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I can't edit multilanguage code internationalization online


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Hi I have a multilanguage website with code internationalization that I can manage easily on localhost, but when I put online I'm not able to edit files and I receive the attached error.

The only way it works is to modify files locally and upload json files directly.

Anyone knows how to fix this?

Thank you.


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How is it that the message displays /site\templates\homepage.php instead of /site/templates/homepage.php?

Is your localhost on Windows (if so, which version is it)? Are you using Wamp, Xampp, easyPHP...?

It seems it doesn't find the file(s) because the path is incorrect.

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Sorry for late reply, but I forgot to follow this topic and was waiting email notification...

I also noticed this, but I don't know how to change or fix this problem.

Locally I work on windows 8.1 with wamp server and in fact the same problem happens on two different unix websites.

As an additional notice both websites works correctly, only that admin screen is not working properly.

Thank you.

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Maybe a PHP Version Problem?

PHP < 5.5

"file": "site\/templates\/blog-side-bar.inc"

PHP >= 5.5

"file": "site\\templates\\blog-side-bar.inc"

Just short via mobile....regards mr-fan

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  • 1 month later...

I'm sorry to resume this post, but thanks to mr-fan I was able to fix the problem, but now I would like to know what to change or search in my php local settings to change this behaviour that writes path like "file": "site\/templates\/blog-side-bar.inc" instead of what is used on my webservers "file": "site\\templates\\blog-side-bar.inc".

I'm using wamp and php version is 5.5.12

Thank you

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I also recently ran into this problem on a live site on Unix where i wanted to do a quick edit. I think this was the first time trying to edit translations on the live site, and encountered the wrong paths. Because there where only a few translatable strings i deleted the translation and re-translated it on the live site, which then works correctly with a good path. It was developed on a Windows machine so i think there is some kind of directory separator issue.

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I can live with this, but would be good to work with same files, because a lot of times I need to develop and test new contents locally and it is not comfortable renaming all the paths.

Thank you

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Hi Ryan, sorry for late reply but I'm overwhelmed by work during these days.

I have copied the online DB on my local installation and apparently now seems to work like expected.

The translation files were like this

    "file": "site\/templates\/footer.inc",
    "textdomain": "site--templates--footer-inc",
    "translations": {
        "07ff124762cd9515484510b0f5d1c231": {
            "text": "Hello"
        "aea9a2d9c308f1d9202144beff707244": {
            "text": "Contacts"
        "0ece81856ca39d612fd74576435cb894": {
            "text": "Company location"
        "8c449a82a3d729e4b52f74e417f6d63c": {
            "text": "Bye"

and I simply changed them to this (I changed only the first line)

    "file": "site//templates//footer.inc",
    "textdomain": "site--templates--footer-inc",
    "translations": {
        "07ff124762cd9515484510b0f5d1c231": {
            "text": "XXXXYYYYY"
        "aea9a2d9c308f1d9202144beff707244": {
            "text": "Contacts"
        "0ece81856ca39d612fd74576435cb894": {
            "text": "Company location"
        "8c449a82a3d729e4b52f74e417f6d63c": {
            "text": "XXXXX"

After I copied the remote DB to Local installation, it seems to work properly.

I will make more test as soon I have some time.

Thank you.

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