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Peter Knight

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Everything posted by Peter Knight

  1. Anyone tried it yet? http://processwire.com/blog/posts/introducing-processwire-listerpro/ Timing is perfect for a site I'm developing right now.
  2. Lovely work by both you and Natasha. The blog link doesn't work for me or rather, it looks like it's yet to be populated with content?
  3. I've done some experimenting and made some progress. Editing an existing page displays the new updated field label Creating a new page displays the default field label I don't know if it's related but I then enabled Family > Show in the add-page shortcut menu and this seems to have worked. But back to my original point and request for the wish list. This really is a cool feature and exactly solves my "issue". It's another example of a cool thing which PW can do which is hidden away and not really documented. Most of the really great features I discover are via the forums and "digging around".
  4. Wierd but it doesn't work for me. The template in question is called graduate_detail. You can see from the screengrab that I have renamed the label of the Title field to Full Name (ex Title). However, when I create a new page based on this template, the Title field still has the label of Title. Running 2.5.4 I'll test it on some other installs.
  5. Joss - My client currently updates their site via some kind of Microsoft Visual HTML Editor. They have (in their current site) pink and yellow text, blinking text and background music in their newsletters. One of us is going to end up crying in some corner of some room
  6. That sounds pretty close. Will try and many thanks.
  7. I know the sitee you're referring to. Lately I think they've started a new timed download feature so all your favourite add Ons just became more expensive.
  8. It's incredibly useful to be able to rename the default and mandatory title field on a per template basis. Another CMS I use handles this and it's great for certain situations. Let's say I have a template called Staff Directory with the following fields - full name - department - location In this instance, I don't want an editor to see the page title field as it's not required. Making them duplicate the full name in the title field works but isn't ideal.
  9. Thanks Joss I've just been on LiveChat with both ServInt and SoftLayer and was a little underwhelmed by both. Noether seemed really pushed. I'll check out Rackspace now.
  10. Anyone have recommendations for hosting a medium to large ProcessWire site? Apart from the usual functionality, I need ability to snapshot/duplicate a site ability to work on that duplicate site and then "inject" it into the original site Thanks
  11. Jealous of your broadband speed. Stuck here with a 4MB connection You on fibre optic?
  12. Can this be tweaked to dynamically change an amount on a PW site? Say I had a product listed for sale at $60 (USD) I'd like to have a US and a UK flag. Clicking US or UK flag would convert the $60 to £80 (or whatever).
  13. Quick update. If you're running the latest version of FoxyCart, embedding field values in FC links will work. When I originally posted, I think FC was running a slightly older version.
  14. Cheers. Will do. So that was the issue or a general suggestion?
  15. I have two basic text fields called Product and Price. According to FoxyCart docs, I can manually create a URL as follows which will add a Picture Frame worth 100 dollars to my cart. <a href="https://YOURSTORE.foxycart.com/cart?name=PictureFrame&price=100">Add picture frame</a> Is there a way to swap out the product and price for the values in my fields? I've tried the following but it never converts my fields into actual data <a href="https://YOURSTORE.foxycart.com/cart?name=<?php echo $page->product; ?>&price=<?php echo $page->price; ?>Add picture frame</a> I There are some errors in the formatting above but you get my thinking. Typing on ipad
  16. Thanks Adrian. Hoping I'll eventually get "there" :-/
  17. I've followed a tutorial on setting up tags and have a tag field as follows: type=page allow new pages to be created from field=yes input field type - Asmselect Using the following on my template, I can output all the tags on my site <H3>Tags</H3> <?php $tags = $pages->get("/tags/")->children->find("sort=title"); echo "<ul>"; foreach($tags as $tag){ //iterate over each tag echo "<li><a href='{$tag->url}'>{$tag->title}</a></li>"; // and generate link to that page } echo "</ul>"; ?> What I'd like to do is echo only the tags used on the page being displayed. I thought the trick was to use $page instead of $pages as follows <?php $page->get("tags"); foreach($tags as $tag){ //iterate over each tag echo "<a href='{$tag->url}'>{$tag->title}</a></li>"; // and generate link to that page } ?> No joy. I think I know why. it's because my field called tags has a separate page for each tag so I probably need to use something like $page->get"tags" ->children Obviously thats not realy php but my literal interpretation. Just wondering if I'm on the right track and where I am going wrong.
  18. Thanks for all the amazing answers. Best thing to do from here is to build a small demo and then come back to you.
  19. But in general, would you suggest housing each "section" (Bar, Maker, Seller) as a top-level parent folder?
  20. I've no idea right now but it'd need to be scalable. More than 1. Less than 100,000.
  21. Hi guys I have an upcoming build and I'm wondering how best to structure the data in the admin. What would you do? The site focuses around the following which are all interlinked and cross referenced/tagged etc Chocolate Bars, Confectioners and Chocolate sellers/shops Chocolate Bars A section containing a page on every cholcate bar where bars are products. Each bar would also have a type such as "Milk Chocolate" or "Dark Chocolate" and you could click on these types to bring up a list of the same types of bars matching that variety. Mars Aero Mint Hazel-nutto Milky Chocco etc etc Confectioners A list of every chocolate maker in the World. Each confectioner would have a profile page and a list of bars they make. Bars link back to the Chocolate Bar pages while locations and countries links back to a list of Confectioners in the same country. Cadburys Hersheys etc etc Shops Every shop that sells chocolate. Each bar they stock would link back to individual Chocolate Bar pages. Shop 1 Shop 2 Shop 3 etc I think my uncertainty regarding best approach is because the volume of pages will be huge and I want to get the structure correct from the start. On the front-end I gather I'll be using selectors quite heavily and using tags a lot but right now I'm more interested in the back end structure. I thinK Ryan's demo Skyscraper site will be worth a download as it looks kinda similar.
  22. Love the navigation. The site is relatively small so it works. It there were lots of sub pages you'd probably handle it differently.
  23. I've an idea for a module and wondering what the best way forward is. Are the options basically as follows: - draw up wireframes and approach developers privately for costs - post the wireframes publicly in case it's of interest to a module developer - send wireframes to Ryan and see if it's on the roadmap Any advice? I'm just considering it right now.
  24. No issues here. Working great. Congrats Any plans to have the actual tree under the Pages link ?
  25. Anyone else tried the new Reno Theme by RenoBird (Tom) ? Looks reall nice and would definitely recommend it. BTW that does say 2.5.1 in the footer
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