This week on the dev branch we've got a good mix of updates and issue resolutions, though not quite yet enough yet to bump the version number just yet. But here's a few highlights:
There's a PR from Adrian committed which adds configurable columns for Selector fields.
System update 20 was added which fixes the "created user" for several system pages.
WireHttp was updated to support sending cookies in GET/POST requests powered by CURL.
Lister was updated to recognize non-sortable fields, preventing unnecessary error messages.
There were also 3 issue resolutions this week.
We are getting down to the smaller stuff in terms of updates, which means it's about time to get that next master version out. I know I've been talking about it for awhile, but think we'll likely have one more dev branch version (3.0.199) and then it's looking like our 200th 3.x version will tentatively be the next master version (3.0.200). Thanks for reading, Happy Earth Day, and have a great weekend!