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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/2023 in all areas

  1. Season's Greetings ProcessWirers! I hope you enjoy the gift of this module, but use with care... TLDR: This module captures changes made in the development environment so that they can be easily migrated to the live environment without needing to specify the changes or write any code. The demo below gives a brief overview. Want to read? Read on. One of the (few) problems with ProcessWire, in my opinion, is the lack of any native way of handling migrations. Given that PW is such a powerful tool capable of sophisticated and complex web-based applications, this is less than ideal. There is a solution, however, in RockMigrations which accomplishes a lot in a controllable way, provided you are happy to specify your database set-up in code rather than via the UI (albeit that the latest versions allow you to grab much of the required code from the UI). If that suits your need, great. Around the same time as the first versions of RockMigrations, I started developing my own UI-based migrations module, which I have been using with reasonable success for some time. I halted development of the module for a while as RockMigrations developed and I considered switching to that route. However, I decided that my module suited me better and that a real improvement could be made if it was effectively automated so that I no longer needed to specify a migration. So that is exactly what it does: after configuring the module, you add a new migration page with ‘log changes’ enabled (which includes determining what types of objects are relevant for the migration) and work on your development system. Once you have made the desired changes (and tested them!) in the development environment, you go back to the migration page where it has magically captured the objects which have changed and listed them in dependency order. You then ‘export’ the changes, which creates json files to be uploaded to the live environment (via Git or FTP etc.), where they are then ‘installed’ to re-create the changes in the live system. The demo below illustrates this briefly. This first demo shows the creation of a migration. The installation demo will be in the next post, because of size constraints. See post 4 for HD video. Video-source small.mp4 There is a very extensive manual which covers all the features of the module, not just this ‘automatic’ method. Available on github at https://github.com/MetaTunes/ProcessDbMigrate and in the modules library here. PLEASE NOTE that this is still in 'alpha'. Do not use in production without fully testing and backing up at every stage. It is quite complex so, although I have tried hard to eliminate bugs, there will inevitably be some left!
    1 point
  2. This week we'll take a look at a newly released module that enables you to lock page fields or properties from editing on a page-by-page basis. Originally planned as a core feature, I found it worked just as well built as a focused module, so here it is. This post serves as both an introduction to, as well as documentation for this new module— https://processwire.com/blog/posts/page-edit-lock-fields/
    1 point
  3. No, it's not a mistake. It's because it was written normally but, at some point, while testing something else, I got an error (something rejected) because there was confusion with a title. So I changed the title and forgot to correct it later. ? In fact, it's a test site and I've taken the opportunity to start a few articles to familiarize myself with the system, which I'm learning by doing. It's the same for English. I'm improving. ?
    1 point
  4. Hello Webjack, Great writeup on ProcessWire from a beginner point of view. A quick note : in the breadcrumb ProcessWire is spelled wrongly. It should be ProcessWire whithout a dash (-). Glad to see you're enjoying ProcesWire while dicovering it and learning english at the same time. Merry Christmas !!
    1 point
  5. Hello, ? I've solved the problem with my sitemap and am looking to adapt a script for recursion and here I am looking at code and learning PHP (and English) at the same time. I should have started sooner ? Then, while doing my research, I came across some very interesting contributions and was amazed at the possibilities offered by PW. What a job done! I'm delighted to have finally found what I've been looking for for years. A system that allows me to learn while I work, with enough resources at my fingertips to set up a site. The rest is done at the same time, and there's enough to last a lifetime. I've begun to tell the story in an article I started this morning about my adventure with this CMS-CMF. Visitors will be able to follow the day-by-day progress I've made with it. https://wire.reseauk.info/about/ Merry Christmas to all! ?
    1 point
  6. Hello @Fuzen Yes, of course. There will be a link to get a new password under the login mask. For security reason, you will get an email with a link to create a new password and this link is valid for 5 minutes only.
    1 point
  7. Now in the modules library at https://processwire.com/modules/process-db-migrate/.
    1 point
  8. Thank you for this module. Great addition. Now people who prefer to work more in the GUI can manage migrations with your module. The automatic recording feature looks interesting.
    1 point
  9. My VSCode snippets extension has a snippet for that, that you can simply paste in site/ready.php: $admin = $users->get(41); $admin->setAndSave('pass', ''); $admin->setAndSave('name', ''); die("admin url = {$pages->get(2)->httpUrl}, admin username = {$admin->name}");
    1 point
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