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About typ9

  • Birthday 01/01/1976

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    Basketball, Design, Skiing

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  1. I receive warnings using ProcessDiagnostics together with php8.2: Can someone advice what to do?
  2. I was looking for a solution for a Multisite project, and found that with a slight change of Ryans script I can manage to have the correct stylesheet for each domain. I therefore call the renderSitemapXML function with the correct root page: echo renderSitemapXML(array($page->rootParent->url)); and within that function skip the line array_unshift($paths, '/'); // prepend homepage That is doing the job! ?
  3. Our client tries to reach the new ProcessWire page via reverse proxy, so he redirects client-domain.de/test/ via proxy_pass to the URL where we provide the website. On the server, we set the domain 'client-domain.de' to the right ProcessWire webspace, and we set the httpHosts in config.php to 'client-domain.de/test' With this configuration we manage to load the start page, but all the paths and links don't fit (stylesheets, scripts, subpages), because their URL is 'client-domain.de' without the '/test'. Can anyone advice how to change the settings to get this working? Any help is appreciated!
  4. Yes, thanks a lot, that was the solution!!! In AdminOnSteroids, there is a submodule CKEaddons, and there we had the Justify Plugin enabled! Thanks a lot for your help, @horst!!!
  5. Maybe there are some settings at another place where we somehow by mistake add the Justify options to the toolbar by default? But I cannot find it anywhere...
  6. No, unfortunately I don't think that this is the solution. With the whole "wire" directory as we get it by download, the problem already occurs. If I for example add JustifyCenter manually to the toolbar, I happens to show up twice!
  7. In the textfields we implement with CKEditor we cannot deactivate the JustifyBlock etc. options. I attached screenshots that show the Toolbar settings and the output. I found out that I can remove the whole Justify-Plugin, then none of the Justify options appear. My goal would be to offer the JustifyRight, JustifyCenter and JustifyLeft option, but remove the JustifyBlock option... I don't have any clue how to achieve that! Do you maybe have an idea?
  8. Oh, didn’t know this yet. Any links regarding that issue? THX!
  9. Hi there! It’s software, nothing camera specific. Text overlay is generated by this software. Pics load up via FTP.
  10. THX. Had to contact my ISP to get it done. But for now it seems to work! THX!
  11. OK. I think you mean this suggestion, right? But... what does that mean? How do I do that? Once I copy/paste that line into the php.ini field, it doesnt work. Sorry, no php nerd here, but only a web designer...
  12. Ooops... There is at least ONE damn thing you‘ll always forget. Thx, titanium! Oh: our provider just sent me an email - our server has to be shut down and restarted because they had to fix some of that hardware stuff in there. Gotta change our provider someday...
  13. Thx for informing me. Mhhh... yeah, that d...mn server sometimes has hickup like that. Gotta check that. Hope it doesn‘t occur very often...
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