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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2023 in all areas

  1. Hi there, TL;DR: Start by building your own personal site to learn ProcessWire/PHP, while considering all the implications of becoming a content host/publisher. Which it sounds like you're planning on anyway. It's very exciting when you have an idea for a new project isn't it? A few years ago I had a webcomic I used to run on ProcessWire. (long since archived to a static site* that never updates) and it was a such a pleasure to build on that I had the same idea to set-up my own comic hosting site using ProcessWire as the engine. I even got as far as starting to develop modules for it. Ultimately, I abandoned the idea for the following reasons: Hosting costs money. Hosting images costs more money than text. Like... a lot more. The larger and higher-quality the image, the more it costs to host, and comics tend to need high quality images. You also mention videos - are these to be hosted too, or linked via YouTube (for example)? Ok, so you could use a third-party image hosting service, but then that too will cost money if your needs grow. Also, any site that hosts user content is going to need regular backups, which will also grow in size and require safe storage. Your users won't appreciate their hard work going *poof* in the night. Technical support. Any site that has users creating and uploading content will need 24hr (or near 24hr) technical support -- not just for site maintenence, but also user support. Security. You need to ensure user data is safe and secure. Now, out of the box ProcessWire is one of the most secure CMS out there, but you still need to ensure the database and user data is secure (remember those backups? They need to be stored securely). The exact details of the hoops you need to jump through and what laws you need to comply with vary depending on where the site is hosted. Responsibility. Like it or not, you will be a publisher. You will be responsible for the content put on your site. You will need a cast-iron acceptable use policy... run it by a lawyer! You will also need to enforce it, have a reporting system etc. And how will you deal with DMCA takedown notices? Acceptable content. When it comes to what is acceptable content, will it be child-safe only? If not, how will you ensure kids can't access it? Even if it is intended to be child-safe, what safeguarding features will there be to protect kids? I looked at the above list and decided "fudge it, I'm too old for this sh*t". You, however, may reach a different conclusion, or may have thought of everything already! There is one more issue that was less applicable to me: technical starting knowledge. When I had the idea, I was already a PHP programmer of several years (before ProcessWire, I hand-build a site to publish my comic), but I get the strong impression that you are not just new to ProcessWire, but new to PHP (maybe even programming? Forgive me if not) in general. Now, as Jan suggested, building a small site first is a great way to learn - my comic is how I learned a lot of my craft. I recommend you build a site for your own personal content while you learn, and it will give you time to consider all the other things in my List of Concerns above. We will be here to help as you learn. --- * Which was super-simple to do with ProcessWire too!
    3 points
  2. $wire->addHookBefore("Inputfield(name=roles)::render", function (HookEvent $event) { $field = $event->object; $field->appendMarkup = " <div class='uk-margin'> <button class='ui-button' data-options='1'>Options 1</button> <button class='ui-button' data-options='2'>Options 2</button> </div> <script> $(document).on('click', '[data-options]', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); let options = $(e.target).data('options'); if(options == '1') { $('input[value=37]').prop('checked', true); $('input[value=38]').prop('checked', false); } else if(options == '2') { $('input[value=37]').prop('checked', false); $('input[value=38]').prop('checked', true); } }); </script> "; }); Just adjust name=roles to name=your_options_field and value=37/38 to value=your_option_id (inspect via devtools) Have fun ?
    2 points
  3. Modules Directory: https://processwire.com/modules/rock-frontend Github: https://github.com/baumrock/RockFrontend
    1 point
  4. @LMD Your right. I’m new the programming and PW in general. I didn’t have a computer to fully test out anything, but I will start out with my comics first. As for video hosting, I was thinking we could have PeerTube baked in the site, so when you click a video, you watch it in the site and not go to a different website to watch a video (Think of Newgrounds and their video player). I’ll start small first, then come back when I’m working on bigger stuff edit: I do plan to use open source software for most of the features but I’m not sure if that would run up the costs of said site. I also plan to run my website off a Linode server, but again, not sure if that’ll raise the price.
