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Everything posted by dragan

  1. Thanks. I never really knew about fieldset_open / fieldset_end. Stumbled over this forum thread also: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/665-editing-fieldsets/ It will surely come in handy at some point. Although I do save some space now, I still didn't find a way to actually be able to display image thumbnails next to each other (3 or 4 in a row). Is that somehow possible? e.g. I have two fieldsets: content 33% (everything else than images) + images 67%. But the thumbnails are still displayed one on each row. Is it not possible to change the CSS properties of the image input field? I tried editing .InputfieldImage in wire\modules\Inputfield\InputfieldImage\InputfieldImage.css with no luck
  2. I only now discovered that it's possible to declare individual input-field widths. Excellent feature! However, image-fields are not supported. Well, the fields are resized, but it seems to be still "display: block" i.e. each image-input field is displayed one below the other. With image-heavy pages, it would be cool to say e.g. "image input field: width: 33%" and being able to show more images per row. This would make sorting much easier. Right now I have to resize the browser content (CTRL -) so I can see more images per screen real estate. Even then, I have to often move an image up or down several times to reorder them. I guess all it would take is changing / adding a CSS property somewhere? e.g. from "display: block" to "display: inline" or similar.
  3. Turns out the hoster actually IS using mod_sec and blocks certain URLs; got whitelisted now after talking to support. The internet isn't what it used to be...
  4. Thanks. I changed it back to GET. However, when doing so, I get an absolutely puzzling 403 error for one certain tag only: No umlauts there, and it appears in two images. Using one of the other tags for the same images, it works fine. I could maybe understand an error 404, but 403? e.g. tags/?tag=poker = error 403 these work fine: tags/?tag=cardgame tags/?tag=gambling tags/?tag=jassen tags/?tag=Jass Guess my hoster is paranoid and blocking certain keywords... o_O
  5. Funny how small this planet is... I grew up in Regensdorf Gretag doesn't exist anymore, it was liquidated in 2004 (now the buildings are rented to various new companies).
  6. I stumbled upon a problem with URL segments. URL segment 1 is supposed to be the image tag. Works fine (= 2nd half of your example code "find all pages with the supplied tag") However, when I call a page like /tags/Genève I get an error 404. In other words: image tags with umlauts (àèöéç etc.) are not being recognized when called with $tagvalue = $sanitizer->selectorValue($input->urlSegment1); Do I have to change something in the code or config to make image tags work with umlauts? btw: simply using page/?tag=Frühling works fine, i.e. $tagvalue = trim($_GET["tag"]);
  7. That works like a charm! Thanks again. iirc, image tags are supposed to be separated by space, so the two lines if(strpos($tags, ',') !== false) $tags = str_replace(',', ' ', $tags); if(strpos($tags, '|') !== false) $tags = str_replace('|', ' ', $tags); can be omitted. The URL segments tip is golden, I definitely have to explore that further. So far, I've only used it in a multi-language setup. Didn't even occur to me to use that here...
  8. Awesome, thank you! I'm on the road today but I'll tinker around this evening and tomorrow. (btw, the much bigger work is actually tagging thousands of pics in the first place...)
  9. Excellent! Thanks so much.
  10. Thanks, but that's not what I'm looking for. I need individual tags for each image. I can set them alright, finding all of them is where I'm a bit stuck. AFAIK, this was only introduced in PW 2.3 - the blog profile is 2.2. The tags there are per page, not per image. I'm already familar with page-selectors, the page input field etc. It's the specific image tags I'm having problems with.
  11. I decided to rebuild an old image gallery site with PW. I know there's countless image-gallery scripts out there, but for my liking, most of them are too bloated. Also, I thought this was another good opportunity to dive further into PW-world. I'm keeping the old basic gallery structure: 95% of the galleries are in date-folders (monthly), like a blog archive. But I'd like to add some filter / search functionality, because there's just so many pics - when you come to the site and look for a specific subject, there was no way to do that on the old site. Q 1: How can I create a simple "search by image tag"? I want the results to list all images (thumbs) with tag x, and a link to the parent page. Q2: How would I most efficiently grab all tags from all pages, all images, and present it alphabetically (not necessary a fancy tag-cloud, but making sure I list each unique tag only once)? So when the user clicks on one tag link, he sees all image thumbs that have that tag on the results page. $p = $pages->find("images.tags~=$tag") works fine. I can explode("|", $p) to get a page-id array, but where would I go from here? A tag can be any anywhere, in various galleries (pages), and most pics have multiple tags. I'd like to group the results by page, so I guess I need to add 1-2 foreach loops, no? Can somebody help with some example code? I'm a bit stuck right now.
  12. Sure: http://dnik.ch/050506/
  13. I was confused too. The original images were in another folder on the same server. I entered the full path to the images. The original images are regular JPGs, with .jpg suffixes. The only thing that I could think of that may have triggered this strange PW behavior is: the image suffixes are uppercase: so, foo.JPG, not foo.jpg. (the uppercase suffix was generated from an old digital camera - but that didn't cause any problem whatsoever in the past) I really could have used this handy API function to move / add literally thousands of images with one handy script (I'm re-building an entire photoblog site with PW). There's nothing special about the images. Plain-jane, regular JPGs, exported from Photoshop with "save for web" menu. o_O
  14. To be more precise, in "page edit" view, I can view the thumbnails OK, but clicking on any of these, I just see gibberish like JFIF^^gExifII* (12iCanonCanon EOS 20Dg5'g5'Adobe Photoshop CS2 Windows2006:05:06 17:58:16"'02212 FN V ^f0100nv 2006:05:05 19:37:162006:05:05 in the lightbox. The images themselves are fine, been online since 2006 on photo-galleries...
  15. I tried the example code above - everything worked fine. However, when adding images, the new filenames are all without .jpg suffix. They are all named "image.___" instead of "image.jpg". The originals (on the same server, in another folder) have .JPG (uppercase) suffixes. Does that have anything to do with it? Anything I can do to keep the exact same image-names when creating pages and using $p->images->add('foo/blah.jpg') ? The browsers display the images OK, but I'd rather keep .jpg suffixes (upper- or lowercase) instead of .___
  16. I never installed a custom admin theme. I have 2.3.0 installed. site/templates-admin/default.php shows this: /** * ProcessWire 2.x Admin Markup Template * * Copyright 2010 by Ryan Cramer * Teflon Theme 2011 by Soma Philipp Urlich * * @modified 2012-08-29 * @version 1.0.3 */ I just checked in ModulesManager: filter by Admin Themes: status: - (none installed)
  17. Somewhat related: http://37signals.com/svn/posts/1061-why-we-skip-photoshop
  18. I ended up adding this bit of CSS at the bottom of site/templates-admin/styles/ui.css: #submit_save_copy { visibility: hidden; display: none; } Bottom save button stays, the top one disappears. Or you could add another custom .css and include it in site/templates-admin/default.php: $config->styles->append($config->urls->adminTemplates . "styles/custom-ui.css"); Perhaps another workaround would be to make the top button just an #anchor link to jump to the bottom.
  19. links on the "our work" page result in 404 errors... o_O
  20. There is lots of reading material: http://processwire.com/api/ http://processwire.com/videos/ http://processwire.com/talk/forum/13-tutorials/
  21. we'll just rent a nice chalet and have Fondue + Kirsch, then...
  22. not sure i understand... try modifying your HOSTS file (locally).
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