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Just recently came across this neat jQuery sorting and filtering plugin. I haven't used it myself but it seems easy enough to implement. Thought i'd share. http://mixitup.io/ one of the demos: http://mixitup.io/demos/parks4 points
@mvolke the module I'm working on synchronizes structure only - Templates, Fields and Fieldgroups. It stores captured model operations in JSON files. I currently have no plans to synchronize content (Pages) though it may prove to be necessary at some point - because Pages are used for so many things, certain Pages may need to synchronized, for example options for drop-downs. I'm having Ryan take a look at the module now, and his initial reaction was positive - I think we can make this work, and I think it'll work well. You would think that, but if you look at the ProcessWire codebase, the entire meta-model, with all possible operations, is encapsulated and supports hooks - so it is actually perfectly feasible to implement this in ProcessWire. As proof of concept, I already have all Field operations captured and repeatable. Because this is implemented at the lowest API level, it is actually independent of controllers and user-interface - that is, if you were to build your own admin modules that (for some reason) make changes to any part of the meta-model, those changes would be correctly captured and would be repeatable, independently of any admin UI. There is still substantial work to do on this module, but I would say it's about half-done at this point, and there are no major roadblocks to completion - the fundamental idea is proven and works, so it's a matter of building it out completely.2 points
Hi Marty, What trouble do you have? Let's say Seminar1 and Seminar2 both have the same template. If a user visits those sites, you should be able to do a check like this: // Check if the current user can access this seminar page if ($page->allowedUsers->has($user)) { // Good! List the Seminar children } else { throw new Wire404Exception(); } ... where allowedUsers is your Page field (checkboxes) for the users. Of course you'd need also to check on the seminar subpages, so that a user can't access them directly: if ($page->parent->allowedUsers->has($user)) { // Good! } else { throw new Wire404Exception(); }2 points
Hi all, I'm a big fan of the Sublime Text 2 text editor and of course of huge fan of ProcessWire, so I went ahead and created a library of PW snippets to be used with the ST2 Snippet system. I followed the PW cheat sheet, and created Advanced and Basic versions. The Advanced version contains only those seen in the advanced mode of the cheat sheet, so if you want the full set, you'll want to get both Basic and Advanced. They are on GitHub here: https://github.com/evanmcd/SublimeProcessWireSnippetsBasic https://github.com/evanmcd/SublimeProcessWireSnippetsAdvanced I've just submitted the Advanced set for inclusion into Package Manager, so hopefully that will be added soon. See the README for more info. Any feedback welcomed1 point
Adrian, you also may save the timestamp for events into 2 different fields on each page, (using a module or something that splits the timestamps and populate both fields). This way you can use existing selectors.1 point
Hey kongondo, Thanks, but what I am trying to achieve is ordering like this: July 25 - 9am - 12pm - 2pm July 23 - 8am - 10am My page array sorting works, and there are lots of other ways to achieve the same results (eg. population of the page array using sql directly, restructuring the page tree to have day based children and then time based grandchildren), but I just feel like there should be a way to do this with selectors to manipulate the sql query. I am actually wondering how difficult it would be to facilitate the use of all mysql functions and operators in selectors, not just DATE and TIME like I needed for above. I am on vacation this week, but if Ryan hasn't chimed in on this thread by the time I am back, I might post the idea as a feature suggestion and see what he thinks.1 point
It certainly doesn't hurt and is good practice, but you don't really need to sanitize it at all - you are defining exactly what it will be yourself. The one thing to note on this is that PW is automatically converting the "/" in between the year and the page id, into a dash for the name field. You could do this yourself, which $sanitizer->pageName would take care of. The one thing you might want to sanitize is $parent_id by using "(int)", eg: $parent = wire('pages')->get((int)$parent_id); which converts it to an integer, making that pages->get completely safe. Probably unnecessary since this is an admin form, but that original get variable could be changed by someone.1 point
