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  1. Hello There @ryan just wanted to add my concerns here. I am not an "advanced" developer, i just develop sites or conduct experiments on my own personal website thats been running PW for a very long time now. That being said, i have read through this tread and i have become a little worried that PW would be going away from it´s root that made me many years ago fall in love with it. I am concerned that many of the more advanced users of the CMS want´s to take it to a more complicated place instead of keeping PW simple for us beginners to pick up and use wich is why i love it. As a laymans dev i can actually understand most of the API and what i can use it for. Ryan have made some posts in this tread that makes me feel calmer that the core simplicity is not going to go away. I also feel that many of the more advanced devs are missing the point of PW simplicty and why not everything should be in the core. There is modules for a reason,, want something special?, then create a module. Reasons PW appeal to me: 1. It´s API made sense from the start, logicaly and was adopted fast by my Authistic brain. 2. It´s does not interfere with how i want to render my website. 3. It´s has a great admin backend that should not confuse anyone. 4. PW is not WP. Thank you all.
    7 points
  2. @Jonathan Lahijani Sort of, but it's not just that. I'll go into the details once I've got the storage part fully built out. It supports any Inputfield type that can be used independently of a Fieldtype. Meaning, the same types that could be used in a module configuration or a FormBuilder form, etc. It can be used IN repeater fields (tested and working), and likely in file/image custom fields as well (though not yet tested). But you wouldn't be able to use repeaters or files/images as subfields within the custom field. Files/images will likely be possible in a later version though, as what's possible in Combo will also be possible here. Yes, if you use the .php definition option (rather than the JSON definition option) then there are $page and $field variables in scope to your .php definition file. @MrSnoozles Searching yes. Can be used in repeaters (yes), but can't have repeaters used as subfield/column types within it. @poljpocket Yes. While I've not fully developed the selectors part of it yet, the plan is that it will support selectors with subfields for searching from $pages->find(), etc. @wbmnfktr The API side of this should work like most other Fieldtypes with subfields, so I think it should be relatively simple for importing and may not need any special considerations there, but I've not tried using it with a module like ImportPagesCSV yet.
    4 points
  3. I think ProcessWire has a well-estabilshed versioning plan: Ryan is increasing the version every few commits whenever some notable new feature was introduced. And the master version then just follows suit. I think a set release schedule with fixed time intervals is a very bad idea. I have been working with WordPress in the past and they have been notoriously bad at using their fixed minor release schedule. Sometimes a version introduced very important and big features and other times, there was barely anything new but both were minor releases just because the schedule said so. I have only been in the ProcessWire game for almost three years and thus have started out around where version 200 was released. At that time, I didn't look at GitHub too much though. I didn't notice the "slow releases" at all and was mostly influcenced by the forum and the website. For me, they did a good job. As many before me have mentioned, community activity is very important especially for new potential users (and even more to the target audience: fellow developers). This could also be reflected in more activity on the master branch. Finding a good solution might not be the easiest endeavour though. Has there ever been a situation where old versions needed to be patched for some bugs or security vulnerabilities? I haven't seen one yet. I think this mostly stems from the slow master releases which only ever get done when high stability has been reached. So for me, every master release is a "LTS" version, which is a big strength of ProcessWire: I have no reason to ever update a PW website I did years ago. As long as it doesn't get outdated because of external influences (PHP EOL comes to mind). I think using time-based releases like Ubuntu or Windows don't make much sense for ProcessWire. Years give a feeling of outdatedness. This directly contradicts ProcessWire's strengths: It does away with the stability and ease of upkeep arguments. How do you explain to a client that PW 2016.3 is still completely fine in 2024 and doesn't need any updates whatsoever? With operating systems, you want a sense of outdatedness simply because there is much more incentive to update to never versions, e.g. for hardware compatibility or platform support. Why not stick with semver with a few adjustments? One idea is to keep the patch part of the current versions as sort of like a build number which would primarily be used on the dev branch to indicate new features and fixes. And then every master version gets a minor version bump which corresponds to a dev version (indirectly that is). This would then allow for security fix updates down the road. Not that this would be needed much :).
    4 points
  4. Since it looks like there is a some crossover with Mystique, and it also looks like that module is active and supported, I'll release this module in ProFields instead. That way it's not competing with Mystique, which looks to already be a great module. I'll focus on making Custom fields have some features that maybe aren't available in Mystique, like ability to query from pages.find and perhaps supporting some more types, etc. Plus, the new module fits right in with the purpose of ProFields and a good alternative to Combo where each have a little bit different benefits to solve similar needs.
