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Up and running with web matrix?


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I am a cms hobbyist.  I've got a little experience with wordpress, a little with drupal, a little with orchard.  I just heard about Processwire on a music producer forum I hang out on, and I was hoping somebody could help me get this up and running using Microsofts Web Matrix, so I can check it out.


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Maybe it would be interesting to submit pw to the webmatrix gallery. I'm not sure what would be needed to run on a windows server, but here is how to package and apply to be in the gallery http://www.iis.net/learn/develop/windows-web-application-gallery/package-an-application-for-the-windows-web-application-gallery

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Hi Jonathan,

First, welcome to the forums! Music producer forum sounds like Joss?

Sorry, I don't have specific answers but I think one of the main problems you'd run into is .htaccess. From what I understand, Webmatrix does not support that. PHP and MysQL will be fine (I think) from what I've read.

If you really want to try PW locally, I'd suggest you use WAMP or XAMPP if you are on a PC, which I guess you are since you use Webmatrix?

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Hi kongondo, 

I don't have a problem using XAMPP, I've already installed the package for windows, but I'm having trouble figuring out the next step.  I've got ProcessWire zip downloaded, unzipped, and placed in my document.  Obviously, I have to run XAMPP, but what do I do next?


I'm from the Renoise Forums.  My name over there is 2 daze j, my twitter name is jonathan_five, so I guess since I signed up here with my twitter account, I used my twitter name to match.  Here is the thread @ Renoise where this software came up.


Web Matrix, is that like CPanel for IIS or something? Do you have to use it, or can you install PHP applications the manual way?

Its fancy meeting you here.

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You should look up XAMPP instructions for e.g. Joomla on Youtube. There are great simple video tutorials that show you how to set up a database and run your PHP app. I think you'd be able to follow along with ProcessWire files & setup just fine.

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