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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/2024 in all areas

  1. This week I got wrapped up in unexpected client work, but it did lead to development of a new Inputfield module, which I think I’ll be using a lot, and hoping some others might find it useful too. It’s called Small Select Multiple, and the purpose of it is to provide a multi-selection input that is as simple as a single-selection input, and that didn't introduce new UI elements, sticking just to native browser controls. It came about because a client has a large front-end form that has a lot of multi-selection inputs, which we handled with checkboxes. It started to become too much for users, so we tried changing to AsmSelect. That helped a lot, but it still became overwhelming once a lot of options were selected. We needed something that looked simple from the start, and stayed simple even after a lot of selections had been made. The Small Select Multiple input seems to do the trick. You can use this input type with Options fields or Page fields, or anywhere else you might us ProcessWire’s SelectMultiple, Checkboxes, or AsmSelect input types. Like the other Inputfield types, it’s not always going to be the right fit, and has it’s own unique set of benefits and drawbacks, but for the times where it suits the need, I hope you find it useful. Rather than writing more about it, I’ll link you to the module page for it. There’s more details and screenshots there. While you are in the modules directory, see the 3 other new modules posted this week too, they look great. Core updates coming next week. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend.
    12 points
  2. That looks like a great addition to my regular setup @digitalbricks. Will test it and will probably have some questions. Great work so far! @AndZyk that's one of the reasons we love @teppo so much here!
    2 points
  3. Hi @BitPoet. include('index.php'); works! EDIT Works from the command line, but not via the pipe🤨
    1 point
  4. You can enable error logging for php-cli by setting error_log in /etc/php/cli/php.ini to something like "/var/log/php_errors.log". If you have dos2unix on your system, you can recursively convert all files to proper LF line endings from within your PW directory. find . -type f -name '*.php' -exec dos2unix {} find . -type f -name '*.module' -exec dos2unix {}
    1 point
  5. Inside site/templates, it would have to be include('../../index.php'), though you should be able to place the script anywhere outside the PW directory as long as you specify the correct path to the index.php that lives in PW's root directory. You'll have to make sure, of course, that the user under which cPanel runs has read access to the PW directories. Since php-cgi und php-cli sometimes use different php.ini files (depending on your OS), this may also be worth checking. Otherwise, if you're including the correct index.php and have the namespace set to ProcessWire, wire() and 'new Page()' will work.
    1 point
  6. Let's have a look here in the docs: <?php public static function getModuleInfo() { return array( 'title' => 'Hello World', 'version' => 101, 'author' => 'Ryan Cramer', 'summary' => 'Just an example', 'requires' => array("LazyCron", "AdminBar") // added this line ); );
    1 point
  7. @zoeck Being physically able to do something is not the same as legally/ethically being able to do something. I haven't found the license that pro modules are provided under, but Ryan makes it clear they are not open source, so your rights are unknown. Common sense says that I'm quite sure he doesn't mind anyone making changes to their local copy but that I'm quite sure he would mind if someone started sharing the code/modified versions of it, or even selling it! My interest in open source code is primarily sustainability - code that is openly shared/forked, has good leadership as part of an active team of developers, welcomes contributions. A closed product only exists as long as it is in the interests of its owner. If Ryan, God forbid, were to have a change of fortunes/interests, and shut shop, the open source code could be picked up by an interested community of developers and all our websites and services based on PW stand a chance of a future. The closed source products could not - legally - be continued. My biggest reservation in using ProcessWire is the business risks posed by its BDFL model / single point of failure in general and moreso with the pro modules. My interest in this forum post, however, was just how to give Ryan a modest donation to help fund his excellent continued work! I'll try reaching out directly/via contact-form on website as @Krlos suggested.
    1 point
  8. We’re moving along with trying to cover as many small issue fixes as possible for the next main/master version. So that’s what all the commits this week are for. There’s not much more to report than that, making good progress! If you spot any new issues on the dev branch be sure to report them in the processwire-issues repository. Thanks and have a great weekend!
    1 point
  9. @bernhard, thanks for the heads-up. The new tab option was working for child items but not for the top level menu items. Fixed in v0.1.5 and in this version I've also added an option to define an icon for the top-level items - these are only visible in the sidebar menu so probably not seen all that often but still good to have control over.
    1 point
  10. @prestoav In the newly released v0.1.3 there is a config option to prepend $config->urls->root to URLs that start with a forward slash.
    1 point
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