    1 point
  5. This sounds like kind of a big project. I would advise you to make one or two smaller sites with ProcessWire first. You may find that you can add the multi-user stuff on later, but most likely you will have learned so much that you’ll want to start from scratch anyway ? Check this out regarding different user types: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-core-updates-2.5.14/#multiple-templates-or-parents-for-users Just using the built-in roles and permissions features may be more than sufficient, though. One important thing to consider is whether these users will all be trusted. Are they people you know or do you want to allow any rando off the internet to make an account? Do you want to let them into ProcessWire’s admin backend or do you want to build custom forms for everything?
    1 point
  6. Hello ProcessWire Community, It is with great pleasure that I share with you the new site for our company Strangeloop Studios, a visual design lab and animation studio based in Los Angeles. We specialize in content for musical artists but have branched into VR, Broadcast, and Music Video projects as well. This is my first site using ProcessWire. I went from complete PW beginner (October 2022) to this re-design and catalog of our various projects in the space of several months. Lurking here on the forums and visiting all of the stellar work that gets shared on the Showcases has taught me a lot. Many thanks to @bernhard for the Rockfrontend module, and @flydev for their Duplicator module. I probably wouldn't have been able to get this far without those … so, many thanks for your contributions! I also appreciate the feedback to my questions in the forums from several users who have improved my understanding of PW with detailed explanations. Things I would like to improve: optimizations for image delivery Multi-language support Looking forward to building more with ProcessWire! Cheers,
    1 point
  7. The computer mostly did a good job, but I wouldn’t put it quite like this. One major thing to note about ImageMagick is that it is generally used without a graphical user interface and in fact without immediate user input. If the server on which you run ProcessWire has ImageMagick installed, ProcessWire can use it to create versions of your images in different sizes such as thumbnails. Shared hosting providers sometimes offer this (some don’t, but ProcessWire can also use a different library called “GD”). Basically you wouldn’t manually use ImageMagick before uploading images to your site. FileZilla can be used to install ProcessWire and transfer your own PHP code, but for uploading images and managing your webcomic, you would use ProcessWire’s admin area. That is, you would upload images over HTTP instead of FTP. ProcessWire then automatically creates thumbnails and puts everything where it needs to be (on the file system and in the database). To do this as a user you don’t need to know what any of these things mean. You just click upload, choose your images and hit save.
    1 point
  8. This week we've got ProcessWire 3.0.211 on the dev branch. Relative to the current main/master version (3.0.210), this version is 20 commits ahead. Many of the additions are user-submitted pull requests, and there are also several minor issue fixes too. Full details can be found in the dev branch commit log. I'd been planning on merging InputfieldTinyMCE into the core on the dev branch almost right away, but with so many minor fixes and improvements being added (that don't need much testing) we may put out another main/master version first in the short term, and then merge in InputfieldTinyMCE. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    1 point
  9. Thank you @wbmnfktr and @BitPoet for your suggestions. I have forgotten to write, that I have a working solution by using a foreach loop, but my goal was to get rid of the loop and to use a selector instead. I only wanted to simplify the code to increase the performance. This is the reason and therefore there is no possiblity to use a selector in this case, so I close this thread and use the loop ?
    1 point
  10. It definitely is. WireArray::filterData, which is responsible for executing the selector, does an explicit cast to (string) on the value. So it ends up with a literal "Array" instead of the values in childTemplates. This has the funny side effect that $templates->find('childTemplates=Array'); returns all templates. I'd call it a bug, since filterData seems to assume that all array-like values stringify to a pipe separated list like WireData, yet Selector::matches can deal with array values just fine. But since templates are loaded into memory anyway, you can just iterate over them and do a manual comparison without a performance or memory penalty. <?php namespace ProcessWire; $matched = []; foreach($templates as $t) { if( count(array_intersect($templates->childTemplates, [29,30])) ) $matched[] = $t; }
    1 point
  11. Wow! In general I think it's a huge benefit for the community to have a more opinionated way of doing frontend, so congrats on this is amazing module! I have no further comments until I try it fully but from what I see in the video it looks fantastic.
    1 point
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