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Everything posted by Soma

  1. I think I would be better to build a "table grid" module, rather than "violating" the repeater for a "table" like display which isn't meant to be in first place, it's an "element repeater". I could imagine having table like field type for this sort of table data, that is configurable to have certain number of columns. Then use such a plugin as datatables or slickgrid's to handle the UI.
  2. I think the "parent=" in the find does only look for direct child pages not on all levels. Not sure though if that's your problem. Apart from that it should work if you use "" instead of '' for the selector string. This is because '' won't get parsed, so using "" will work with the $page var inside. Also not sure if slkwrm's will work in your case.( with "") I always use the get() to go to a certain branch and do a find. $spring_courses = $pages->get("/courses/spring/")->find("course_instructors=$page");
  3. It's more likely that the image field setup is a multiple and not single image. So it would require to do: echo '<td><img src="'. $tdobject->icon->first()->size(40, 40)->url . '"/></td>';
  4. Looking good smd. One thing I recognized on the frontpage... The images in the flex slider has png's, one almost 500kb big, and it loads slow. 6 Images x ~500kb ~= 3mb !!! I would recommend using jpg. SO the body background-image doesn't fully load before all the images are loaded and is just white. I would recommend setting a bg color at least so it falls back to that before loading the bg.jpg..
  5. You can use file compare in various IDE's. Also I think there's no easier way than do it manually, but I think the .htaccess doesn't change in every update. Most convenient way would be to look at the commit log on github if there really were any changes on the htaccess and which.
  6. I already reported that settings for the reapeater field doesn't save. I think Ryan missed it, but sure he will look into it now
  7. Awesome Ryan! This will simplify a lot. You know, I was actually thinking quite a lot of times, that it would be nice and possible, to completely being able to setup fields within the edit template screen directly, and kinda use dialogs and such to edit fields, drag them into the template etc. After first week starting with PW back then, I was even starting to play around in my mind with creating a visual node template editor with raphaël js (brilliant svg) library. I found it would require a lot of experimenting and some better knowledge of PW. Also there's no really good implementation of a visual node (with drag drop connecting and stuff) for raphaël yet, only one more decent and unfinished. So writing one my own first would go a little far and held me up. Can't wait to get my hands dirty with this new feature and see how it feels! Thanks for your continuous effort to make this the best CMS around.
  8. Thanks a lot Ryan for testing. I will change that and update the repo of SoftLock module.
  9. Thanks for your reply! My thinking is a little different than yours it seems. I actually think it would simplify a lot. To define the layout mask of the template on the template itself and not on the field. Width is actually something related to the template mask the field will be put, I don't see this same as the other field settings. Also regarding re-usability of the fields. This would have effect on how fields can be used across different templates, I don't want to have multiple "title" fields just because one I want one 50% and the other 100%... This way (defining on template level) it wouldn't make it more complicated, but as it is now, it's actually getting complicated: to maintain, to setup and to trace... Whereas when defining such things on template, would require one look and one place to edit these widths. As it is now, I can't see what field has what width and makes it hard to keep track of it. As you say there's different views on this particular subject, but I'm sure I'm not alone on this. I think having the possibility to overwrite the width setting of a field on template as a option, will make it blurry and "complicated" and it opens traps and confusion. I just have hard time accept in my mind that this would be a good way to get around the problem. --- Problem report: When I add a file field with small width, the upload button gets overlayed by the "drop files here"... note in the field, and I can't click it to upload a file.
  10. Ryan. Something that just hit me hard. While thinking all the time about these columns, setting them up makes just clear that the implementation is on the wrong level. It should be something to define on templates level to keep re-use ablity alive as much as possible and separate structur from the data as long as possible. Having "editing mask" layout setting on field level seems just wrong to me. I hope you proof me wrong. I really think it would make it a lot better if these information would be held on template level or in this case the repeater field group. While I think a good implementation would go very far regarding "interface" with some kind of editor with drag and drop, defining columns, but surely something possible. But maybe just having some sort of a text inputfield along each field in the drag bar to enter a % number could do the job in its simplest form. I'm really loving what you've doing here, just wanted to give my honest feedback. While I've had my wow moments (dancing in the kitchen) while playing around with all these stuff, I'm looking a little closer and try to look at all the different aspects.
