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Everything posted by OllieMackJames
I am getting this message again and again when trying to export site profile: Unable to setup skeleton site directory Directory /assets/backups/exportt-profile/ has 755 permissions Thanks!
I get the following error inside processwire admin: Error loading GitHub branches https://api.github.com/repos/ryancramerdesign/Processwire/branches Any ideas what this could be? I am running ProcessWire 2.5.3 Thanks!
I have a site that is kind of a directory for therapists, I want therapists to be able to add/edit their own profile on the site. Once they do, it needs final manual editing/setting to published. They will upload one or more pics and/or add a youtube video to their profile It needs to be protected so only therapists with access code that was sent to them can add a profile page Once the page is added, if they want to change the wording or picture / video, I want them to be able to login to their page only and make the changes they want I am looking for someone to build this for me, maybe based on formbuilder or a custom module Thanks
Great module! Would it be possible to do the rating by clicking on one of the stars rather than the dropdown? thanks
Page field selection output not correct
OllieMackJames replied to OllieMackJames's topic in API & Templates
adria, it is in this board, because if I am correct the page field option only exists with Profields, anyways, fine by me to move to a place where more people can benefit. -
in one template I use the page input field to get a link to another page on the site. foreach($slides as $slide){ $out .="<li>"; // Check for an image if($slide->slide_image){ $out .="<a href='{$slide->slide_link_url}'><img src='{$slide->slide_image->url}'></a>"; } // endif // put the caption together from the title and textarea in the repeater $out .="<div class='orbit-caption'>"; $out .="<a href='{$slide->slide_link_url}'><h3>{$slide->title}</h3></a>"; $out .="<a href='{$slide->slide_link_url}'><p>{$slide->basic_textarea}</p></a>"; $out .="</div>"; $out .="</li>"; } So I have a field called: slide_link_url Details tab: Single page (Page) or empty page (NullPage) when none selected Input tab: select parent root Label field: name Input field type: PageListSelect+ Now in the output I see a link to /1006 which throws an 404 error How can I get this to link to /name-of-page/ Hope this is clear enough, thanks!
Using insert link in regular field
OllieMackJames replied to OllieMackJames's topic in General Support
Thanks adrian, I just found out that what I want already is part of profields... ...one problem though, it links to the number of the page, in stead of the regular url, any ideas how to correct this. BTW, when clicked I get a 404, strange -
I have added a field that will contain a URL that will then be used to link to a page. How can I access the insert link module from the input for this field. TinyMCE uses this inert link, that allows to chose from the internal pags or insert an external link. Thanks!
Great stuff, one question, where would I place this to make it work? thanks!
@cmscritic, great idea! @adrian, man you really rock, thanks lots for making this, going to install it on all my PW sites, already installed on one and works flawless! THANKS again.
I have a current site in modx evolution with many many indexed pages, all directly under the root and with an .html extension. I would like to still port this site to processwire, but because I have many first page results in the search engines, due to the structure and probably backlinks as well, it is imperative to keep all pages directly under the root with the html extension. I already found out about the setting to take out the trailing slash and that I can just name the page with .html at the end, but what I do not understand yet, is how to go about the part to remove parts of the url, I found the code from here: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/5448-remove-parents-from-url/?hl=rewriting#entry52656 /** * This hook modifies the default behavior of the Page::path function (and thereby Page::url) * * The primary purpose is to redefine blog posts to be accessed at a URL off the root level * rather than under /posts/ (where they actually live). * */ wire()->addHookBefore('Page::path', function($event) { $page = $event->object; if($page->template == 'post') { // ensure that pages with template 'post' live off the root rather than '/posts/' $event->replace = true; $event->return = "/$page->name/"; } }); But can not get this to work, where should I put this? Thanks!
