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CKEditor Justify Plugin Walkthrough


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Here is a simple tutorial how to enable the Justify capability in CKEditor

  • First, download the plugin at http://ckeditor.com/addon/justify . Copy the "justify" folder to the "plugins" folder under ckeditor in your modules directory and upload to server.
  • Edit the field that is using the ckeditor and go to the input tab..
  • Under CKEditor Setting > CKEditor Toolbar insert the following line where you want the icons to appear: JustifyLeft, JustifyCenter, JustifyRight, JustifyBlock
  • Use ACF? choose "No"
  • Under Extra Plugins insert: justify


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Thanks for the tutorial webweaver. Any idea why it's necessary to turn off ACF? The only reason I could think of is if the justify plugin isn't registering its markup/attributes with CKEditor, but that would be unusual given that it's included with CKEditor. I think ACF is a good thing and I avoid disabling it if at all possible.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Has anyone here gotten "Underline" or TextColor to work ? 

I also downloaded the modules but i just wont show up, Acf is off and Justify works fine, also "Strike" but not Undeline which is somewhat strange as they are in the same package (basicstyles)  :(

DevTools show that panelbutton.js is not found, however im calling "colorbutton" as plugin

EDIT: Ok Underline was hidden in config, but TextColor still doesnt work and completly crashes the editor when loading

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  • 7 months later...

hi everyone,

is this still the only option to get the text-align buttons to ckeditor? also copying the justify plugin to wire/modules/InputfieldCKEditor is not the best thing as the wire folder will be overwritten on PW updates, no?

thanks for your help.

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hi everyone,

is this still the only option to get the text-align buttons to ckeditor? also copying the justify plugin to wire/modules/InputfieldCKEditor is not the best thing as the wire folder will be overwritten on PW updates, no?

thanks for your help.

Read about the new way of installing CKE plugins over here:

http://www.flamingruby.com/blog/processwire-weekly-13/#1-2 and more here


There's a forum post that I can't find now....

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  • 5 years later...

thx to @wbmnfktr I learned that it is actually a lot easier to use some plugins that ship with the PW core: Just add the name of the plugin in the CKEditor Toolbar textarea and you are done!

No extra download, no copying of any files, nothing ? I was always avoiding adding plugins because it seemed so complicated... I'll start using them more often now ? 

I think this does only work if you have AdminOnSteroids installed ? 

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