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Everything posted by alchime.net

  1. Yes i was able to acess to any front pages but without css and admin was fine. Dont bother. I start over and it was fine. Regards
  2. The built in part. I re-install from start in an another sub directory (same host)and it went smooth. Everything is fine So i don't know what happen. Tks anyway
  3. Hi After a clean install of pw2.3, i had to set up RewriteBase /subdirectory to have admin work. But for the front end i don't get any css ... but template seems to work (menu ok, related pages..) What could be the reason ? It's on a 1and1 host. REDIRECT_HTTP_MOD_REWRITE On Regards.
  4. http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/html5-editable-content/ Might intererest you.
  5. On that page http://processwire.com/blogtest/posts/gallery-test/ it's seem that there is a module (?) gallery already done for PW. Is it possible to incorporate it without all the blog stuff ? Thanks in advance for your answers.
  6. Thank you both for the Captacha exemple/idea. I'm always very intersted about the way Ryan do stuff i have to say.. (and i m sure i m not the only one ;-) Regards, Alchime
  7. I agree. (encourages you to browse a lot..)
  8. Thanks Ryan it does help ! (and it works nicely enought - i just translate the form in french..) I'll might try to mix it with the code from the "form builder" because i like the way that email are checked.. Hum.. what about Captcha ? Any thought of that matter ? Regards, M. P.S : Have a really great day !
  9. What about http://processwire.com/tutorials/quick-start/forms-the-long-way/ **** I install and read the help files for the "form builder module" but i'm still a bit confused : * // help file Usage: * * 1. In admin, create the fields you want to be part of the form. OK * 2. Create a new template and assign your fields to this template. OK but do i need evey other fields ?- i would say yes.. So that would be a normal template like basic pages + new fields for the form.. * 3. Create another template for your contact form page (if you don't already have one). That's confusing.. A new template again ? then it's written (if you don't already have one) How many do I need then !!? ;-) * 4. Use the example below as a starting point for this contact form page: (ok thanks Ryan as usual) Cause i just want an easy way to make contact forms at the end.. with just some different kind of fields depending of the website.. A walkthrought/tutorial would really be great **** or at least to explicit the number 2 and 3. Regards,
  10. Ryan, As usual, Thanks for that kind of easy to follow answers It works for 90% cases of website i guess. And i definitively going to use your way of doing it.. But still, What about someone who would like to copy/past a script in the content/body part ? I 'm wondering if it 's possible to "by pass" the way tinymce get ride of the "script brackets/code" when using the html/code. because i'm not going to make a special template for each case !! ;-) (or am i have to ?...) I know/guess it's a way to secure the website.. but : I think it's the same issue for video includes from utube, FB, and so on.. I have to read other posts.. thks again Regards ! Alchime
  11. Hi everyone, I'haven't found any topics about it but what would be the ways to insert the google adsense code in a page ?!? The "body" /tinymce/ html code/ get ride of the <script type="text/javascript"> So is there an easy way to include it in the content ? Or am i suppose to create a new field and include it in the template ? What kind please of fields then ? Might sound a silly question for most of you, so please don't laught at me and share some knowledges ;-) Thanks in advance ! Alchime ------------------------------- code given by google ads is : <!-- <script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "whateverisyourcode"; /* defixxxxxxxxx */ google_ad_slot = "32xxxx920"; google_ad_width = 336; google_ad_height = 280; //--> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"> </script>
  12. It 's still a pain in the ass to select a host.. By the way you can have a look to http://compagniefarfadets.re to see what i believe the first fonctionnal pw web site in Reunion island ;-) (is about theater, in french) this one it's host by e-clicking (who seems to working with OVH, France) cheaper that that is pretty hard to get i believe. BUT i know the website will be hit pretty soon (because of an interview on local TV). I'll see.. Anyway it's cyclone times here ;-)
  13. I could give some inputs about Modx but mainly for Evo (I used it before it what called like that, from 2006 to huu ok now..) But it would be similar to the http://www.friendlyskies.net/notebook/thoughts-on-cms-packages-july-2011 opinions in short. Great package, really enjoyed using Evo, but I haven’t spent as much time with it since Revo came out. Quite a bit of interesting pseudocode in there. Still, it’s all PHP so it’s not like it’s a pain to work with. I just don’t see my clients enjoying the admin UI compared to other clients using other software. Honestly i REALLY liked Modx and as i have already said somewhere, before, on the forum it was my best friend but now that i found about processwire ;-) ... And i tried like 100's CMS before PW. (I love to be an "early adopter.." but i stop creating web site for like 2 years..) Regards ps : Zenphoto is great too, Oxwall is pretty fine. And i'm not a php programming efficient person yet.(?)
  14. Since the module can save entries as pages, would it be usable to create "web directories" of persons/users/links with description and pictures ? saving to pages is not different than saving to sbdg, right ? So the missing parts are - security options for images - users creation and setting up their pages. Ryan (and someone else) do you think that will be possible with the way you intend to make the formBuilder updated ? I'm pretty sure there is enought resources on php to get something like that done (i mean even by me) but i was wondering how hard would that be and how PW would help do it.. I should read again this topic and the ones about images galery... Regards,
  15. thanks apeisa for your input, i'll check that soon..and 'll confirm here.
  16. I was talking about the main.css of the front end but the same apply to admin.. Apeisa. Thanks for the advice, i will give a closer 2nd look to the themeroller but i usually use firebug and edit on the fly my css..
  17. What about having PW in softaculous/cPannel ? That would be great..
  18. Nice picture . Pretty hard to beat.. So you won't write yours soon ? ;-) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- >The Jquery UI leave the moz specific css in your Frond End theme, properties that are still a bit surprising for me.. >>Not sure I understand? Can you re-word? In the css there is specific properties for mozilla, like the ones difining border for divs. For me - it's annoying cause i feel it's redondant, have to make change twice but : a) This is you theme you do it the way ou want.. b) I'm sure it might be usefull for some persons (is that CS3 properties by the way ?) Hope it's more understandable.
  19. >> I would be interested in hearing how the site performs for those of you in Europe and outside the US. works fine. I'm the Indian ocean. ;D (Reunion Island) e-clicking is quite cheap with cpanel for shared hosting. Haven't try other option.
  20. How is going this module ? any update or new idea? By the way : How can i make the images showing in the frond end page link to a fancybox ? By adding a class in the template ? For now it's give you the full size in the main page.. Tks. M.
  21. Could be usefull for somes ! thanks for sharing. Maybe add a link to a demo or live site to see the kind of results you got with that module ?
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