$sanitizer->wordsArray() method

Return array of all words in given value (excluding punctuation and other non-word characters)

Available since version 3.0.160.


// basic usage
$array = $sanitizer->wordsArray($value);

// usage with all arguments
$array = $sanitizer->wordsArray($value, array $options = []);


valuestring, array

String containing words

options (optional)array
  • keepNumbers (bool): Keep number-only words in return value? (default=true)
  • keepNumberFormat (bool): Keep minus/comma/period in numbers rather than splitting into words? Also requires keepNumbers==true. (default=false)
  • keepUnderscore (bool): Keep underscores as part of words? (default=false)
  • keepHyphen (bool): Keep hyphenated words? (default=false)
  • keepApostrophe (bool): Keep apostrophe as part of words? (default=true) 3.0.168+
  • keepChars (array): Specify any of these to also keep as part of words ['.', ',', ';', '/', '*', ':', '+', '<', '>', '_', '-' ] (default=[])
  • minWordLength (int): Minimum word length (default=1)
  • maxWordLength (int): Maximum word length (default=80)
  • maxWords (int): Maximum number of words allowed (default=0, no limit)
  • stripTags (bool): Strip markup tags so they don’t contribute to returned word list? (default=true)

Return value


$sanitizer methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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