STEP 1: Copy all the files from dev to live
Copy all the files from your dev installation to the live installation. Whether you use FTP, rsync, scp or some other tool doesn't matter. What does matter is that you copy everything and that you retain the file permissions–More specifically, make sure that /site/assets/ and everything in it is writable to the web server. Here are some sample commands that would do it (replace 'local-www' and 'remote-www' with your own directories):
Using rsync:
rsync --archive --rsh=/usr/bin/ssh --verbose /local-www/* user@somehost.com:remote-www/
Using scp:
scp -r -p /local-www/* user@somehost.com:remote-www/
I think this will depend on the FTP client that you are using as to whether it will retain the permissions of the files you transfer. Hopefully it will do that by default, if not, check if there is a setting you can enable. If not, then you may have to adjust the permissions manually in /site/assets/ and the dirs/files in there.
Make sure /.htaccess got copied over too
Depending on how you copied the files in step 1, it may or may not have included the /.htaccess file. Make sure that gets copied over, as many copying tools will ignore hidden files by default.
STEP 2: Transfer the MySQL Database from Dev to Live
a. Export dev database
Export ProcessWire's database on your development server to a MySQL dump file. PhpMyAdmin or mysqldump are the most common ways to do it. Personally I use PhpMyAdmin because it's so simple, but here is how you would do it with mysqldump:
mysqldump -u[db_user] -p[db_pass] [db_name] > site.sql
b. Create live database
Create a new MySQL database and database user on the live server and make note of the DB name, DB host, DB user and DB pass, as you'll need them.
c. Import dev database to live
Import the MySQL dump file you exported from your dev server. Most web hosts have PhpMyAdmin, so that's what I use to import. If you have SSH access, you can also import with the mysql command line client, i.e.
mysql -u[db_user] -p[db_pass] -h[db_host] [db_name] < site.sql
d. Update /site/config.php
On the live server, edit the /site/config.php file. At the bottom you will see the database settings. Update these settings to be consistent with the database/user you created, then save. Most likely you will only be updating these settings:
$config->db_name = "database name";
$config->db_user = "database user name";
$config->db_pass = "database user password";
$config->db_host = "database host, most commonly localhost";
STEP 3: Test the Site
Your site should now be functional when you load it in your browser. If not, then enable debug mode:
a. Turn on debug mode (only if you get an error)
Edit /site/config.php and look for $config->debug = false, and change it to $config->debug = true. Then load the site in your browser again and it should give you more details about what error occurred. If you aren't able to resolve it, contact Ryan.
b. Browse the site
Assuming your site is now functional, browse the site and the admin and make sure that everything looks as it should. If it looks like stylesheets aren't loading or images are missing, it may be displaying cached versions from your dev site. If that's the case, you need to clear your cache:
c. Clear your cache (optional)
Login to the ProcessWire admin and go to Modules > Page Render > and then check the box to "clear page render disk cache", then click save. This should resolve any display issues with the site's pages.
d. Practice good housekeeping
Make sure that you've removed /install.php and /site/install/, and check to make sure that /site/config.php is not writable. While this isn't absolutely necessary, it's good insurance.