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admin not working correctly

Frank Vèssia

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Hi, I have a problem with the admin interface, at certain point the wiretabs stopped working, if I click on any tab I get nothing, so I can't open collapsed tabs. I tried to remove all installed modules, remove any custom css and jquery from the site, also export the entire site profile and import with a fresh install, but nothing...
I attached a picture for better understanding, you can see the down arrow icon is also attached to the label...
in some pages i get this jquery error: Uncaught ReferenceError: initPageEditForm is not defined.
any suggestion?


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Depending on your browser, you can also try Ctrl+F5, or Ctrl+R (some browsers have both).

If you're using Chrome/Opera/Safari, open up developer tools (the console), go to settings, and make sure cache is off. Then leave it open and refresh the page.

If it's not that, then an alien has taken over your PC, and I wouldn't know what to do, I'm afraid.

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It seems I have a similar problem. They just stopped working, and the content of the tabs is shown under the first tab content. On the console I get the following error :

JqueryWireTabs.js?v=105:13 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token )

I don't know what module is compressing the files in the admin so I can delete the cache of this file or see what's wrong.

Edit : because of this the modules page is not working at all. 

I also tried in different browsers, deleted browser cache etc and no change.

Edit 2: it has been fixed by itself, not sure why and how.

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As i wrote before the only error i get is: Uncaught ReferenceError: initPageEditForm is not defined.

Anyway right now I solved installing the AdminThemeReno, therefore It was something related with the admin/modules cache which I was not able to delete in any usual way...strange thing, reactivating the default theme i get again the issue...

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Are you using cloudflare cdn or any other cdn ? I'm not sure what was the issue on my website as it fixed by itself. I am sure they are related to some minify/cache of the js files on the backend as the frontend was not affected at all.

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