    3 points
  5. Well... processwire.recipes uses Astro as of right now, therefore not a great example but... I can offer processwire.pw as a demo platform and resource. Yet I'm open to move processwire.recipes over to ProcessWire and the community. That's why I re-booted it. It's for the community - not me. Btw - I was finally able to get the old domain / @marcus: As I mentioned Astro here... they have an awesome way to communicate their progress and they move pretty fast. Their versioning and communication, community talk and support on social media is on point. Maybe those points should be added to the ProcessWire 20XX agenda as well. more community work* more visibility in social media* more activity in social media* * yes, that's most of the time on us and not on @ryan more communication and posts on processwire.com/blog every weekly forum post should be a blog post, and the blog should be the leading source (my opinion) - right now it's in the forum, but... a new thread in the forum with a link to the blog post would work for me and would be even better for everyone. As mentioned before: it's about marketing, therefore the blog should be the leading source. (Change my mind!) blog posts should be posted on: X/Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Discord ... whereever we have an official home or community - and even in non-official homes. final solutions from the forums which involve PHP/API code should/could be posted to processwire.recipes (ping me to add that recipe if you like!) for ProcessWire, modules, hooks, hacks, ready.php, whatever it's easy to add a recipe Thoughts about Demos and Profiles each and every profile should be super close to the user, the user's needs and therefore a longliving and understable profile and concept. Examples should be timeless, therefore no need to update them once in a while: Skyscrapers ? American Diner Restaurant Classic Movies Collection Grand Mom's Recipes Antique Shop Inventory Billboard Charts History these examples alone would support everything we all ever faced and built - I guess. (Apps not included, but as starters) all these examples would build a solid foundation for all kinds of websites and projects we face nowadays (still apps and custom things not included) I repeat myself here but I can offer processwire.pw as a demo platform for that, all we need is long-term Hosting SSL CI/CD deployment and/or someone that maintains those installations
    3 points
  6. From my perspective this is mostly spot-on @poljpocket. Yet there are a few things I'd like to add here: those of us that are active in the forum, read the weekly posts from Ryan, read weekly.pw from Teppo and follow every last bit... ProcessWire is evolving each day, each week, each month, all the time. YET... the last commit to master was 9-10 months ago, which is a century or two ago in the fast-living webdev-world - mostly due to the JS-sphere. I know a lot of people that look very close at this metric, but unfortunatelly on the wrong branch in this case. I'd love to see (and I personally keep it this way) the master branch as something like an LTS, while dev is more like a stable-rolling-release of some kind. I'd probably even use an unstable branch in some projects, even though there is no branch for it. BUT this isn't about naming, but MARKETING. And the last push on master is really bad marketing for ProcessWire right now. That's all I am saying. It doesn't look good. This needs to be changed. I don't care how, but it needs to be fixed. Fast! I don't care if we use SEMVER, ROMVER, WHATeVER, or any other way of versioning (besides the one from Ubuntu, which is really a bad look in the long run and introduces a lot of stress as there has to be a release no matter what at a specific date). All I need to know is if there are breaking changes or new requirements, like min. PHP 8.x and similar. I won't see (as in recognize) this in the version number and wouldn't even think about breaking changes the moment a ProcessWire 4.2 pops up in my upgrade module. Yeah, sorry... I just click UPGRADE as most of the users out there. Maybe the upgrading process/module needs a few upgrades, tricks, and markers to show and tell breaking changes, changed requirements, and what not. Sure more work for module developers but probably not really. Modules already have all these details like requirements. I'm not that deep into developing but as a user... that would be nice! One more thing... In this thread a lot of things were mentioned but mostly like "I'd like to have this feature and this, and that, and ..." which is fine. I'd support most of that. But I'd like to know and ask: Where do we want to see ProcessWire in 5-10 years? What can I do to support ProcessWire/Ryan more?
