$sanitizer->url() method

Sanitize and validate given URL or return blank if it can’t be made valid

  • Performs some basic sanitization like adding a scheme to the front if it's missing, but leaves alone local/relative URLs.
  • URL is not required to conform to ProcessWire conventions unless a relative path is given.
  • Please note that URLs should always be entity encoded in your output. Many evil things are technically allowed in a valid URL, so your output should always entity encoded any URLs that came from user input.


$url = $sanitizer->url('processwire.com/api/'); 
echo $sanitizer->entities($url); // outputs: http://processwire.com/api/


// basic usage
$string = $sanitizer->url(string $value);

// usage with all arguments
$string = $sanitizer->url(string $value, $options = []);



URL to validate

options (optional)bool, array

Array of options to modify default behavior, including:

  • allowRelative (boolean): Whether to allow relative URLs, i.e. those without domains (default=true).
  • allowIDN (boolean): Whether to allow internationalized domain names (default=false).
  • allowQuerystring (boolean): Whether to allow query strings (default=true).
  • allowSchemes (array): Array of allowed schemes, lowercase (default=[] any).
  • disallowSchemes (array): Array of disallowed schemes, lowercase (default=['file']).
  • requireScheme (bool): Specify true to require a scheme in the URL, if one not present, it will be added to non-relative URLs (default=true).
  • convertEncoded (boolean): Convert most encoded hex characters characters (i.e. “%2F”) to non-encoded? (default=true)
  • encodeSpace (boolean): Encoded space to “%20” or allow “%20“ in URL? Only useful if convertEncoded is true. (default=false)
  • stripTags (bool): Specify false to prevent tags from being stripped (default=true).
  • stripQuotes (bool): Specify false to prevent quotes from being stripped (default=true).
  • maxLength (int): Maximum length in bytes allowed for URLs (default=4096).
  • throw (bool): Throw exceptions on invalid URLs (default=false).

Return value


Returns a valid URL or blank string if it can’t be made valid.


Method can throw exceptions on error:

  • WireException - on invalid URLs, only if $options['throw'] is true.

$sanitizer methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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