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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/11/2012 in all areas

  1. YOu can use markupcache module. http://modules.processwire.com/modules/markup-cache/
    2 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Hi! Just finished my first module This module adds a new "Google-Analytics" Page in your Admin-Panel and displays various Statistics from a Google Analytics Account. It uses the JQuery plugin "jqplot" to display the charts. Github: https://github.com/w...GoogleAnalytics Modules directory: http://modules.proce...ogle-analytics/ Features Visits by Date (Chart) General Statistics about Visits (Total visits, Visit duration, New visitors, Returning visitors etc.) Demographics: Countries, Cities, Languages System: Browsers, Operating Systems, Screen Resolutions Mobile: Operating Systems, Screen Resolutions Pageviews by Date (Chart) Top Content Traffic Sources: Keywords, Referral Traffic by Domain and URI Choose a default date range displaying statistics: last 24 hours, 2 days, 1 week, 1 month etc. Custom date range by setting a "start date" and "end date" Requirements Google Account and Analytics Account A Project in the Google APIs Console cURL Installation 1) Create a Project in the Google APIs Console: Create a new Project in the APIs Console: code.google.com/apis/console/ Under Services, enable the Analytics API Under API Access: create an Oauth 2.0 Client-ID Give a Product Name, choose "Web-Application", Domain doesn't matter Enter a Redirect URI to the GA-Page in your Processwire Installation: http://yourdomain.com/processwire/google-analytics/ Notes: The redirect URI must exactly match with the URL from the new "Google Analytics" page in Processwire. Open the Page and copy the URL from the address-bar (localhost does work too!) The project created in the APIs Console can be reused for every Processwire installation using this module. You just have to enter more redirect URIs 2) Install the module: Place the module's files in /site/modules/ProcessGoogleAnalytics Install the Module via the Admin-Panel Enter Client-ID and Client-Secret keys from the created project in the module config Load the newly created page "Google-Analytics" and click on the button "authenticate" Grant the module access to the Analytics Data Choose a Google Analytics account (Domain) from the dropdown Done: You should see the statistics. Check out the module config options for further customization In order to let other users see the Google Analytics page, you must give their role access to the "ga-view" permission. Ps. Processwire is awesome and so is this community!
    1 point
  4. Soma "Then you create custom page fieldtype "categories_selected" that has set /Categories as the parent and allow multiple pages" This was when the "penny dropped"! It appears exactly how I want it to in my "image_meta" repeater field! Now just some playing around with the querying and I'm done. Thank you so much! You too Martijn! --Gary
    1 point
  5. You can't with the default image field add categories to it. I thought somebody was doing something to add creating a custom image fieldtype but can't find it currently. If you use repeaters, I'm not really thinking it all through and not sure this is the best way to go, it is possible. You then can create branch using a "category" template. Categories - Summary - Carousel Then you create custom page fieldtype "categories_selected" that has set /Categories as the parent and allow multiple pages. Then make the inputfield of the page fieldtype either checkbox or the asm select. Then after saving you see additional options depending on the inpufield. Now add that page field to the repeater or template you want to define categories. Then you should be able to select images using one or multiple categories. I'm not sure but it should be possible to select images (repeater elements) using ->find("selector") I haven't really extensively used repeaters yet other than little testing. You would have to test yourself. Maybe there's alternatives. $cat = $pages->get("/categories/summary/"); $images = $page->repeaters->find("categories_selected=$cat"); Thinking about alternatives: You could also create a image field called "image_summary" and use that, or create a image field "carousel" specially for carousel. Another option would be to create dedicated pages holding the image for a carousel and then make them selectable through a page field (same as with categories). Like a centralized repository of image galleries. Almost endless possibilities once you get the hang of it combine fields and pages.
    1 point
  6. Yes logo and tel# was jumping occasionally here also (no matter what browser). I took a look quickly and injected some css via php, now it should be good.
    1 point
  7. Nice one Soma. 2 points. - When header is collapsed & swith to other page, .menu-wrapper is "jumping". Maybe write the css height of .menu-wrapper with PHP in your head. - On smaller screens logo & tel# disappear.
    1 point
  8. Just updated the Module to version 1.1 on Github and Modules Section of Pw! New Features / Optimizations Better UI with tabs for the main categories (Audience, Content, Traffic sources) New options section: You can change the date range for your Statistics "strftime" used instead of "date" for the date range in header Fixed PHP notice errors There changed some module default config options + I added an option to set the format for the InputfieldDatetime fields. So I guess you should uninstall and install the whole module again to avoid errors. Sometimes I'm not sure if use the right words for my lables and descriptions, as I'm not a native english speaker/writer. So if anybody sees typo errors or a description that makes no sense, please tell me. I ended up using WireTabs, amazing simple to implement as everything with Processwire! =) Wish you all a nice day (night or whatever), I'm going swimming now here : http://www.bbc.co.uk...europe-10893835
    1 point
  9. Still frustrated by the all too real objections of Ryan came into my mind that PW applies more to developers than ordinary surfers. Then the source should be as relevant as a banner at the bottom of the page. So I suggest that there is a recommendation for an equivalent to <meta name="generator" content="TYPO3 4.5 CMS" />. Also, a comment like <! - This website is powered by TYPO3 - inspiring people to share! TYPO3 is a free open source Content Management Framework initially created by Kasper Skaarhoj and licensed under the GNU / GPL. TYPO3 is copyright 1998-2012 of Kasper Skaarhoj. Extensions are copyright of their respective owners. Information and contribution at http://typo3.org/ -> at the top of the page can be useful. It is clear that in contrast to PW Typo3 here can not make provisions which can at best be overwritten. But Ryan may make a recommendation.
    1 point
  10. I have learned to read a new language called WillyC. This was no easy feat but with some perseverance i finally succeeded. Writing is still to be mastered though.. :0 What's the biggest thing you have learned?
    1 point
  11. Shall we just agree that the first rule of ProcessWire is: you do talk about ProcessWire? Because I think that will bring much more attention to the system in the long run than a high ranking on a web site which actually considers Joomla to be CMS …
    1 point
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