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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/2012 in all areas

  1. Oh Marty's on fire alright, but it seems that new things in PW are coming faster than usually lately, so I thought you have somewhat less client work or so.
    2 points
  2. Good suggestions. This makes sense to me. I've added the code to add a class of PageListItem_[template name] to each item. Going to test a bit more locally and commit early this week. Thanks, Ryan
    2 points
  3. Modules Manager for ProcessWire2.+ Module Manager enables you to browse the modules directory on modules.processwire.com, download, install or update them. Requires the JqueryDataTables module to be installed before you can install Modules Manager. "allow_url_fopen" to be enabled in your php.ini. "openssl" PHP extension needs to be installed on your server. PHP to have read/write access to the /site/modules/ directory For further informations contact the readme seen on modules directory or github. Modules Directory: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/modules-manager/ Github Project: https://github.com/s.../ModulesManager
    1 point
  4. hi everyone:) i stumpled across ProcessWire on my way to learn ModX. It draws my attention because of it's fast backend, and the chance for me to connect it with my big wish to learn php (atm i know just very basic stuff :- ). PW seems to enable me to use some php-funktions with an easier layer on top of it. so, i can be productive at the beginning here are some questions, that i came up with at my exploration of the PW-wonderland in the last days: search: afaik there is the possibility to integrate a search function to the website. is it possible to combine a searchfield with checkbox filters to search and filter pages in a specific branche of the page tree? blogging: it's possible to build a tag-cloud for a blogging sections with PW. this hole filter possiblities-thing is somewhat unclear for me atm comments-module: the comments containing a name and an e-mail field, but i like to extend it with a "twitter" and "your website" field. is this possible without a lot of complicated "core hacking" ? forms: from what i have understand, it's possible to create a front-end form that collects data for the content of a page. are ther possibilities to get form entries per mail with csv-file attached or csv-styled text inside? demo page: maybe i've just overlooked it, but i was not able to find the skyscraper siteprofil on the download page. i realy like to have a look at it, to learn from the api usage there. does someone have experience with forums and newslettersystems, that go well along with PW ?(same userbase/passwords) (i hope my english was understandable, since i normaly don't write a lot in english myself. but i'm able to perfectly read and understand it). greetings, chris EDIT: a questions to the modx users in this his forum: is PW now your primary cms and modx a fallback for some special usecases? - PW made me desinterested to learn modx, but maybe i miss something
    1 point
  5. One of my clients specializes in putting on conferences/summits around the world, primarily focused on architecture and sustainable design. I mentioned to them how some users here (starting with Netcarver) had expressed interest in a ProcessWire meetup or conference in the UK. This client does conferences in the UK every year and they are extremely enthusiastic about ProcessWire and interested in helping us to put on a conference by letting us collaborate with their conference and share the same venues and accommodations. This would help us benefit from their expertise in putting on conferences (which they've done for more than a decade), as well as help [significantly] on costs in reserving the venues, food, hotels. I have worked with this client since 1994 (18 years), so have a very high level of trust with them. The conference would be in August 2013 and be 1.5 days in London at a major ad agency, then we'd step on a train for an hour or so and do the rest of the conference in Cambridge at Kings College for another 1.5 days (total 3 days). This would be a small but relatively formal conference with presentations and workshops covering everything ProcessWire, design and web development. We'd cover topics at a higher level than you'd find anywhere else in the world. I don't yet have an idea on costs except to say that we'd find a way to make it accessible to as large of an audience as possible, and it would be completely non profit, food and accommodations (for those that wanted it) included. Yet, it'd still be higher class and more personal than any other webdev conference. This is about a year out, so I'm interested in finding out who'd be interested in this. Please 'like' or reply to this post if you would be interested in attending (or presenting) at this conference.
    1 point
  6. formmailer, yes I got it to work. ryan, I already found a hint from apeisa in another threat concerning include=all. I ended up with $published = wire("pages")->find("include=all, status=published"); foreach($published as $p) { The conditions regarding publish_from and publish_until are not part of the find. They are handled in the foreach loop. That solved my issue. Thanks both of you.
