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RockFrontend πŸ”₯πŸš€ The Powerful Toolbox for ProcessWire Frontend Development


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thanks @bernhard for this module! it makes my code so much more organized & the content easier to maintain.

but i am not able to setup an ajax endpoint: i get a 404 error in return.

  • file lives in /site/templates/ajax/
  • i am logged in as a superuser.
  • URL has no trailing slash.

also the modules settings says: "No endpoints found."

what am i doing wrong?

PW 3.0.240, RockFrontend 3.21.2, RockPageBuilder 5.8.0



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  On 10/27/2024 at 9:51 AM, herr rilke said:

thanks @bernhard for this module! it makes my code so much more organized & the content easier to maintain.


Great to hear that!

  On 10/27/2024 at 9:51 AM, herr rilke said:

what am i doing wrong?


I can't know if you don't share the exact steps you did. I don't know which file you created. I don't know which url you entered... Maybe it's just a typo!

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hello bernhard,
Thank you for your quick response.
I found out that the whole thing doesn't work on my local Windows development computer - but it does on my Linux web server.

could this be related to file permissions? It's just a "copied version" - copied from Windows to the live server.

What would be a starting point?

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good morning @bernhard!

this ist bd($rockfrontend) in site/ready.php

debug info:

folders: array
0 => 'C:/wamp64/www/qualiguide/site/templates/'
1 => 'C:/wamp64/www/qualiguide/site/assets/'
2 => 'C:/wamp64/www/qualiguide/'
liveReload: RockFrontend\LiveReload
interval: 1
includeDefaults: array
0 => 'C:/wamp64/www/qualiguide/site/'
1 => 'C:/wamp64/www/qualiguide/RockShell/docs'
2 => 'C:/wamp64/www/qualiguide/RockShell/App'
include: array (0)
excludeDefaults: array
exclude: array (0)
autoloadStyles: ProcessWire\WireArray
count: 1
items: array
'StylesArray:0' => RockFrontend\StylesArray #447 …
autoloadScripts: ProcessWire\WireArray
count: 1
items: array
'ScriptsArray:0' => RockFrontend\ScriptsArray #453 …
ajaxEndpoints: array (0)

Full Object:

addMarkup: null
ajax: false
ajaxFolders: array
'/ajax/' => '/C:/wamp64/www/qualiguide/site/templates/ajax/'
alfredCache: ProcessWire\WireData
autoloadScripts: ProcessWire\WireArray
autoloadStyles: ProcessWire\WireArray
contenttype: 'text/html'
createManifest: false
folders: ProcessWire\WireArray
home: ProcessWire\HomePage
hasAlfred: false
isLiveReload: false
js: array (0)
langMaps: null
latte: null
latteWithLayout: null
layoutFile: '_main.latte'
layoutFolders: ProcessWire\WireArray
liveReload: RockFrontend\LiveReload
manifest: null
noAssets: false
noLayoutFile: ''
onceKeys: array (0)
path: 'C:/wamp64/www/qualiguide/site/modules/RockFrontend/'
postCSS: ProcessWire\WireData
remBase: 16
scripts: ProcessWire\WireData
seo: null
sitemapCallback: Closure($page)
file: 'C:\wamp64\www\qualiguide\site\modules\RockFrontend\RockFrontend.module.php:2741'
sitemapOptions: array (0)
styles: ProcessWire\WireData
translations: array (0)
viewfolders: array (0)
data: array
useFuel: true
_instanceNum: 144
localHooks: array (0)
_wireHooks: ProcessWire\WireHooks
trackChanges: 0
changes: array (0)
_notices: array
'errors' => null
'warnings' => null
'messages' => null
_wire: ProcessWire\ProcessWire
status: 4
statusNames: array
debug: true
fuel: ProcessWire\Fuel
data: array (35) …
lock: array (20) …
requiredInterfaces: array (1) …
pathSave: 'C:\wamp64\www\qualiguide'
fileSave: 'C:/wamp64/www/qualiguide/site/ready.php'
updater: unset
instanceID: 0
shutdown: ProcessWire\WireShutdown
useFuel: true
_instanceNum: 6
localHooks: array (0)


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Hey @herr rilke there was an issue with the ajax feature both on windows installations and on subfolder installations. I think they should be fixed now!

