multi-language URLs are thus /manual/ (EN) and /peliopas/ (FI) instead of /manual/ and /fi/peliopas/ for example. This has worked perfectly when page names are unique across languages. For some reason this stopped working entirely on a website after transfer to a new server using Site Profile Exporter (minor update from an early 3 to 3.0.210 in the process). Now unless I add names to the homepage for languages (/en/, /fi/ etc.) I can't browse translated versions of the pages. Only the default language is displayed even when opening the language-specific URL, say /peliopas/ in this case. Before the transfer page /peliopas/ was displayed in the correct language, now it displays the default language. Has something changed in the multi-language support? Have I missed some configuration? Modules are installed, language versions are active, no exceptions in templates. Thanks for any suggestions!
  3. Sorry for bumping and old topic... but it seems there is still no language-module features for swapping languages with the default? I had this issue and found that dealing with PW databases was the fastest route for me: To swap language strings repeat this SQL for each multilanguage field: UPDATE field_FIELDNAME s1, field_FIELDNAME s2 SET s1.data = s1.data123, s1.data123 = s2.data WHERE s1.pages_id = s2.pages_id; FIELDNAME is your fieldname in PW and data123 is the column name for the language your are swapping the default for. Just check any multilanguage field table to see the correct column name. Finally to swap page names run this SQL: UPDATE pages s1, pages s2 SET s1.name = s1.name123, s1.name123 = s2.name WHERE s1.id = s2.id AND s1.name123 IS NOT NULL Obviously it is risky to tamper with databases, but this approach saved me lots of work with a big site with reasonably few fields. The language-module should have this sort of swappery built-in.
  4. It seems that when using ProCache there is no redirect, both pages produce a status 200. SEO experts/tools seems to feel this is a fault with PW. Adding no or several /// trailing slashes all return a regular undirected page.
  5. Oh, I have tried and loved larger formats. But one has to focus. I totally enjoyed the Hasselblad 500CM and Mamiya 7 and also explored larger 4x5 format with a Japanese wood camera. But I am restricted by a home bathroom-darkroom. Since my photography makes no money I prefer the costs of 35mm (both materials and darkroom equipment). Also all my photography is candid or with minimal interference making larger cameras and slower shooting an issue. The Leica M is my friend. Darkroom photography is on the rise again. Get over the longing and re-build your darkroom!
  6. Oh this is seriously on-topic. I am old-school. Tri-X 400 + Rodinal 1:50 (20C, 14min). For most recent work etc check https://www.instagram.com/mikaelsiirila/.
  7. Must agree on that about infinite scrolling. I have killed the ability to link to individual images on the site, I might have to change that. Thanks for all the comments!
  8. All shots are film, developed and enlarged in my home bathroom. A serious hobby I would call it. Digital is so dead Could also infinity-scroll without page loads...
  9. Making a minimalist site with Processwire is pure pleasure. Here is one for my photography. http://www.mikael.siirila.net/ Enjoy
  10. mscore


    Nothing special in the backend, just a very practical arrangement of pages and templates. Each top-level page is a template "section" which basically contains: foreach($page->children as $child) { include('_' . $child->template . '.inc'); } Then each building block is a template such as "block-main-header", "block-one-column", "block-video", "block-map" etc (dozens different kinds). These building blocks each output one type of page segment (or pattern) and can be used anywhere on the site (also re-useable across projects with relative ease). Some block templates are coded to vary content depending on where on the site they appear. Others are coded to be aware of blocks around them. Clients seem to like this arrangement as it allows rich and flexible pages without too much complication on the admin side. All templates need to have strict parent/child limitations to avoid issues.
  11. mscore


    Reddal is a global professional services firm offering business development as a service. The company has expanded rapidly to offices in Helsinki, Seoul, Dubai and Kuala Lumpur. http://www.reddal.com/ From the ProcessWire point of view the Reddal.com was designed and developed for maximal flexibility. The site was arranged in sections in which each layout segment is represented by a ProcessWire page. Segments can be re-arranged like Lego blocks within a set of visual constraints. This allows for long and visual pages throughout the site. Modules used: - Form Builder - Lister Pro - ProCache - InputfieldMapMarker - Redirect Branding, design and development by Nordenswan & Siirilä. http://www.nordenswansiirila.fi/ Primary site photography by Marek Sabogal.
  12. I have pages with normal PW fields and a Google Map Marker field. I need to allow users to login in the front-end (custom login form) and update a page that is linked to the user's profile. Is it recommended or possible to embed the form for a PW page into the front-end? Should I add a user-field to the pages to define which users are allowed to edit it or is there some better way? All best-practices advise is appreciated!
  13. With all the past PW projects I have refrained from giving users the TinyMC html-editor and stuck to Markdown. This has proved to be a great decision. Most practical problems with past CMS:s has been with content formatting, users not knowing how or messing styles. Not giving them that possibility is just great. However, now I am looking at a project with tables (prices and specs). Anyone have wisdom to share here? Best way to allow users to create tables in their content without generating support request for table formatting, Office-copy-pas messes etc? Thanks!
  14. Looking very pro and carefully crafted. Details: I also clicked the arrow-bulleted items expecting them to be links. The phone number in the footer is unreadable as it is dark green on dark gray (ipad safari).
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