$sanitizer->name() method

Sanitize in "name" format (ASCII alphanumeric letters/digits, hyphens, underscores, periods)

Default behavior:

  • Allows both upper and lowercase ASCII letters.
  • Limits maximum length to 128 characters.
  • Replaces non-name format characters with underscore "_".


$test = "Foo+Bar Baz-123"
echo $sanitizer->name($test); // outputs: Foo_Bar_Baz-123


// basic usage
$string = $sanitizer->name(string $value);

// usage with all arguments
$string = $sanitizer->name(string $value, $beautify = false, int $maxLength = 128, string $replacement = '_', array $options = []);



Value that you want to convert to name format.

beautify (optional)bool, int

Beautify the returned name?

  • Beautify makes returned name prettier by getting rid of doubled punctuation, leading/trailing punctuation and such.
  • Should be TRUE when creating a resource using the name for the first time (default is FALSE).
  • You may also specify the constant Sanitizer::translate (or integer 2) for the this argument, which will make it translate letters based on name format settings in ProcessWire.
maxLength (optional)int

Maximum number of characters allowed in the name (default=128).

replacement (optional)string

Replacement character for invalid characters. Should be either "", "-" or "." (default="").

options (optional)array

Extra options to replace default 'beautify' behaviors

  • allowAdjacentExtras (bool): Whether to allow [-_.] characters next to each other (default=false).
  • allowDoubledReplacement (bool): Whether to allow two of the same replacement chars [-_] next to each other (default=false).
  • allowedExtras (array): Specify extra allowed characters (default=['-', '_', '.']`).

Return value


Sanitized value in name format

See Also

$sanitizer methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244

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