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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/23/2022 in all areas

  1. In addition to site development work and ProcessWire core development, this week I upgraded my OS X version (from Mojave to Monterey), my PhpStorm version (from 2018 to 2022), and my Apache/PHP/MySQL environment versions. I tend to wait a bit too long between upgrades on my computer and so I ended up with a lot of things to resolve, and a still few remaining. While waiting for upgrades to install, I randomly came across one of the first sites I ever designed/developed out of college, working for Grafik in the year 2000: https://americanhistory.si.edu/subs/ ... I can't believe it's still there. It looks really dated now (it's 22 years old), but reminded me of how much things have changed in web design/development. While I'd been developing sites for a few years before this, it was just a hobby, and it wasn't until this time that it was my job. Back in 2000 there weren't a lot of people that knew how to create websites and it always felt like you were breaking new ground. Internet Explorer was king (and nobody liked it then either), Google was just a small startup, but AltaVista, InfoSeek and Yahoo were big. Sites were developed in a way that would make you cringe now. I don't think we used CSS hardly at all, but we did use tables for everything layout related. There was no such thing as "mobile" (the iPhone didn't come till 7 years later). There was no such thing as "responsive" layout and accessibility was pretty much an unknown. Most of the time we used images for a lot more than was appropriate (headlines and much more) because HTML and HTML fonts were so limited. It all seems so primitive now but what's the same is that it was fun then and it's fun now, actually it's more fun now. I don't have any point here, just that it's funny to look back at how much as changed. Last week I mentioned that we're likely to upgrade CKEditor 4 to CKEditor 5 sometime in the next year. There were several comments about that and so just wanted to talk a little more about it. First off, I really like CKEditor 4, it's been a great fit for ProcessWire. If the company behind it was going to continue building and supporting version 4 after 2023 then we'd likely stick with it. But the CKEditor 4 end-of-life is sometime in 2023 and I don't think it's an option to stick with it (in the core) after the developer of it is no longer updating or supporting it... at least not long term. While CKEditor 5 is a different animal than CKEditor 4, it's also still the closest upgrade path from CKEditor 4, and I'm hopeful it will be able to serve as a near drop-in replacement from the perspective of users (only). My hope is that by the time we've completed the upgrade to CKE 5, our clients won't necessarily know the difference or have to re-learn anything, unless they want to take advantage of something new exclusive to CKE 5. From my perspective as a developer integrating CKEditor 5 into ProcessWire, the development side is not a drop in replacement for CKE 4 (not even close), as all supporting code will have to be redeveloped. By supporting code, I mean things like the code in the InputfieldCKEditor.module file, the code for our custom CKE plugins (pwimage and pwlink), as well as anything else development related that is referring to CKEditor. There's no doubt it'll be a lot of work. But the rich text editor is one of the most important input types in the ProcessWire admin, so it's fine, it's worth putting a lot of time into. As for CKEditor 5 being bloated relative to CKEditor 4, I very much doubt that's the case. It was a complete rewrite, the folks at CKEditor know what they are doing, and it's safe to assume it's even more optimized and streamlined than CKE 4. In terms of size, the download for CKE 4 and CKE 5 are both 1.7 megabytes. As I understand it, they started with a new codebase for CKEditor 5 in part to start fresh and avoid legacy bloat. So I see this upgrade as being the opposite of bloat. So what happens with CKEditor 4 in ProcessWire when it likely is replaced with CKEditor 5? So long as CKE 5 can be a near drop in replacement for our users, and for the markup it generates, then the CKE 4 module will move out of the core and into an optional module you can install from the modules directory, when/if someone wants it. On the other hand, if the transition is not completely clean between versions then we may end up supporting both in the core for a short period of time. Though I'm hopeful this won't be necessary. There are some other interesting looking editors out there that have been mentioned, and it'd be nice to have more input options available. I see something like Imperavi's Article as a good option for some but not a replacement for our current rich text editor. At least I know my clients would not be happy to have that big of a change occur from a PW version upgrade. Likewise, something like the Easy Markdown Editor is a great option for some, and I'd like to be able to install a module for that and use it in some cases. But folks used to using CKEditor 4 in their work would not be happy to have that big of a change either. CKEditor 4 works really well for what it does, and I think the goal has to be that clients using CKEditor 4 now should be able to continue doing what they are doing with as few changes to their workflow as possible. I'm hopeful we'll be able to get there with CKEditor 5, while also gaining some benefits in the process. Where other input options make a lot of sense is when building a new site where there aren't already users depending on one input method or another. And it may be that at some point (sooner or later) it will make sense for ProcessWire to have another textarea input option that's different enough from CKE to make it worthwhile. But in my opinion, that would be a potential additional option, not a replacement, as CKE is pretty well established and expected in PW.
