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Everything posted by Macrura

  1. @BernhardB - i think you would simply do that by using a <pre> tag and then having css to render the look you want; You can include source code pro on your frontend for a nice mono font
  2. I should also update this to say that this is still happening 1-2 times per week on various installs, all on the same host, but totally different sites with different modules, fields, etc..; this only happens when installing modules, and happens on both php 5.3 and 5.4. I see that the github thread has some activity, but for anyone else out there in the wild for whom this is happening to, this thread may be more accessible to keep alive until it is resolved, or the cause of the issue discovered.
  3. yeah this is so awesome - owzim's work on this goes beyond expectations!
  4. @martijn, wow can't thank you enough; this module has come in handy so many times; this is a great enhancement to it.. thanks!! BTW - just tested and it works perfectly!
  5. i was able to hack this module a bit to get the theme to change, but i had to copy the theme's css into the main css file; i agree that it would be cool to have an alternate version of ACE for PW that allowed one to choose the theme, like the hanna code module!! Would be willing to financially support any development of a code editor inputfield, with configurable settings..
  6. @Martijn, I was researching how to get this module to return an alphabetically sorted file list; found some stuff on stack exchange and php about reading the files into an array and sorting... $dh = opendir($dir); while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) { $files[] = $filename; } sort($files); just wondering if you might be up to being 'sponsored' to add that feature... can send beer $
  7. Macrura

