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Marco Angeli

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Everything posted by Marco Angeli

  1. well, thanks for your suggestions folks! I add another option I've just discovered: RSS feed generator and RSS feed loader (see Ryan's post)
  2. Hi there, is the modification developed by apeisa (support for multiple feeds) already implemented in this module or should I customize some files?
  3. Hi processwire people, a short insight of what I'd like to build: different clients sites, each one with it's own domain. one main site (with it's own domain) which grabs some content from clients sites. The users that run www.client1.com or www.client2.com need to publish a post on their personal site. The post then must be available on "www.mainsite.com" Do you think that the module "Multiple site support" is the way to go? Thanks!
  4. a Linz in Austria i musei regalano i cataloghi http://t.co/NjxXFOKbbu

  5. ebooks: un bel progetto di @Lorigliola http://t.co/JWIvJmkWaL Bravo Davide!

  6. Want to learn something new? Carve a spoon. http://t.co/QPKi3cxdUq

  7. E' morto Boubir: grazie per averci fatto conoscere le tua cultura http://t.co/1iLwTxXOYn

  8. ...or any other CMS, of course!

  9. ...listening to the white Zulu http://t.co/DB2umzR7P7

  10. ...yeah, I think it was a text formatter, but even with an option reset, the issue still remains. I finally deleted the custom field and re-created another one. Maybe a temporary glitch, who knows? thanks tpr!
  11. RT @Raspberry_Pi: New post: why, if your kids understand SSH, you shouldn't give them your password.https://t.co/jvSjZxZBhz http://t.co/5c…

  12. Hi processwire people, fresh install, created a Textarea custom field; inputfield type: CKEditor content type: markup/html When I edit my page if I select some text and make it bold or italic, text formatting is not saved. Never happened before...
  13. beautiful tulip blooms photos by Erika Schultz http://t.co/uw1AXong03 http://t.co/yRf296qYT4

  14. hey gebeer, thanks for sharing your code. Drop me a line when you have your site up and running.
  15. Thanks LostKobrakai for your suggestions, I'll try that. @arjen: yes you're right, booking system may be a mess, but in this case it is really a very simple form that can be sent via email.
  16. RT @kenyanpundit: 1 week later we only know of 1 of the attackers, who were the others?

  17. Hi there processwire people, this may sound obvious to most of you but not for me : ) I'm dealing with a booking form for a trip site. I want the user to choose destination first (a select: let's say Venice, Rome and Hamburg); Based on her choice, there will be days available (23 of august, 27 of september) Based on the day, another select will show available times (e.g. 9.30, 15.30 and so on) What should I do? Custom php or Form Builder? (I would prefer the latter...), and most of all: how to build a system like that? Thanks!
  18. RT @mbanzi: "750mila dollari d’investimento per il gioco di uno studente SUPSI" I miei studenti fanno strada :)http://t.co/zBbJnrRG4t

  19. veramente bello il sito web di @Marcoseditore http://t.co/EphHpKIj36 complimenti!

  20. Hi there, I know this topic isn't new but I can't find a valid solution. I'd like to reorder manually my subpages via drag and drop, but it doesn't work. Here's my code: <?php $works = $pages->find("template=visit-detail, limit=10"); foreach($works as $w) { echo "<div class='col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6 '> <div class='port-item'> <a href='{$w->url}'> <h4>{$w->title}</h4> <p>{$w->visit_subtitle}</p> <div class='primary-photo'> <img src='{$w->slide_images->eq(0)->getThumb('visite-thumb')}' alt='Itineraria'> </div> </a> </div> </div>"; } $pagination = $works->renderPager(); echo $pagination; ?> I'm aware that there was a problem with MySQL version, but hostgator currently uses 5.5.23 or higher. It seems I can only order pages via "sort=-created", do you have any advice? Thanks!
  21. Salinger. Mi devo ricordare di vederlo stasera. http://t.co/IvUcDbatlG

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