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Marco Angeli

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Everything posted by Marco Angeli

  1. interesting web analytics platform: http://t.co/BKQTGPWHig

  2. Design, remix, and share your street http://t.co/hn4Zt85gwL

  3. RT @Guggenheim: Why do our brains love curvy architecture? Fascinating article on @MuseoGuggenheim Bilbao: http://t.co/3hEmlDj79N via @Fast

  4. RT @nytimesbits the First Computer Programmer Was a Woman: http://t.co/pWM8C9nllI

  5. ...Hey! Anch'io ci sono stato su quelle strisce! #AbbeyRoad che bei ricordi!

  6. RT @skande: Le domande inquietanti dei clienti: "Come faccio ad entrare in un #WordPress da dietro?" :D

  7. RT @zeldman: Drone over NY. Lovely footage from a film in progress. Forgot to share last week. https://t.co/ARWCVvgkWi

  8. LIBRO O GELATO? Come trattare (bene) i propri clienti. http://t.co/F1jcCmw1yc

  9. RT @processwire: Finalmente un CMS potente e facile da usare http://t.co/2nJ3EQzG7H

  10. "Freely distributed information that’s relevant to the person reading it. That’s web design." http://t.co/DqWZLqaMv2

  11. Hi Gnuey, it's jQuery magic. Please take a look at the code...
  12. Thanks for your feedback apeisa!
  13. ...amate il teatro? Allora http://t.co/egwCXM8LLs (il mio ultimo lavoro) fa per voi!

  14. ...my first project built with processwire: www.starsabalestrino.it Starsabalestrino is a major cultural event in Balestrino (small city in Liguria), focusing on contemporary theater. I'd like to thank Ryan for his "flexible" cms and all the friendly community ready to answer my silly questions.
  15. ...Ok, here's my first processwire site: www.starsabalestrino.it Alessio: if you want you can add it to your gallery!
  16. How The Met's New Chief Digital Officer Plans To Connect The Physical To The Digital http://t.co/nFW4Bhwzta via @FastCompany

  17. sorry, my fault: the "title" field was hidden....
  18. sorry, very basic question here: how to edit the name of each single page that appears in my navigation? It seems I can only change the url....
  19. Una guida semplice per scegliere un professionista del web: http://t.co/TlWGDBELke

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