    8 points
  2. There weren't very many CMS/CMF platforms either. I started out with SSIs to start reducing redundancy and duplication, then ended up starting my own CMS around 2000, but I picked a loser in terms of development language, and I realised trying to maintain a CMS for a modest number of clients on my own wasn't really efficient use of time. Someone introduced me to ProcessWire in 2015, and since then nearly all my websites have been converted to it. Web development and database development have progressed together for me, so ProcessWire's separation of content and presentation, and strong access control are critical for me. I evaluated my other CMS platforms before I settled on ProcessWire and I simply didn't like them as they either had a steep learning curve or were too output focused or both. I wouldn't use Word to try to build a relational database, nor would I use WordPress. I think if there is one major thing still on my wish list, it would be the ability to have a UI using ProcessWire inputfields to create data entry forms for arbitrary SQL tables. A common scenario for me is converting offline databases (often Microsoft Access) to cloud based alternatives. Usually it's possible to restructure everything within ProcessWire's pages model, but sometimes I just want to be able to dump the data across and build a UI quickly with no need for data to exist within a page model. I've been playing around a bit looking at building module(s). I'd love the goodness of Lister/(Pro), but instead of picking a template, pick an arbitrary SQL table and specify fields from it, set access control etc in the same way Lister Pro woks, and then have I guess what I'd call an SQLTemplate where you'd pick an arbitrary SQL table, select fields from it, and for each one specify an inputfield, within the contraints of the SQL field type. Of course none of this data would be accessible within ProcessWire's page structure out of the box, however there's already $database->query() to execute an arbitrary SQL query and return a result set, so using arbitrary SQL data within templates is already easy, so the only bit missing is a UI to manage arbitrary SQL tables as easily as ProcessWire pages in admin, but it's already halfway there with inputfields that don't care where their data comes from.
    4 points
  3. Hey, @ukyo! I read the module description, but I can't say I fully grasp what it does) Could you please write why this module, what problems it solves, what are typical use cases. Looking forward to learn more about this one, as I already use and love other modules of yours))
    2 points
  4. This module help you to organize your events in files. Module using CORE hook system. After i wrote many events inside my module, it was confused to find what is where. After that i think to write a EventLoader module for separate events in files and load them by using a prefix like `ready.` or `init.`. Think, you have api, page method, page property etc. events on your /site/ready.php file or module. If you write all of these events on a single file, it could be hard to find what is where. At this point you can separate your events inside event files. I will write 2 example file, may you have 5 - 15 or more event files and all file may have events more than 1. /site/templates/configs/events/ready.api.php <?php namespace ProcessWire; /** * Api calls **/ return [ 'events' => [ '/hello/world' => [ 'fn' => function (HookEvent $e) { return 'Hello'; } ], '/hola/world' => function (HookEvent $e) { return 'Hello'; }, '/hello/(earth|mars|jupiter)' => [ 'fn' => function (HookEvent $e) { return "Hello " . $event->arguments(1); } ], '/hola/(earth|mars|jupiter)' => function (HookEvent $e) { return "Hello " . $event->arguments(1); } ] ]; /site/templates/configs/events/ready.page.php <?php namespace ProcessWire; return [ 'events' => [ 'Page::hello' => [ 'type' => 'method', 'fn' => function (HookEvent $e) { $message = is_string($e->arguments(0)) ? $e->arguments(0) : ''; $e->return = $message; } ] ] ]; Loading /site/ready.php events from event files <?php namespace ProcessWire; if(!defined("PROCESSWIRE")) die(); // this will load all event files, starts with `ready.` prefix // __DIR__ . '/templates' => /processwire-root/site/templates/configs/events/ EventLoader::load(__DIR__ . '/templates', 'ready.');
    1 point
  5. This module has been superseded by SearchEngineFileIndexer and there will be no further development for it. --- This module is an optional — and experimental — add-on for SearchEngine. It adds support for indexing PDF file contents. While SearchEngine is technically able to index file fields and contained Pagefile(s), it will natively only store the name and description of each file (and hopefully soon custom field values as well). This module hooks into Pagefile indexing and, if said Pagefile looks like a valid PDF document, attempts to extract human-readable text from the file itself. Getting started is straightforward: install and configure SearchEngine, install SearchEngine PDF Indexer, and choose which PDF parser library you'd like to use. The rest should happen automagically behind the scenes. GitHub: https://github.com/teppokoivula/SearchEnginePdfIndexer Composer: composer require teppokoivula/search-engine-pdf-indexer --- Now, as you may or may not know, PDF files are notoriously difficult to process programmatically. For this reason a) we're going to rely on third party libraries to handle parsing them, and b) things can still go wrong, so please consider this module an early beta release. It did work in my early tests, but there's little guarantee that it will work in real life use cases, and as such I'd recommend backing up your site before installing/enabling this module ? Also: while this module can be installed via the admin or by cloning/downloading module from the GitHub repository, please note that you need to run composer install in the module's directory — or preferably install the whole module via Composer. This is mainly because I really don't like bundling dependencies with the module, especially when there's a bunch of them. (... although if you dislike Composer or for whatever reason can't use it, feel free to load either smalot/pdfparser or spatie/pdf-to-text manually. Just make sure that they're available by the time the module's class file is constructed.) -- If you get a chance to use this module, please let me know how it went ?
    1 point
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