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Is it possible to over ride Admin Theme?


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Hi all,

I just installed pw on my localhost and i want to make Admin theme Reno as a default theme at my backend.. is that is possbile?

more over is it possble to over ride few files of admin theme by copying it to site folder? if yes how?

please help i am new to this and waiting for your replies...

thanks a lot

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To make the Reno theme the default use this in /site/config.php:

 * Default admin theme
 * Module name of default admin theme for guest and users that haven't already selected one
 * Core options include: **AdminThemeDefault** or **AdminThemeReno**.
 * Additional options will depend on what other 3rd party AdminTheme modules you have installed.
 * @var string
$config->defaultAdminTheme = 'AdminThemeReno';

Read this on the option to have multiple copies of a module: http://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-core-updates-2.5.14/

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