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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/02/2024 in all areas

  1. Just to update, it didn't really take me long to get the hang of the basics of Processwire, I found the Hello Worlds tutorial really useful to get the general idea, and also found the docs were pretty good. I'm pretty sure I'm only using Processwire at a tiny fraction of its capabilities, but I've managed to make a site for a client where they can update their blog themselves, and didn't have any issues I couldn't resolve by searching the forums, the community seems really great and looks like it has been great for years. Thanks very much to everyone for your helpful advice and pointers.
    4 points
  2. I use Github copilot but didn't think to use it on that occasion...
    2 points
  3. @mel47, currently the PW core does not support showIf or requiredIf in custom fields for files/images. See this issue: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/1889 And even if that issue is resolved, the way the core is handling showIf/requiredIf at the moment means that it will only evaluate the showIf/requiredIf based on values of other custom fields for the image/file item, not fields in the page that is open in Page Edit. But I've just updated the CustomInputfieldDependencies module so that it should handle your case. Please update the module to v0.3.0 and test it again.
    2 points
  4. This is my first module. It is primitive, like my neighbor who loves to fire up his new Makita breaker hammer after 21:30h. Please, feel free to do whatever you want. I don't promise I will add better functionality but maybe... If you do, please ping and send me back. Thanks! It loads every page on the backend. It calculates the text width in two fields you choose on the configuration page.. If there are any updates, I will post them here. Happy ProcessWiring! PS: These measurements are specifically for desktop and Google's SERP (Search Engine Results Page). UPDATE on 15 May 2024: Google started to calculate (truncate) the meta title for 20px Arial yesterday. The Module has been updated. Here is the link to download/install the latest version: https://processwire.com/modules/seo-text-width/ EDIT: The version 0.0.5. Added two dropdown fields on the configuration page of the module. PROVE IMAGE: You can check the meta title, which was measured with 18px Arial and it was less than 512 pixels.
    1 point
  5. Hello @dan222 and welcome to this forum! To push a site online : go to your db manager on laragon and export your db as a sql file then, from your hosting control panel, create a db (or empty it if it already exists) and import your local db with FTP, copy your local files in your hosting folder for your site (don’t forget to change the database config in /site/config.php file) And that’s all. ? Now, you can be a bit more efficient by using an "if" statement for your database config, so that you don’t have to worry about changing them when you push your site online (see below) using ssh/rsync to synchronize your local and distant files I’m sure you can optimize database export/import too, I didn’t dig in yet... // db config online / on localhost if ( $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] === "my-online-url.com") { $config->dbHost = '...'; $config->dbName = '...'; $config->dbUser = '...'; $config->dbPass = '...'; } else { $config->dbHost = 'localhost'; $config->dbName = 'my-local-dbname'; $config->dbUser = 'root'; $config->dbPass = ''; } $config->dbPort = '3306'; I generally need 4 minutes to pull or push a website after or before working on it, if it involves db update. If it’s only changes in files, it’s done in 10-15 seconds.
    1 point
  6. @szabesz actually the bot do not contain all the data I want, there is something like 5k rows of data, and to achieve it I need to scrap almost all the forum. Even if the process is not resource consumming there might be something else, It doesn't hurt to ask first.
    1 point
  7. You may remember my question regarding a "Headless ProcessWire" quite a few months back. The end result with either GraphQL, JSON, RestApi, and any other solution based on ProcessWire looked almost exactly like that when I wanted to use that data in either 11ty or Astro - which I used a lot back then. So... yes, in plain ProcessWire this is a super simple no-brainer with 1 to 3 lines of minimal PHP. Yet, when using anything else as the frontend, aka JS Framework (React, Svelte, Astro, 11ty) we still would have to go that route in some way or another. Even with Hygraph, Payload, Directus, and whatever Headless CMS out there - it would look like that. The part you attribute to Strapi here is not really about Strapi. It's more about the used frontend. So... a bit off. Probably more interesting and more comparable would be Laravel with Inertia JS (on the JS side of things) or Laravel with Livewire (on the side or similar to PW of things, from the creator of AlpineJS). For that matter I really enjoy those Laravel-related videos from Aaron Francis (the PHP is cool again - guy) and the 30 days to learn Laravel Workshop. Besides that we might want to ask better questions like: Why use a (static) JS Frontend? How to make PW more compatible with JS Frontend Frameworks?
    1 point
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