    3 points
  7. This week I received some client specifications for project that indicated it was going to need a lot of fields, and fields within fields. There are a lot of tools for this kind of stuff in ProFields, but none that I thought would make this particular project "easy" per se. The closest fit was the Combo field, but with 40-50 or so subfields/columns within each of the "groups", it was still going to be kind of a pain to put together. Not to mention, just a lot of fields and subfields to manage. To add more challenge to it, there was another group of 30 or so fields that needed to be repeatable over any number of times (in a repeater field). I wasn't looking forward to building out all these fields. That scale of fields/subfields is at the point where I don't really want to build and manage it interactively. Instead, I want to just edit it in a code editor or IDE, if such a thing is possible. With any large set of fields, there's often a lot of redundant fields where maybe only the name changes, so I wanted to be able to just copy and paste my way through these dozens of fields. That would save me a lot of time, relative to creating and configuring them interactively in the admin. Rather than spending a bunch of time trying to answer the specifications with existing field types, I ended up building a new Fieldtype and Inputfield to handle the task. Right now it's called the "Custom" field (for lack of a better term). But the term kind of fits because it's a field that has no structure on its own and instead is defined completely by a custom JSON file that you place on your file system. (It will also accept a PHP file that returns a PHP array or InputfieldWrapper). Below is an example of defining a custom field named "contact" with JSON. The array keys are the field names. The "type" can be the name of any Inputfield module (minus the "Inputfield" prefix). And the rest of the properties are whatever settings are supported by the chosen Inputfield module, or Inputfield properties in general. /site/templates/custom-fields/contact.json { "first_name": { "type": "text", "label": "First name", "required": true, "columnWidth": 50 }, "last_name": { "type": "text", "label": "Last name", "required": true, "columnWidth": 50 }, "email": { "type": "email", "label": "Email", "placeholder": "person@company.com", "required": true }, "colors": { "type": "checkboxes", "label": "What are your favorite colors?", "options": { "r": "Red", "g": "Green", "b": "Blue" } }, "address": { "type": "fieldset", "label": "Address", "children": { "address_street": { "type": "text", "label": "Street" }, "address_city": { "type": "text", "label": "City", "columnWidth": 50 }, "address_state": { "type": "text", "label": "State/province", "columnWidth": 25 }, "address_zip": { "type": "text", "label": "Zip/post code", "columnWidth": 25 } } } } The result in the page editor looks like this: The actual value from the API is a WireData object populated with the names mentioned in the JSON definition above. If my Custom field is named "contact", I can output the email name like this: echo $page->contact->email; Or if I want to output everything in a loop: foreach($page->contact as $key => $value) { echo "<li>$key: $value</li>"; } After defining a couple large fields with JSON, I decided that using PHP would sometimes be preferable because I could inject some logic into it, such as loading a list of 200+ selectable countries from another file, or putting reusable groups of fieldsets in a variable to reduce duplication. The other benefits of a PHP array were that I could make the field labels __('translatable'); and PHP isn't quite as strict as JSON about extra commas. So the module will accept either JSON or PHP array. Here's the equivalent PHP to the above JSON: /site/templates/custom-fields/contact.php return [ 'first_name' => [ 'type' => 'text', 'label' => 'First name', 'required' => true, 'columnWidth' => 50 ], 'last_name' => [ 'type' => 'text', 'label' => 'Last name', 'required' => true, 'columnWidth' => 50 ], 'email' => [ 'type' => 'email', 'label' => 'Email address', 'placeholder' => 'person@company.com' ], 'colors' => [ 'type' => 'checkboxes', 'label' => 'Colors', 'description' => 'Select your favorite colors', 'options' => [ 'r' => 'Red', 'g' => 'Green', 'b' => 'Blue' ], ], 'address' => [ 'type' => 'fieldset', 'label' => 'Mailing address', 'children' => [ 'address_street' => [ 'type' => 'text', 'label' => 'Street' ], 'address_city' => [ 'type' => 'text', 'label' => 'City', 'columnWidth' => 50 ], 'address_state' => [ 'type' => 'text', 'label' => 'State/province', 'columnWidth' => 25 ], 'address_zip' => [ 'type' => 'text', 'label' => 'Zip/post code', 'columnWidth' => 25 ] ] ] ]; The downside of configuring fields this way is that you kind of have to know the names of each Inputfield's configuration properties to take full advantage of all its features. Interactively, they are all shown to you, which makes things easier, and we don't have that here. There is yet another alternative though. If you define the fields like you would in a module configuration, your IDE (like PhpStorm) will be able to provide type hinting specific to each Inputfield type. I think I still prefer to use JSON or a PHP array, and consult the docs on the settings; but just to demonstrate, you can also have your custom field file return a PHP InputfieldWrapper like this: $form = new InputfieldWrapper(); $f = $form->InputfieldText; $f->name = 'first_name'; $f->label = 'First name'; $f->required = true; $f->columnWidth = 50; $form->add($f); $f = $form->InputfieldText; $f->name = 'last_name'; $f->label = 'Last name'; $f->required = true; $f->columnWidth = 50; $form->add($f); $f = $form->InputfieldEmail; $f->name = 'email'; $f->label = 'Email address'; $f->required = true; $f->placeholder = 'person@company.com'; $form->add($f); // ... and so on Now that this new Fieldtype/Inputfield is developed, I was able to answer the clients specs for lots of fields in a manner of minutes. Here's just some of it (thumbnails): There's more I'd like to do with this Fieldtype/Inputfield combination before releasing it, but since I've found it quite handy (and actually fun) to build fields this way, I wanted to let you know I was working on it and hope to have it ready to share soon, hopefully this month. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    2 points
  8. Thanks @Andy I have added your site to the live examples. ?
    1 point
  9. Ok, now I get it and that's what I was thinking about how it would work. @Kiwi Chris is right. There is some overlap here. At least it looks quite similar, yet RockMigration goes a different route and creates real fields, templates, and relationships between them aka adds to fields to templates. @BrendonKoz , I never thought about using Mystique that way and create such a big set of fields with it. Learned new things today. Again.
    1 point
  10. @Sanyaissues Thanks a lot. That works like magic.
    1 point
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