    other CMSs

    I used Get-Simple for some things; it is a nice little CMS, and really fast. You can do quite a bit with it; Image management in PW saves a ton of time, it's like having an extra employee; For some recent 1 page sites, I'm using Cockpit, which is quite handy, and works well; also pretty cool that you can bootstrap it into any page and start outputting managed content in maybe 5 lines of code.. been testing october a bit, and want to try out bolt.. I'm running Grav on a site for fun now; looking forward to trying Pagekit at some point..
  8. <rant style="wordpress"> recently i helped someone with a hacked WP site; they had no backup; i had to rebuild the whole thing, and they were on Yahoo, so no .htaccess file; consequently the URLs were all page id, and then to make things worse, the dev of this site wrote a couple of pluigns that relied on the id input; took about 10 hrs to rebuild the site from scraps, rewrite some plugins... and got to see a lot of russian hacker comments. got another enormous ecommerce site that the client can't manage at all - they find wordpress to be totally inscrutable (so now i'm getting emails to add products for them, change a word on the homepage)... and that site is running a heavily customized woocommerce and now the whole thing needs to be updated; updating this will mean cloning the whole thing, and gradually updating each component, and seeing if anything breaks, running diffs and seeing what to fix... I was surprised recently that a large professional organization that i'm a member of swtiched from Drupal to Wordpress, for their membership site - it's a huge org. I was like REALLY? and seeing a lot of local businesses and things like libraries going with WP... upside is that all of these sites are going to become inevitably unmanageable and then they'll come begging to the PW people for salvation </rant>
  9. yeah, no worries, just a bunch of rants to the client about getting the data right...
  10. hey - thanks again for looking at this... when i get some time in a few weeks i'm going to see if i can tweak some things...
  11. @hellmoto, thanks for reporting that... @LostKobrakai - ok, not sure what you mean; i know there is some issue going on with safari.. had to disable the transitions on a few pages..
  12. ProcessWire 2.5.19 dev MySQL 5.5.40-36.1-log PHP Version 5.3.29 Handler CGI/FastCGI Max Memory 128M Max execution time 60 Maximum input time 60 Upload Max Filesize 128M Post Max Size 128M Max Input Vars 1000 Max Input Nesting Level 64
  13. happened again, after installing a new module via upload (a lister pro action); AdminThemeReno wiped out of the system, and defaulted to legacy... will try Wanze's solution of deleting the module record from the database.
  14. @wanze, wow - thought i was going crazy! Thanks for the report... yeah, i was being paranoid and didn't want to delete any records... @nico, i believe that Wanze's solution would be the 'best' answer as it requires way less work. ** however this should be considered a bug, now that another user has confirmed it, and i can't see the average user wanting to go fiddle around with the database.. So this topic needs to be unmarked solved.. Also, can you change this topic to the bug report forum? Thanks!
  15. I was able to get Reno back, i had to go to the database of another installation and look at the caches table, then i matched the id to the id of the module in the modules table, and added these to the end of the json strings in modules verbose and modules info; then the module showed up and i was able to switch to it... hopefully that's solves this, but if anything changes i'll report back.. ,"202":{"summary":"Admin theme for ProcessWire 2.5 by Tom Reno (Renobird)","author":"Tom Reno (Renobird)","file":"\/home\/useracct\/dev\/wire\/modules\/AdminTheme\/AdminThemeReno\/AdminThemeReno.module","core":true,"configurable":true,"versionStr":"0.1.2"} ,"202":{"name":"AdminThemeReno","title":"Reno","version":12,"icon":"","requires":["AdminThemeDefault"],"requiresVersions":{"AdminThemeDefault":[">=",0]},"installs":[],"permission":"","permissions":[],"autoload":"template=admin","singular":false,"created":1411910134,"installed":true}
  16. could be done super easy/fast - you would probably use admin custom pages and then build your table that returns the list of widgets and the various columns; i think there may be a core inputfield for the table, or you roll your own data tables; admin custom files lets you load any js/css you need;
  17. Hi, the AdminThemeReno has mysteriously disappeared from the admin. it is in the wire modules, and the database modules table, but absent from the modules listing.. it has basically vanished; I tried updating to the latest dev to see if that would fix it. The problem seems to have started when i went into Modules Manager and the version was older so there was a json error; then right after reloading the page, the theme flipped back to the regular theme, and then the reno disappeared..; i'm not completely sure if modules manager was the source of the issue; I'm guessing some database corruption? not sure where to start troubleshooting this, but would really appreciate any help or advice. What do most people do when you hit a 'dead-end' issue like this? Is there some way to check the database for some misconfiguration? Should i delete the modules entry in the DB? not sure if this is related, but if i uninstall the default theme, i get this error: Modules: Module 'AdminThemeReno' dependency not fulfilled for: AdminThemeDefault and also if i try to place the default admin theme module into the /site/modules/ then i flip back to the legacy admin, and there is an error asking which one, but if you click on that and go to the module settings, there actually isn't any option to specify which folder to use; it ends up using the site version.. also getting strange errors... [14-Feb-2015 19:46:11 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/someuser/dev/site/modules/ModulesManager/ModulesManager.module on line 820 [14-Feb-2015 19:46:32 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /home/someuser/dev/site/modules/ProcessDiagnostics/DiagnoseModules.module on line 43 [14-Feb-2015 20:12:27 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined index: AdminThemeDefault in /home/someuser/dev/wire/core/ModulesDuplicates.php on line 284 [14-Feb-2015 20:12:27 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined index: AdminThemeDefault in /home/someuser/dev/wire/core/ModulesDuplicates.php on line 287 [14-Feb-2015 20:12:27 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined index: flags in /home/someuser/dev/wire/core/ModulesDuplicates.php on line 287 [14-Feb-2015 20:14:48 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined index: AdminThemeDefault in /home/someuser/dev/wire/core/ModulesDuplicates.php on line 284 [14-Feb-2015 20:14:48 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined index: AdminThemeDefault in /home/someuser/dev/wire/core/ModulesDuplicates.php on line 287 [14-Feb-2015 20:14:48 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined index: flags in /home/someuser/dev/wire/core/ModulesDuplicates.php on line 287 [14-Feb-2015 20:15:12 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined index: AdminThemeDefault in /home/someuser/dev/wire/core/ModulesDuplicates.php on line 284 [14-Feb-2015 20:15:12 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined index: AdminThemeDefault in /home/someuser/dev/wire/core/ModulesDuplicates.php on line 287 [14-Feb-2015 20:15:12 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined index: flags in /home/someuser/dev/wire/core/ModulesDuplicates.php on line 287 thanks!
  18. not sure, i haven't gotten as far as you on this.. I mostly use fields on the editor to define layouts, like page table, or page table extended; and i use global widgets with lister pro, or page specific widgets with an enhanced page select..
  19. @joer80 - sounds interesting, and i support the idea of some profiles that have configurable things like page layouts, widgets, etc.. I've done some similar things as you are speaking about, in order to create a reusable profile, and we'll see how it goes once i start reusing some of these.. been looking at this the last day or so.. http://designmodo.com/startup/
  20. all really nice, very original designs - you've been really busy!
  21. hey - anyone using/tried google web designer?
  22. yeah, it works really well... probably should make this into a module at some point, for wider accessibility
  23. hey - try out the new function i replaced the code i posted; should work now..
  24. yeah - sorry forgot to tell you how to echo it.. that should work in think, but you can also do this: $root = $pages->get(1); $pa = $root->children(); echo renderChildrenOf($pa,$root); didn't test that code so not totally sure it will work yet... will try and test later...
  25. here's a first try though untested as of yet... worked on this a bit... /** * render markup menu for bootstrap nested navigation * * @param PageArray $pa pages of the top level items * @param Page $root root page optional, if you use other root than home page (id:1) * @param string $output for returned string collection * @param integer $level internally used to count levels * @return string menu html string */ function renderChildrenOf($pa, $root = null, $output = '', $level = 0) { if(!$root) $root = wire("pages")->get(1); $output = ''; $level++; foreach($pa as $child) { $has_children = count($child->children()) ? true : false; $opening = ''; $closing = ''; if($has_children && $child === $root) { $output .= "\n\t<li><a href='{$child->url}'>{$child->title}</a></li>\n"; } if(!$has_children) { $output .= "\t<li><a href='{$child->url}'>{$child->title}</a></li>\n"; } if($has_children && $child !== $root) { if($level == 1) { $opening = "\t<li aria-haspopup='true'>\n<a href='{$child->url}'>{$child->title}</a>\n<div class='grid-container12'>\n"; $closing = "</div>\n</li>\n"; } if($level == 2) { $opening = "\n<div class=\"grid-column3\">\n<h4>{$child->title}</h4>\n<ul>\n"; $closing = "</ul>\n</div>\n"; } } $output .= $opening; // If this child is itself a parent and not the root page, then render its children in their own menu too... if($has_children && $child !== $root) { $output .= renderChildrenOf($child->children(), $root, $output, $level); } $output .= $closing; } return $output . "\n"; } it's also easier in this case to specify the outer markup and let the function do the rest.. $root = $pages->get(1); $pa = $root->children(); $pa->prepend($root); echo '<ul class="mega-menu">'; echo renderChildrenOf($pa,$root); echo '</ul>'; but probably you'll need to work on it because this really only works with that exact page tree structure..
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