Membership subscription payments / general PW support
OllieMackJames replied to NikNak's topic in Jobs
For many years already I have been a very happy user of amember from www.amember.com dripfeeding content possible, etc. etc. solid and well supported. This is one area where I just want a commercial product to deal with all the payment intricacies and security & compliance stuff. They take care of all the payment provider stuff as well, have a large variety of payment providers and it has been my experience that the more payment options you offer on site, the more you sell overall. You will probably just have to add some snippets of php to protected pages, but the guys from amembet will be able to tell/help you do that, great support! my2cents! -
pintersest like functionality for opening new page
OllieMackJames replied to OllieMackJames's topic in Jobs
Thanks lots Joss, only now see your answer. I think I am starting to - slowly - grasp what it is, couple of years ago I ran into a js script that would fill in a div with the contents from an external page, so I guess that part would only need to be changed so the js gets activated on a click... SO I need a page with a basic div structure where the overlay is already in place, BUT unpopulated. Then on click the js fills the overlay and populates the url location. OK now the seo part, for bounce rate purposes I need people to visit more pages, the more, the better, so I guess the correct question would then be, how can this - all of the above, that is - be done so each click will be seen / counted as an extra page view?... thanks again for sharing your thinking power Joss! Much appreciated. -
Thanks lots Joss! Installed on a site and playing around with it, getting a good feel for what you have done, very nice, so thanks again
pintersest like functionality for opening new page
OllieMackJames replied to OllieMackJames's topic in Jobs
Hi Dragan, Thanks for your proof of concept, aprreciate the time you put into that. I appreciate everyone thinking it is a lightbox and carry on as if that assumption is true, but honestly I do not think this is lightbox functionality at all, I would rather call it background-underpop-functionality. Now if I were a programmer or webdesigner - which I am not - this is what I would do: - go to pinterest.com and take the page apart and figure out how it works, not simple for me as I am not a designer/webprogrammer (Joss's linjk pointed to a site where it looks like someone miught have done exactly that http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11252579/how-can-i-duplicate-pinterest-websites-modal-effect) The lightbox solution that dragan shows uses an iframe and external urls (or image) within that iframe. This is definitely not the route to go, here's why: I need/want internal urls, not to show up in an iframe, but to show up with the frontpage as a background if clicked from the homepage, or if from another top-level-category page that page as background, if you look at for example: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/150941024985201396/ you see the page as it is when accessed directly, yet if you access that page from the pinterest homepage, you'll see the page laid-over the homepage, no iframe, but the whole page, scrollable as if it is the page just with the -clicked-from-page-as-background, this is how I need it to be, for at least 2 reasons: - from an User Interface point of view, because the added scrolling within an iframe makes the page less intuitively easy to scroll and hence I expect the bounce rate to go up, which is a no-go for a number of reasons; - from an seo point of view, calling the page from within an iframe, with a url that has something added to the basic url like /#name-of-page-in-iframe will lead to duplicate content issues on my site, because the same page will be called from the iframe AND exist with a url addition to the page from which it is called and it will exist on its own url, so twice on one site, that is a no go from seo point of view. thanks! -
pintersest like functionality for opening new page
OllieMackJames replied to OllieMackJames's topic in Jobs
Interesting to get all these reactions about how to do this and how simple this is ... yet I posted this in the jobs section and though I appreciate the input, it is not going to get the job done I'm afraid, so once again, anybody game to have a go at this? thanks! -
pintersest like functionality for opening new page
OllieMackJames replied to OllieMackJames's topic in Jobs
Joss, Horst, thanks for the reply, but like dragan points out (Thanks Dragan) the lighbox does not solve the url rewrite method and that is what I am looking for. I looked at backbone.js but for the life of me can not figure out how to make that work. That is why this is posted in the jobs section, cause I would prefer someone to do this for me and make that work, I am not proficient to do this myself. tnx! -
I would like to have the overlay fucntionality of pinterest individual pages. If you go to pinterest.com and click on any pin, you will see a page that is opened over the underlying page AND in the url address bar you see the url of the opened page, now once clicked beside the page again it closes the overlaid page and returns to the main fornt page. If you are interested in making this, please PM and I will show you my pinterest type of pw site that already has the frontpage covered, now all I need is the individual page template. Thanks!
OK, got it, for whoever needs it, here it is: $results = $pages->find("parent=$page, template=blogpost-iframe, limit=$limit");
I have different toplevelpages with children below each page. On the toplevel page I want to ahve a paginated call to the underlying pages I would like to get something like this: $results = $pages->find("parent=rootParent, template=blogpost-iframe, limit=$limit"); But apparently parent=rootParent is not a proper selector So on any give top level page I want to find all children below that parent page. I can do this with $page->children but then pagination will not work and that is what I need as well. Thanks!
Found it already myself: $results = $pages->find("template=blogpost-iframe, limit=$limit, start=0"); This threw the sytem off, I don't know why, but taking out start=0 did the trick. Would be nice to understand why and how this works, now I am guessing and through trial and error got to this solution. Does anybody know how and why this works and what the underlying logic is? thanks!