Please check out v3.23

PS: Thx for your help with the windows path issue @dotnetic, the final fix was a little bit more complicated though πŸ˜… 



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Just download it from github and remove /site/modules/RockFrontend and then add the new files there https://github.com/baumrock/RockFrontend/archive/refs/heads/main.zip or https://github.com/baumrock/RockFrontend/releases

I've found an issue on my project but let me know if the new version works for you nonetheless.

Please use v3.23.1 !

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@herr rilke please provide step by step instructions what you did. Provide every file name you created, every file content you put into it, every url you put into your browser. Every important detail about the pw installation (eg is it in a subfolder or not)...

@dotnetic just confirmed that it works for him on windows + in subfolder installation

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problem was on my side (forgot that i put it here, yesterday) :


// PrΓΌfen, ob der Aufruf per AJAX erfolgt
if (!$config->ajax) {
    echo "Forbidden";

// Beispielantwort
echo "Dies ist die Antwort von /ajax/foo";

after deleting the first part, everything works just fine!

thank you guys for your support!


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RockFrontend v3.23.2

  • PW functions like wire() or modules() are now available in latte files πŸ˜ That also means that translations via __(...) now work natively!
  • Several fixes and improvements for the AJAX Endpoints feature
  • Improvements to the quite new field() method
  • Improved consent tools
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  • 2 months later...

I have problem with your module.
When I click in settings for example on SEO I get Class "DOMDocument" not found error.

Here is screenshot:



I have dedicated server with PHP 8.4 and MySQL91.

Same error is also with RockPdf.
Is there aby issue with this ?

Let me know how to fix this.


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Just released v5.0.0 of RockFrontend

  • LiveReload has been removed (moved to RockDevTools)
  • styles() and scripts() feature has been removed (moved to RockDevTools)

RockDevTools is unfortunately not a drop-in-replacement as we had to change how assets are handled and included into the final website markup.

The good news is that RockDevTools also supports merging multiple files to one and it will also work with template cache enabled πŸ™‚ 

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@bernhard I stumbled upon the release of RockDevTools in your newsletter.

I mainly used the LiveReload and Asset Minification feature of RockFrontend (if not only those features :-))

Is RockFrontend Deprecated in the near future and would you advice switching to RockDevTools in that case?

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  On 2/3/2025 at 9:07 AM, Stefanowitsch said:

Is RockFrontend Deprecated in the near future and would you advice switching to RockDevTools in that case?


RockFrontend will not be deprecated. I need it for every project. I just moved styles() and scripts() and LiveReload to another module.

Regarding asset minification: I need that on almost every module that I create. I have some CSS or LESS files in the module's /src folder and I want to compile them to CSS / minified CSS. I did that using RockFrontend, which is not really what the module was built for. Now this is done with RockDevTools.

Same for LiveReload. I need LiveReload for development, both on the frontend and on the backend. All the time. But only on my development machine, not on production. That's how RockDevTools works now.

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Can you give me an advice on this?

Following the code examples here https://www.baumrock.com/en/processwire/modules/rockdevtools/docs/assets/

I put this code here inside my <head>

<?= $rockfrontend()->styleTag('/site/templates/styles/styles.min.css'); ?>
<?= $rockfrontend()->scriptTag('/site/templates/scripts/scripts.min.js', 'defer'); ?>

I then get this error message in the frontend:


Too few arguments to function ProcessWire\WireData::__invoke(), 0 passed in /var/www/html/site/templates/elements/_head.php on line 18 and exactly 1 expected searchβ–Ί

Line 18 is this line here:

<?= $rockfrontend()->styleTag('/site/templates/styles/styles.min.css'); ?>


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