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Problem with linking to a page in a different language


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Hello everyone,

I have posted about this issue before and didn't get any answers, i think it's because i didn't explain properly what my problem was. I'll try to explain as detailed as possible, as i think this case might help others with the same situation.

I have setup a site with custom made templates and multi-language support. I'm using a single tree approach with multi language features: Multi-LanguageUrls, Fields and also static translation. So far, everything is good.

In my website i have a Home Page that serves as the welcome page. In it, you have a welcome message and two links, one for the site in Spanish (the default language) and one for the site in English.

As i am using multi language page names, the link for the spanish website points to:

<a href="nosotros-concepto">Sitio en Español</a> 

This is the actual "first page" of the site, after the welcome. The English site link looks like this:

<a href="about-us-concept">Site in English</a>

The problem is this last link still takes me to the Spanish "nosotros-concepto" and the url looks like this:


Both links take me to the same Spanish page. I think i have something conceptually wrong, and i would very much appreciate any comments or help on this issue.

Anyone else encountered something like this?

Thank you all!!


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As i am using multi language page names, the link for the spanish website points to:


<a href="nosotros-concepto">Sitio en Español</a> 


This is the actual "first page" of the site, after the welcome. The English site link looks like this:


<a href="about-us-concept">Site in English</a>


How are those links created?


The problem is this last link still takes me to the Spanish "nosotros-concepto" and the url looks like this:



But then the links should be





I have no idea what you are doing, and why the links are like this. A PW url always looks like this format /pagename/childname/

When LanguageSupportPageNames is installed you can define the /en/ /es/ names on the home page settings.

After that you get correct urls when in one of the languages or you can get a specific alternative language url with $page->localUrl($language). 

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