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Urgent Help needed


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Hi all

I've tried to install ProcessExportProfile now I get a Internal server Error. I can't get to the Admin nor ist the Frontend loading.

In errors.txt there ist following entry.

http://www......./processwire/module/    Compile Error:     Cannot redeclare class MarkupSitemapXML (line 3 of /var/www/...../data/www/......com/site/modules/MarkupSitemapXML/MarkupSitemapXML.module)

does anyone have a quick fix for this problem?

Thanks a lot!

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Not to state the obvious but have you tried deleting the module files from the server? On the exportprofile page it says something about incompatibility with multilang fields. Is there any chance this hampering you? Maybe try deleting/renaming the MarkupSitemapXML.module as a last resort?

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A error message about a class being redeclared means that you have, in this case, two modules with the SAME CLASS name running. Renaming the module alone won't do the trick. You need to open the .module file and rename the class there, e..g MyCustomMarkupSitemapXML. A .module file is just a php file.

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Like Soma says and I alluded to earlier. Check your /sites/modules folder...

if you have a file called MarkupSitemapXML.module inside this file you must also have class MarkupSitemapXML extends.....

if you have a file called MyMarkupSitemapXML.module inside this file you must also have class MyMarkupSitemapXML extends....

In other words, the class and module name should match..... 


Btw, You would also have to rename related .css and .js files if you want them to be loaded with the module.

Edit2: Was a bit misleading; edited for clarity.

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Glad you sorted it. One thing I love about PHP is that it gives you very useful, meaningful feedback/error messages...unlike Windows which would say something along the lines "Something went wrong...and we've had to shut down the system" - bang BSOD!...I digress; I love my W7....

Edited by kongondo
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