    1 point
  7. Just my experience from the last couple of weeks, but mostly with PWs API, the question is not if you can do something but how you can do it. The API as well as the whole system's architecture really don't limit the possibilities at all. There might not be an enormous amount of modules for just any task (yet), but there's a beauty to that as well since (again, just my humble opinion) if that's the case, one tends to use pre-built modules instead of building their own solution, which most often makes for a more unique site experience. And if you get stuck building a site on your own, you'll find a lot of solutions already posted here in the forums. Just start playing with the API, I promise you'll love it and very soon get a sense of how much is possible with it.
    1 point
  8. Can't comment on some of your questions, but let start.. ProcessWire "traversion" capabilities are more logical & better then seen elsewhere in CMS land. With a few switches or if statements you can find anything you want or exclude what you want. For forms & stuff, you're not bound to modules. You have the total freedom with PHP & you get the rely useful & understandable ProcessWire API for free. ( look at Soma's cheatsheet to get a point ). I stepped in in MODX This september, so started with Revolution. I always thought, MODX is a nice CMS, but lacked the overall vision. They added nice feathers, but they glue it to the core. Many things in my eye's are inconsistant or put where the don't belong. Working the MODX way give me a lot of trouble. Errors in PHP occurring in the cache, finding where some kind of variable is coming from, Unnecessary difficult ACL's. Don't allow me to disable cache ( even if I set: disable cache ). All "template" chunks & PHP snippets pilling up as high as the Mount Everest & then finding the way through that mountain. Not been able the really work with code on disk, cause all PHP etc is stored in the DB ( why the hell you want logic data in the DB ?) The must use of MOD FAST_CGI... I can continue but better to stop All things I mentioned above, is solved on a real clever way in ProcessWire. They don't just add things, adding things may have a big cost. I love the road PW is traveling. So no I don't want to step back
    1 point
  9. Chris - your English is far better than my German and reads well so don't worry about that - I always feel bad when people whose first language isn't English come to forums and apologise for their English when I can't speak much of their language "Wilkommen bei ProcessWire" is about my limit this morning I agree with diogo's points above. I'm sure someone made a module that allows for good blog-like tagging of pages (a specific tag fieldtype that was a bit like Wordpress) but can't seem to find the link - does anyone else know where this is? I have a feeling it might have been one of Nico's modules. As a long-time MODx user ProcessWire is now my main choice (and only choice) of CMS. It's the most flexible CMS I've ever worked with and every other system you use will feel too restrictive in comparison. There's nothing I could do in MODx that I couldn't do in ProcessWire - often it was a LOT easier in ProcessWire too! As an example, see this site: http://www.strategycore.co.uk/ - that all used to be MODx and now it's ProcssWire using a lot less lines of code than I had before. It does require that you learn a little bit of programming, but with a few examples you should get along just fine. I'd recomment the walktrhough tutorial here: followed by other tutorials in this forum: http://processwire.com/talk/forum/13-tutorials/ but often it's simple enough just to start building something and ask questions - we're happy to help. The Skyscrapers demo site is based on an older version so I don't think ryan has that available to download because a few things have changed, but the tutorials above will probably give you a better (gentler) place to start from anyway. Hope that helps
    1 point
  10. Welcome to PW and the forums! You came to the right place to learn PHP 1. This is possible, and not difficult at all. Have a look at this module http://modules.proce...es/ajax-search/ 2. Yes, see here how you can build a tags system http://processwire.c.../page__hl__tags 3. It's possible without any "core hacking", But it will imply some "module hacking" we are here to help though. 4. There are ways to convert csv files into php arrays. From there, everything is possible. You will have to configure your server to pipe the emails to PHP https://www.google.c...iw=1364&bih=679 5. The skyscrapers profile was not updated to the last version of PW. But I'm sure Ryan can send it to you if you want a lot 6. I did a very basic newsletter system that is explained here http://processwire.c..._hl__newsletter. For something more complex, you should try Mailchimp or something similar. This forum is integrated in PW, but i think sharing logins could be tricky.
    1 point
  11. Nice, also wanted to say I'd be happy if I can make it and it's depends on money and family. Need to maybe sell some modules
    1 point
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