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Watch out for w3schools

Martijn Geerts

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I was searching for array_filter function. ( Don't know why cause I know what it does, stupid me :-) )

The first link was from W3Schools.

w3schools.com/php/func_array_filter.asp They state:

array                   Required. Specifies the array to filter
callbackfunction        Required. Specifies the callback function to use

But, the callback function is not required, If no callback is supplied, all entries of array equal to (bool) FALSE will be removed. 

Beware of W3Schools, this is not the first time I see faulty information. (They only want to make money)

end of the warning  >:D

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This isn't the first time they have been noted for inaccuracies. In fact, there is a whole cause behind it - W3Fools.

Usually, such things are better catered for by pages on Mozilla MDN.

We are passionate about the web, learning, and craftsmanship. We want you, as web designers and developers, to be successful in your careers. We feel, though, that W3Schools is harming the community with inaccurate information. Like any other authoritative educational resource, W3Schools should both hold itself to, and be held to, the highest standards.

We hope we can illuminate why W3Schools is a troublesome resource, why their faulty information is a detriment to the web, and what you (and they) can do about it.

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