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Marco Angeli

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Everything posted by Marco Angeli

  1. Caro @Internazionale lo sai che le tue pubblicità online sono veramente invadenti?

  2. Based on what Ryan said, the map automatically fits with all the markers: That's good, I can live with that. UPDATE: sorted out. There's an option, fitToMarkers, true by default. Make this false and you're done. Here's the code: $items = $pages->find("template=visite-detail, visite_map!='', sort=title"); $options = array('fitToMarkers' => false); $map = $modules->get('MarkupGoogleMap'); echo $map->render($items, 'visite_map', $options); Now you can control your zoom via code or modifying your custom field in PW. Now just wondering how to enable the hover tooltip: it seems that it works randomly for me. Yes, I put a div with position: relative; outside the map. using: 'useHoverBox' => true prevents the map from showing. Does it work for you?
  3. @Mats: very clever, thanks. ...but still no luck with zoom settings: the rendered map doesn't change if I use zoom 1 or zoom 23...
  4. Una grande iniziativa di Peter Marshall per promuovere l'Italia e Fvg anche senza l'appoggio delle istituzioni http://t.co/brratFSJS2

  5. Hi there, this spectacular plugin works just fine, but I have two issues... 1) I can't set the zoom on my front-end map; this code won't work for me: $items = $pages->find("template=visite-detail, visite_map!='', sort=title"); $options = array('zoom' => '7', 'height' => '700px'); $map = $modules->get('MarkupGoogleMap'); echo $map->render($items, 'visite_map', $options); 2) looking at the rendered map you can see broken zoom controls, tested on a mac and on ubuntu (screenshot attached) Any suggestions?
  6. universal super-consciousness that transcends time and space http://t.co/KKfmQe03qz

  7. Soma is right: I gave the guest role page edit access... thanks! (kids, don't try this at home!)
  8. Da Cividale a Venezia a piedi? La prossima volta vi do un passaggio io! L'articolo è molto bello: http://t.co/SK4RxJVrVw

  9. Hi there, we all use this: <?php // If the page is editable, then output a link that takes us straight to the page edit screen: if($page->editable()) { echo "<a class='nav' id='editpage' href='{$config->urls->admin}page/edit/?id={$page->id}'>Edit</a>"; } ?> Unfortunately, I always see the edit link, even if I'm logged out... Very strange...recently I switched from test mode in a sub-domain (new.mysite.com) to production mode (www.mysite.com). Could this be an issue?
  10. 5 anni! Buon compleanno, Oscar! http://t.co/w1txOOAv74

  11. Well Macrura, Soma is right, no big budget here, so I would choose a ready made template: maybe a prestashop one.
  12. RT @bbvaOpenMind: How to change #Africa with the world’s cheapest robot http://t.co/my2NS13xHu

  13. Family Affair: what happens when you deal with children, via @zeldman http://t.co/xQWFfOH2Hf

  14. RT @techreview: How is the Internet changing our lives? Find out by downloading the free eBook Change by @bbvaOpenMind http://t.co/j0DZnKju…

  15. Where would we be without design? http://t.co/0jgpkKhdrk

  16. without Tim we wouldn't be here...http://t.co/c8XW7H4jmR

  17. Resonate in Belgrade…I wish I was there http://t.co/WcslJqsNI3

  18. Ho finalmente visto La grande bellezza. E sì, mi è piaciuto.

  19. RT @Shorpy: Stair noir, 1925. "Stairway in the old Ursuline convent, New Orleans." Arnold Genthe photo. http://t.co/DxAkxqtKQw http://t.co/…

  20. This is a very useful plugin, and it gets better every day (or new release). Thanks Soma for taking the time to improve all this code. And please, be patient with all copy & paste php gurus.
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