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FrontendUserProfile module issue


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I am having a strange issue that I can't quite figure out. I have a frontenduserprofile module setup on my processwire site, and it works flawlessly on a local testing environment, however I keep getting "Fatal error: Exception: Method Page::renderLoginForm does not exist or is not callable in this context" when visiting the site on the live test server. Here is the live page: http://icareforthecure.com/test/donations/

Here is my template code for the page: http://code.stypi.com/i3i2uno/donationsPage.php

And here is the module code: http://code.stypi.com/i3i2uno/frontenduserprofile.php

Any ideas on why the page isn't loading??

Thank you in advance!

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I really wonder why this would work locally cause the hooks you have are wrong and can't work:

$this->addHookAfter('Page::renderLoginForm', $this, 'renderLoginForm');

should be 

$this->addHook('Page::renderLoginForm', $this, 'renderLoginForm');

Edit: Strange as it seems to work with both for me on different installs. Seems it doesn't matter if addHook or addHookAfter, but I thought there were some case where I remember it would throw an error. What PW version do you have on both?

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I think you would also want to make sure the module is really loaded. If you tinkered with the autoload => true at some point you would have to reinstall the module.

You could also make sure with in template

   echo "is not installed";

// now it would be loaded


Something I noticed is that strange ugly $GLOBALS you use


you could just use

wire("config")->urls->templates . "styles/images/loginPic.png";

which will always return correct url. But then I don't understand what your baseUrl should be good for, as you use it also for a redirect.. ? I guess you have pw installed in a subdirectory? But pw urls methods will already include that.

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Thanks for the Help Soma. Yea I am still getting use to php and processwire. I will definitely nix the use of the $GLOBALS upon final testing. Just using it due to where I am loading the site.

As for the issue. It seems that either addHookAfter or addHook work. It was all an issue with the fact that the FieldtypeSelect.module wasn't loaded or installed correctly. Once that got re-installed all was fine.

Once again thanks for the help! Processwire's forums are great!

Oh and btw, I am using version 2.3.0, just fyi. Not that it probably matters anymore!

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