Languages class

API variable $languages enables access to all Language pages and various helper methods.

The $languages API variable is most commonly used for iteration of all installed languages.

foreach($languages as $language) {
  echo "<li>$language->title ($language->name) ";
  if($language->id == $user->language->id) {
    echo "current"; // the user's current language
  echo "</li>";

Click any linked item for full usage details and examples. Hookable methods are indicated with the icon. In addition to those shown below, the Languages class also inherits all the methods and properties of: PagesType and Wire.

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Languages::default Language Get default language 
boolDoes current user have edit access for page fields in given language? 
PageArrayFind and return all languages except default language 
PageArrayFind and return all languages except current user language 
LanguageGet the default language
Can also be used as property: Languages::getDefault
Language nullGet the current language or optionally a specific named language 
string boolReturn the current locale setting 
boolIs LanguageSupportPageNames installed? 
Languages::importTranslationsFile($language, string $file)
bool intImport a language translations file 
LanguageSupportPageNames falseGet LanguageSupportPageNames module if installed, false if not 
(nothing)Set current user to have default language temporarily 
boolSet the current user language for the current request 
string boolSet the current locale 
Languages::translator(Language $language)
LanguageTranslatorReturn the LanguageTranslator instance for the given language 
(nothing)Restores whatever previous language a user had prior to a setDefault() call 
boolUndo a previous setLanguage() call, restoring the previous user language 

For hooks

These methods are only useful for hooking and should not be called directly.

Additional methods and properties

In addition to the methods and properties above, Languages also inherits the methods and properties of these classes:

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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