I think this type of thing would be a very different animal from a repeater. While there are similarities, I think the functionality would be a lot simpler to build as its own thing rather than extending repeaters. Not to mention, I'm not sure I'd want to add that complexity to repeaters either. I can't envision a use for this type of field in the sites that I build for my clients, so I'm not likely to build it. But I can see how others would find it useful, I do agree that the idea is fun and interesting. Here's how I think it could be built without getting too complex: The Fieldtype itself would basically just be a FieldtypePage and may not need to be anything more. The Inputfield would be where all the action would happen, and I think a lot of it would be JS fun more than PHP code. When you click "add", the Javascript would append an <iframe> with a "src" attribute pointing to /processwire/page/add/?parent_id=123&modal=1 where "123" represents the predefined parent_id where these pages would go. That "modal=1" in there tells PW's admin to just display the editor and no header/footer, etc., making it perfect for this particular Inputfield. The "add" screen would prompt them for the template, as it already does, and let them add the page there. You could of course restrict the allowed the templates the usual way in the template family settings. Some JS would also have to be used to communicate between the <iframes>s and the parent window. Specifically, when the Save button is pressed in the parent window, you'd have JS trigger the save buttons in the other iframes (which you might choose to hide with JS/CSS). Likewise, JS would need to be used from the parent frame to examine the ID of the iframe/repeater items so that it could be saved to the FieldtypePage. There wouldn't be any need to add new API level stuff, because I think that what's provided by FieldtypePage already provides what this field would need. There would be some other issues to resolve as well, but ultimately the whole thing would be simpler to build than the repeaters if the author is willing to take advantage of iframes.1 point
The FormBuilder module also supports front-end file/image uploads in a secure manner. FormTemplateProcessor was just made as a proof of concept for people to adapt and build upon where useful. Whereas FormBuilder is a full system.1 point
currently I'm back working on the ImageManipulator. I've put it into a module that extends PageImage. It integrates nicely into PWs workflow. There are only a few things that I have to solve before I can release it: finishing and testing the watermark-methods write documentation and some examples provide support for imageVariations, namely: removeVariations() with point 3, I already have a method that can be called when in PIM-mode (PageImageManipulator-mode) which unlink all PIM-created files, but I think it would be more comfortable if a user calls one of the PageImage-methods getVariations() or removeVariations() if the PIM-created variations are included in the collections. EDIT: in the meantime, we have had a release already: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4264-release-page-image-manipulator/ ----- here are a screenshot of my current Testpage1 point
See this Comments Fieldtype documentation page sections on customizing output and styling output. While it makes it easier, you don't actually have to use the built in methods for rendering the comments list or form. You can create your own markup entirely if preferred. However, I do think it would be worthwhile to copy or extend ProcessWire's /wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeComments/CommentForm.php file to your own class (MyCommentForm) in /site/templates/. When you want to render your form, you would do this: include("./MyCommentForm.php"); $form = new MyCommentForm($page, $page->comments); echo $form->render();1 point
Not sure what you mean with these .json and .zip files, but I'm guessing you're saying that they weren't there in some language pack you've downloaded? Not all language packs contain all files -- there may be more translatable phrases now than there were when the language pack was created etc. so you'll have to either translate these manually or post a heads-up about these to the maintainer of that particular language pack. Anyway, if you want to translate this file manually then just follow these steps: Log in, go to Setup > Languages and select target language At the bottom of "Language translation files" follow the "translate new file" link Type whole path (\wire\modules\Inputfield\InputfieldPage\InputfieldPage.module) in the "File to translate" input Translation page should open -- now you'll just have to translate phrases manually and save If I'm understanding something wrong here, please provide some extra information about what you're exactly trying to do.1 point
I've been quite busy last few months (and still am), but I managed to squeeze new admin theme called Futura Remixed (successor to my Futura theme). So let's get started: complete rewrite of the theme complete new graphics, includin PageList tree icons etc. full multi-language support (except "You are logged in as", "Latest updates" and "Newest added" title (could be done by implementing those in language packs I suppose) complete new TinyMCE theme with Fugue icons (that was pain in the ass) integrated CodeMagic TinyMCE plugin that uses CodeMirror to highlight the code and HTML beautifier to beautify the code (unlike plain TinyMCE HTML editor) AdminBar theme How to install: Unpack FuturaRemixed.zip to your /site/ directory Replace /wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldTinyMCE directory with InputfieldTinyMCE directory contained in the attached InputfieldTinyMCE.zip file Extract AdminBar.zip to your /site/modules/AdminBar directory (if you use it) I've tested the theme thourougly but errors may still show up. So if you find them, please let me know, so I can fix them. When I get time, I'll update this theme with colors from original Futura theme so you could choose between them. Let's look at the screenshots: Enjoy the theme as much I've enjoyed making it. AdminBar.zip FuturaRemixed.zip InputfieldTinyMCE.zip1 point