  11. Ryan, well, it's actually everytime I add a new element enter something and save it first time, I get the soft page lock. After that saving is normal, until I add new element. I have latest PW and nothing special installed , and also deinstalled couple and still same. Also tried different fields each time. Seems an issue in combinations with user data that is handled by my "PageEditSoftLock" module. Could you if you have time take a look into what could cause this? And if you can reproduce. Something else:
  12. I think it's not as a good idea as it might sounds, you can't do smaller than 10% anyway.. so 10 elements easy 9 easy let it on 10% 8 set it to 10 or 12% 7 set it to 12% 6 set it to 15% 5 set it to 20% 4 => 25% 3 => 33% 2 => 50% 1 => let it how it is. Simple enough I think and there isn't much to it either. And having to first select the dropdown every time won't help much, or even save it will come in the way at some point anyway where you have to change it again. So I think it's ok as it is for now. ---- Label not translated. Bug? Ryan. The label of the repeater field the one you can drag, doesn't show me the german label..
  13. I'm still getting sometimes this error message that another "me" user currently is editing this page! from the when I save page. Don't really see what it could be. BTW it would be somehow be cool to update the #index when dragging an item. I think it could make sense since it isn't saved anyway. Though It may would be even cooler to have a title somehow "name" shown in the bar, that is recognized when collapsed not just #1,#2,#3.
  14. I'm currently using my version with saving it in session, and I really love it how it makes creating fields and repeating changed to fields. Like doing now with the repeater. It saves quite some time and interuption.
  15. The soft lock checks for the user and only outputs error message when the user saved in the table isn't the same one. So what does that tell? Could be but I got cache disabled and it occured multiple times... It seems gone one I removed range slider from repeater. Doesn't make sense, but maybe. I have a image field in the repeater and a RT (richttext) TinyMCE. If I upload an image it doesn't show up in the TinyMCE image dialog, but other images outside the repeater does. Thumbnails work, but can't edit them anymore if it's in the repeater, the "edit" link opens in new window, there the url can't be found. It work with images outside repeater, even multiple.
  16. It doesn't save on repeater fields. It saves for normal fields.
  17. Awesome with the rows! Great work I'm going to test now. BTW why didn't you use my slider field? I know it isn't in the core... just kidding. I'm testing it since yesterday and have had some issues, and some very strange issues. - Thumbnails doesn't work. The edit links isn't found. Not sure whos responsible for this - can't see the images in the RT from an image field in the repeater itself. - When I add element, add image then delete it after save, after adding a new element the image is still in the there. - I think the slider collumn field isn't saving, because I have to reinstall first? haven't tried yet. Strange: - When first time testing I did a repeater in a repeater and it doesn't seem to work. I removed the repeater and added new normal one text,slider,image,richtext. After that I experienced being showed the error by my own "soft edit page lock" module, after saving the page with repeater field, that the page is currently being edited by myself... Somehow does the session change or something? Now I only expereinced this 2-3 times and now since I created a new repeater without slider it haven't seen it yet again. Though I'll try test again see if I can reproduce.
  18. I've left that to you Ryan... was going to put it but thought someone else will BTW why can't this work? with 12,32,42,42 instead of |, would be even shorter ? $pa = $pages->find('template=' . $templates->find('name^=basic-')); EDIT: Problem is it doesn't seem to work for me here. ? EDIT: Ok got it This is the right one: $pa = $pages->find("template=" . implode("|", $templates->find('name^=basic-')->getArray()));
  19. lol all at same time! BUuuummmmmmmm. Love it. And the winner iiiiiiis?
  20. Hi lance, welcome. PW is very flexible and has no "Site" title as it's mostly something you set/code in your template. However you could use any field or page title field as the site name from any page you like. So maybe use the root node "home" on the top of the tree to define a site title for your website. To for example simply output the title from the root page use echo $pages->get("/")->title; Or if you want you could create a simple textfield ie. "site_title" and add that to the "home" template in PW. Then you simply change the above to echo $pages->get("/")->site_title; Another possible route is to use config file to add a title in /site/config.php $config->site_title = "MyHomepage"; then to you can access it from any php template like echo $config->site_title;
  21. You could do something like this: $tpl = $templates->find('name^=basic-')->first(); $pa = $pages->find("template=$tpl"); more likely... $pa = new PageArray(); $tpl = $templates->find('name^=basic-'); foreach($tpl as $tp) { $pa->import( $pages->find("template=$tp") ); } Fun.
  22. Don't know what you mean by for fields native? ah get it.
  23. I think I saw some evidence of this in the source code Yeah that would be a good concept. Though does the hash # stay in the address even after save? I don't think so. Isn't there a redirect in the edit page?
  24. Great to hear! Yeah I started few weeks ago already and then put it away a little. It's only kinda proof of concept, but works well so far. Just some things to consider. Currently it's just saved as session, so it opens the last "saved" tab, even if you go to another page or close, repopen it. I wanted it to try to make it so, that it would only save tab when saving page. So when reopen the page it would first be on content tab again. But maybe it would be cool to always have the last selected open. I'm still not sure how it would be best. How was it in PW1?
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