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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/2020 in all areas

  1. For whatever reason, the power was out for our neighborhood for one day this week. As a result, I’m running a day behind schedule here and haven’t yet finished some of the updates I’ve started in the core, so no core updates to report just yet. Instead, I’ve been focused on finishing up the newest FormBuilder version, which has taken nearly the whole week to finish, but I did manage to get the new version out today (available in the FormBuilder board), and I’m really happy with what it adds. Here’s what's new in version 44 of FormBuilder: This version makes significant improvements to FormBuilder's entries listing features and API. You can now find submitted form entries with selector strings just like you can with pages in ProcessWire. It’s like using $pages->find() except for form entries. You can perform queries on any field in the form and use several different operators. This also includes some of the new text matching operators new to the most recent PW master version. The entries screen for any form now gives you option to search and/or filter based on any field in the form. You can also create multiple filters on top of one another, matching multiple fields or even multiple values for the same field. You can dynamically select what columns appear in the entries list, and in what order. This is very much like the “Columns” tab in Lister or ListerPro. You can also search, filter, display and export field values from nested forms, which was not supported in earlier versions of FormBuilder. You can stack multiple search filters on top of one another for AND conditions. When it comes to keyword searches, in addition to searching individual fields in an entry, you can also search all fields in the entry at once (something you can't easily do with pages). You can now sort by any form field in the entries list by clicking the column headings. Also supports reverse order. In earlier versions of FormBuilder, you could only sort by ID or created date. The CSV export has been improved with options to export based on your filters/columns selection, or export all rows/columns. In addition there are now options for letting you specify what type of column headings to use and whether or not to include a UTF-8 byte order mark (which some MS Office apps apparently prefer). In addition to all of the above, there have been numerous other minor optimizations, bug fixes and other improvements throughout FormBuilder. A few new hooks have also been added in FormBuilderProcessor. Note that versions 41, 42, and 43 were all minor-update versions that were only released casually in the FormBuilder board for specific cases. Version 44 of course also includes the updates from those 3 versions as well. FormBuilder v44 requires ProcessWire 3.0.164 or newer. To support the new search/filter/sort functions in the entries list, you must have MySQL 5.7 or newer. For earlier versions of MySQL, these features are disabled except for the “search all fields” option. Next week: back to core updates, and hopefully the newest ProCache version will be ready as well. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    10 points
  2. @maddmac Unfortunately, I recently started having problems with the Trello API as well, and right now I'm not sure that the module will work correctly. I have asked the support if they have changed something in their API-backend, but nothing came of it. Anyway, I have discovered some minor problems with the way the module sends it's requests as well as some major problems with ProcessWire's WireHttp class which prevents the module from connecting to the Trello API using cURL. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get it to work using sockets or fopen as well. Now, I have submitted a pull request to ProcessWire's core that fixes the issues with the WireHttp class, but as of now it hasn't been merged yet. I have also started work on fixing the issues with the module itself - the dev version is available as a separate branch on Github. The problem is that this branch won't work at all without the fixes to the WireHttp class included in the pull request. So right now, I'm not sure how to put out a release that will work for everyone. The likely path it that I will have to wait until the pull request is merged, and then push out a new release that includes all the related fixes, updating the required ProcessWire version to whichever version the pull request is available in. Unfortunately, the only surefire way to get the module working correctly at the moment is to (1) apply the changes from my pull request to your installation of ProcessWire and (2) manually download the dev version from this branch of the TrelloWire module. Sorry I can't provide a better solution at the moment. I'll keep this thread updated as soon as I can solve those issues! BTW I also plan to add more logging / error reporting, but I first want to get the module working properly again ...
    2 points
  3. You can find all the elements that are wider than the window by adding the code here to the console https://gist.github.com/cuth/c1ddf2b1ce2fb07e512a. One of those should be the cause for the scrollbar.
    2 points
  4. Thanks this is a nice improvement ? Now it's lazy loaded and the thumbnails are 200x200 px ?
    2 points
  5. Hello, I finished this toy project. A simple API to show data for Chilean Birds. Used to flex my PW and React muscles, since a lot of time has passed since making something with those techs. Code: https://github.com/NinjasCL/chileanbirds-api Frontend (React): https://aves.ninjas.cl Backend (PW): https://aves.ninjas.cl/api Hope you like it ? Thanks.
    1 point
  6. Thank you sir. I've patched my install with your updates and its working. I haven't seen any issues caused by your changes to the core yet but I'll keep my eyes open. This could be a game changer for our process.
    1 point
  7. Hi @kongondo, Many thanks for your efforts. My database had problems. I create brand new all, everything works fine! Dzung
    1 point
  8. Looks like a great module. I have it installed (API also looks like connected successfully, but none of the pages are being sent over to Trello as cards. All the Is there a log that shows API requests or does anyone have a suggestion?
    1 point
  9. A very neat project to learn from! You really should deliver the pictures in a a resized version and activate lazy-loading (at least native lazyloading). <img src="image.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="..." /> For now, the whole site has about 226 requests and needs to download about 113MB (!!!) of files.
    1 point
  10. Hey all, open issues are fixed in 0.0.6 (changelog), you can update it now. I would strongly recommend to update it, as there were major issues regarding subscription of new users. Thanks for your help and patience! Keep me updated if you run into errors ❤️
    1 point
  11. Thanks! I was hoping the screenshot would do that ? Maybe I can give the screencast a go this weekend ... though I'm just now realizing I don't even have a headset any more ? Lockdown because of Covid-19 mostly ? No but really, the README on Github has two examples, and the first one is basically the client project that started this off. This project is a lead generation platform with multiple contact / data collection forms. Our client's team manages all requests on a Trello board. This works really well once everybody is used to it, they use many custom labels and lists to organize all requests / leads. Currently all the new leads are entered manually, but after the relaunch every request will create both a ProcessWire page and a Trello card for the lead. After additional data is entered through one of the forms, the cards are updates with more information and appropriate labels. This is what the status change handling options are for; if the ProcessWire page is trashed, the Trello card can be archived and so on ...
    1 point
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