I am using the following code on a page to get pagination that will be used by infinitescroll to append paginated pages to the current page. Trouble I run into is that the pagination does not work properly, it just keeps adding/appending the same page over and over once I scroll to the bottom. So there must be something that I am doing wrong with the pagination call, can anyone see my mistake: <div id="wrapper" class="clearfix"> <?php $limit = 7; // the "limit"-setting used on this page $results = $pages->find("template=blogpost-iframe, limit=$limit, start=0"); foreach($results as $result) { $imgURL = $result->images->first()->url; // original image $thumbWidth = 192; $thumbWidthPX = $thumbWidth . 'px'; $thumb = $result->images->first()->size($thumbWidth); $thumbURL = $thumb->url; $siteURL = $pages->get(1)->httpUrl; // home URL $summary = $result->summary; $title = $result->title; $blogURL = $result->httpUrl; $frontSummary = $result->frontSummary; echo <<<BLOGEOF <div class="tack"> <div class="tackHolder"> <div class="actions"> <div class="left"> <a class="button" href="http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=$siteURL/&media=$imgURL&description=$summary"><strong><em></em>Repin</strong></a> </div> <div class="left"> <div id="facebook_like_button_holder" > <a title="send to Facebook" href="http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?s=100&p[title]=$title&p[summary]=$summary&p[url]=$blogURL&p[images][0]=$imgURL" target="_blank"><div id="fake_facebook_button" class="button"><strong><em></em>like</strong></div></a> </div> </div> </div> <a href="$blogURL" class="iframe cboxElement" title="$title"><img src="$thumbURL" alt="$title" title="$title" class="tack_img drthumbonly" width="$thumbWidthPX"/></a> </div> $frontSummary <p class="links"><a href="$blogURL" class="iframe cboxElement">Meer Informatie...</a></p> </div> BLOGEOF; } ?> </div> </div><!-- #wrapper --> <div class="clear"></div> <nav id="page-nav"> <?php $children = $page->children("limit=" . $limit); $totalpages = ceil($children->getTotal() / $limit); // PAGINATOR: set SEO tags for Google if ($input->pageNum) { if ($input->pageNum < $totalpages) { echo "<a href='" . $page->url . $config->pageNumUrlPrefix . ($input->pageNum + 1) . "'>Next "; } else { echo "Thanks for browsing, you have reached the bottom of this page!"; } } ?> </nav> Thanks!
OK BIG thanks to soma, who helped me get this, here is the final one: <?php $limit = 5; // the "limit"-setting used on this page $children = $page->children("limit=" . $limit); $totalpages = ceil($children->getTotal() / $limit); // PAGINATOR: set SEO tags for Google if ($input->pageNum) { if ($input->pageNum < $totalpages) { echo "<a rel='next' href='" . $page->url . $config->pageNumUrlPrefix . ($input->pageNum + 1) . "'>Next "; } else { echo "Thanks for browsing, you have reached the bottom of this page!"; } } ?> Once again, thanks to all for thinking along, now the next hurdle, to get infinitescroll to do the rest!
Ok got it this gives me the next link, mind you I still had to turn on pagination on the template but here is the code that gives me the next link: <?php $limit = 5; // the "limit"-setting used on this page $children = $page->children("limit=" . $limit); $totalpages = ceil($children->getTotal() / $limit); // PAGINATOR: set SEO tags for Google if ($input->pageNum) { if ($input->pageNum < $totalpages) { echo "<a rel='next' href='" . $page->url . $config->pageNumUrlPrefix . ($input->pageNum + 1) . "'>Next "; } } ?> Question remains how to get the last page to say: Thanks, you have reached the bottom now.
Thanks Martijn, added that to the following code: $results = $pages->find("template=blogpost-iframe, limit=10, start=0"); and that did not change anything, so I guess that is not what I need then. Thanks soma, the first option threw an error about an object not being there, the second option is definitely a step forward, now I get this result in my source: <link href="/pw/seite2" rel="next"> so the question now is how to get this line: echo "<link rel='next' href='" . $page->url . $config->pageNumUrlPrefix . ($input->pageNum + 1) . "' />"; to output: <a href="/pw/seite2 rel="next">Next</a> Thnks all for thinking along, much appreciated!