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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/23/2020 in all areas

  1. @rick The demo site supports https but doesn't require it. There's no http traffic that needs to be protected by SSL there, so didn't want to force it. The PW version does need to be updated though. The version on there is the last one that I did a full testing for the safety of demo mode, and this takes some time to do, so I don't update the demo site version very often.
    2 points
  2. @teppo The directory should be updating version numbers from a getModuleInfo() method, but I think it may have issues when the version number is in an info.json file. This'll definitely get fixed in the update, likely before. Thanks.
    2 points
  3. While you're at this, perhaps you could take a look at this as well: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/988. I haven't checked recently, but at least back then the modules directory wasn't updating the module version (note that this was unlikely to be caused by normal delay, as the version number hadn't updated in months). Thanks ? Just in case I've been updating the version numbers for all my modules manually. It's not a huge deal, but would be better if the automation worked (though again, I haven't done any tests recently, so maybe this was already fixed.)
    2 points
  4. Page View Statistic for ProcessWire is a module to log page views of the CMS. The records including some basic information like IP-address, browser, operating system, requested page and originate page. This module doesn't claim to be the best or most accurate. Advantages One of the biggest advantage is that this module doesn't require any external service like Google Analytics or similar. You don't have to modify your templates either. There is also no Javascript or image required. Disadvantages There is only one disadvantage. This module doesn't record visits if the browser loads the page from its browser cache. To prevent the browser from loading the page from its cache, add the following meta tags to the header of your page: <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate" /> <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" /> <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0" /> How to use The records can be accessed via the Setup-menu of the CMS backend. The first dropdown control changes the view mode. Detailed records View mode "Detailed records" shows all visits of the selected day individually with IP-address, browser, operating system, requested page and originate page. Click the update button to see new added records. Cached visitor records View modes other than "Detailed records" are cached visitor counts. Cached visitor records are collected on a daily basis from the detailed records. This approach is new in version 1.0.8 and ensures fast display even with many records. Another advantage is that the detailed records can be deleted while the cache remains. The cache can be updated manually or automatically in a specified time period. Multiple visits from the same IP address on the same day are counted as a single visitor. Upgrade from older versions Cached visitor counts is new in version 1.0.8. If you just upgraded from an older version you might expire a delay or even an error 500 if you display cached visitor counts. The reason for this is that the cache has to be created from the records. This can take longer if your database contains many records. Sometimes it might hit the maximally execution time. Don't be worry about that and keep reloading the page until the cache is completely created. Upgrades in general It seems that the upgrade function don't get called after an upgrade. This might be a bug in ProcessWire. This can lead to an error message ("Unknown column...") if you try to open the statistic page immediately after an upgrade. There are two ways to avoid this error message. Click the "Continue to module settings" button directly after the upgrade or open the Modules page and click the "Refresh" button. Time of view This module can record the time a visitor viewed the page. This feature is deactivated by default. To activate open the module configuration page and activate "Record view time". If activated you will find a new column (S.) in the records which means the time of view in seconds. With every page request, a Javascript code is added directly after the <body> tag. Every time the visitor switches to another tab or closes the tab, this script reports the number of seconds the tab was visible. The initial page request is recorded only as a hyphen (-). Execution time Starting with version 1.1.9 this module records the PHP execution time from the initialization of the module till the HTML output in seconds. Settings You can access the module settings by clicking the Configuration button at the bottom of the records page. The settings page is also available in the menu: Modules->Configure->ProcessPageViewStat. IP2Location This module uses the IP2Location database from: http://www.ip2location.com. This database is required to obtain the country from the IP address. IP2Location updates this database at the begin of every month. The settings of ProcessPageViewStat offers the ability to automatically download the database monthly. Please note, that automatically download will not work if your webspace doesn't allow allow_url_fopen. Dragscroll This module uses DragScroll, a JavaScript available from: http://github.com/asvd/dragscroll. Dragscroll adds the ability in view mode "Day" to drag the records horizontally with the mouse pointer. PhpUserAgent This module uses PhpUserAgent available from: https://github.com/donatj/PhpUserAgent. PhpUserAgent is required to filter out the browser type and platform from the server request. New in version 1.1.0 A new feature in version 1.1.0 offers the possibility to record user names of logged in visitors. Just activate "Record user names" and "Record loggedin user" in the module settings. New in version 1.1.3 A new feature in version 1.1.3 offers an internal WHOIS function. In the module settings you can switch between internal and external WHOIS. New in version 1.1.4 Detailed records can now be exported as CSV-file. The file contains all data of the specified date regardless of the pagination. The button is located at the bottom of the page. New in version 1.1.8 The UserAgentParser was exchanged with PhpUserAgent due to some complaints.
    1 point
  5. I'll try it next week. Only for this module. Sure!
    1 point
  6. I really recommend that you do. Sooner or later you will need older versions of something and it will be a pain to rebuild (and various other reasons why one should try and use some versioning system, invariably git). What IDE do you use for you coding? VSCode? The easier way is to using cloning, then push your changes from your local repository. So: Assuming you use VSCode, open the editor and CLONE your repository (using this url https://github.com/techcnet/ProcessPageViewStat.git) It will want to clone to an empty directory. You can temporarily rename the directory where your module files are to ProcessPageViewStat2 Let VSCode clone your empty repo to /site/modules/ProcessPageViewStat. It will copy the files from your project in GitHub and create a .git file. Your files will be ready for tracking. Once that's done, in your file explorer (e.g. windows explorer if on Windows), copy the local module files that you have in ProcessPageViewStat2 to the new ProcessPageViewStat VSCode will tell you that you have added new files. You can then PUSH the CHANGES to your repository. To do that, the first time, VSCode will guide you through authenticating yourself to GitHub as you are the only one with PUSH privileges. Sorry, I am in a bit of a rush. I suggest you have a look at a tutorial about the basics of git or maybe just the basics of GitHub/git and VSCode.
    1 point
  7. You may also want to take a look at vscodium. It's the same as vscode but without microsoft's tracking. It is free also.
    1 point
  8. Usually I don't work with GitHub. But if you insist and as soon as I've enough time, I'll upload it to GitHub, GitLab or something similar.
    1 point
  9. I use Utility Classes in these cases ? Or you could maybe use PHP traits and use them in the controller classes?
    1 point
  10. Super! Love reading those long feature lists for the new master versions! I usually read every week's posts too. But by the time a new master is out, I forget a half of new cool things that were added. So they come as new and bring the joy once again, like finding a banknote in a pocket of pants you didn't wear for while ? Great release for ProcessWire once again!
    1 point
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